AMBER OBSERVATIONS: Meta-data-set MSM12_4a

1.) General description of the data set:

A transect of the Baltic Sea was sampled for measuring dissolved organic nitrogen (DON)- vs. dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN)- uptake rates. Furthermore the concentration of DOM was performed at the ship using ultra-filtration.

2.) Created:

February 2010

3.) Last update:


4.) Keywords:

Baltic Sea, stable isotopes, DON uptake, DIN uptake

5.) Area:

Transect of the North Sea/Baltic Sea

6.) Spatial extension:

Latitude: 54-66 ¡N; Longitude: 7-23 ¡E 

7.) Spatial resolution:

 (see station map)

Time window:


9.) Temporal resolution:

Selected sampling

10.) Data:

Nutrient-, Chl. a-, POM- (particular organic matter), and DOM- (dissolved organic matter) concentrations, DON and DIN uptake rates, oxygen and nitrogen stable isotopes of nitrate

11.) Reference to other data sets:


12.) Data quality (degree of validation):

Not validated

13.) Where to find the data?

Not yet published

14.) Contact person:

Frederike Korth
Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research
Seestr. 15
D-18119 WarnemŸnde



Figure 1: Station map of the MSM 12 4a cruise. Crosses denote stations. On the red marked stations samples were taken for our analysis.