AMBER OBSERVATIONS: Meta-data-set Nemunas

1.) General description of the data set:

Two times a transect of the Nemunas outflow were sampled for the horizontal and vertical nutrient distribution, salinity and oxygen contents, nitrate uptake rates and for the oxygen and nitrogen stable isotopes of nitrate.

2.) Created:

March 2009

3.) Last update:

April 2009

4.) Keywords:

Baltic Sea, Nemunas, stable isotopes, nitrogen uptake

5.) Area:

Nemunas outflow

6.) Spatial extension:

Latitude: 55.7- 55.75 N; Longitude: 20.8-21.1 E 

7.) Spatial resolution:

Horizontal (see station map) Vertical: surface, Chl. a maximum

8.) Time window:


9.) Temporal resolution:


10.) Data:

Investigation of concentrations of NO3-, NO2-, PO43-, Si, Chl. a, POM (particular organic matter) and DON (dissolved organic nitrogen), salinity and oxygen contents, nitrate uptake rates and the oxygen and nitrogen stable isotopes of nitrate.

11.) Reference to other data sets:


12.) Data quality (degree of validation):

Not validated

13.) Where to find the data?

Not yet published

14.) Contact person:

PD Dr. Maren Voß and Frederike Korth
Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research
Seestr. 15
D-18119 Warnemünde

Figure 1: Station map of the Nemunas outflow. Crosses denote stations of transect 1 and diamonds denote stations of transect 2.