MONITORING DATA: Meta-data-set Mesozooplankton

1.) General description of the data set:

Data sets of mesozooplankton abundance and biomass from Northern Baltic Sea coast (Archipelago Sea, Finland). The data sets are vertically integrated over the euphotic zone. The data are representative of one location. The data are monthly observations.

2.) Created:

1966 to 1985, and 1991 continuing

3.) Last update:

September 2009

4.) Keywords:

Baltic Sea, Monitoring, Mesozooplankton

5.) Area:

Northern Baltic Sea, coastal area, arcipelago

6.) Spatial extension:

Latitude: 60°15,347 N; Longitude: 21° 57,111 E ; Depth: from 20 meters depth up to the surfgace

7.) Spatial resolution:

Horizontal: one spot, Vertical: 0 - 20 m

8.) Time window:

1966 to 1985, and 1991 up to present day

9.) Temporal resolution:

Monthly observations

10.) Data:

Abundance and biomass of the taxonomical groups of Rotifers, Cladocera and Copepoda, including occasional findings of other taxa.

ophyceae, and others.

11.) Reference to other data sets:

There are hydrographic and chemical data from the same location and time period, which include temperature, salinity, and nutrients (starting in early 1980´s).

12.) Data quality (degree of validation):

validated through several publications.

13.) Where to find the data?

Data centre of EUROOCEANS (later period of the plankton data), and Finnish Institute of Marine Research (early part of plankton data and hydrography), South-West Finland Environmental centre (HERTTA) .

14.) Contact person:

Dr. Ilppo Vuorinen

University of Turku

Archipelago Research Institute

e-mail: ilppovuo at