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Looking beneath the surface of the changing oceans: IOW supports successful deployment of new Argo Float sensors

An Argo float is being deployed by IOW researchers in the Baltic Sea from aboard the research vessel "Elisabeth Mann Borgese" in March 2021 as part of the DArgo2025 project.
Argo Floats can collect data in the ocean all year round with a very large spatial and temporal coverage and high reliability in a way that is not achievable by any research vessel. (Photo: IOW / M. Naumann)

As part of the DArgo2025 project, Germany’s Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH) coordinated the successful validation and deployment of new sensors on automated drifting buoys, so-called Argo floats. These sensors can now be deployed worldwide and thus provide information about current environmental changes in the oceans, such as increasing eutrophication, oxygen depletion, and acidification. In this context, the IOW evaluated novel nutrient sensors that were tested in the Baltic Sea. The project, which ended in December 2021, was funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research.

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