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CoTrans - KüNO Dachprojekt - Koordination und Transfer; Leitantrag; Vorhaben: Koordination

The KüNO umbrella project 'Coordination and Transfer' contributes to a coherent trans- and interdisciplinary
coastal research in Germany through cross-topic coordination and networking of the KüNO research
projects among each other and at national level. It promotes the transfer of KüNO research results into
practice as part of a continuous stakeholder dialogue process. It thus supports stakeholders at European,
national and local level in their decisions and tasks in coastal protection, coastal management, nature
conservation and marine protection. Civil society and politics are enabled to acquire scientifically sound
knowledge about the effects of global change on the coasts, the sustainable use of resources and the
protection of marine habitats. Furthermore, open access to research data for scientists and stakeholders
will be ensured and finally, the