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Projekt: Quantifizierung der Wassermassentransformation in der Arkonasee, Impact of offshore wind farms

Akronym: QuantAS-Off
Titel: Quantifizierung der Wassermassentransformation in der Arkonasee, Impact of offshore wind farms
Laufzeit: 01.09.2004 - 31.08.2009
Projektleiter: Prof. Dr. Hans Burchard
Finanzierung: BMU (Bundesministerium für Umwelt und Reaktorsicherheit)
Schwerpunkt: Transport und Transformationsprozesse (bis 2012)
Sektion: Physikalische Ozeanographie und Messtechnik

Rostock University, Germany
Hannover University, Germany
FWG Kiel, Kiel, Germany
Earth Science Center, University of Gothenburg, Sweden
Farandsvæsenet, Denmark
Institute of Oceanology of the Polish Academy of Science, Sopot, Poland


The effect of potential wind farms in the Western Baltic is investigated with a focus on the additional mixing caused by the foundations. The key question is to which extent these wind farms may affect the inflow of oxygenated waters from the North Sea that are crucial for the Baltic ecosystem. The project includes field observations and an extensive modeling program. 
