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Chinese-German expedition in the South China Sea investigates impact of megacities on coastal seas

research vessel Hai Yang Di Zhi
Eight IOW researchers and 44 scientists from the Chinese partner institutes of the German-Chinese joint project MEGAPOL coordinated by the IOW are on board the research vessel "Hai Yang Di Zhi". (Photo: IOW)

On September 1, 2018, a ship-based research cruise starts from Guangzhou down the Pearl River to the coastal areas of the South China Sea. As part of the joint German-Chinese project MEGAPOL (short for "Megacity's fingerprint in Chinese marginal seas: Investigation of pollutant fingerprints and dispersal"), which is coordinated by the IOW, the 30-day cruise is investigating environmental impacts caused by conurbations with up to 100 million inhabitants on adjacent sea areas. IOW researcher Joanna Waniek is co-chief scientist of the expedition.

Read the full press release:
