How to get to Warnemuende

Arrival by airplane

If you arrive by plane, the airports of Hamburg (HAM), Berlin (Tegel (TXL) and Schönefeld (SXF)), as well as Hamburg/Lübeck (LBC) or Rostock/Laage (RLG) will be your destinations. By train you need about 1.5 - 2.5 hours from Hamburg and about 2.5 - 3.5 hours from Berlin to Rostock. If you find your way to Rostock from Berlin by train, choosing the "Ostseeticket" (Baltic Sea ticket) may be a less expensive ticket than the regular train ticket. For conditions see the Deutsche Bahn website (unfortunately, in German only).

From Rostock Hbf the S-Bahn directed to Warnemuende will bring you to the Technologie Zentrum Warnemuende (leave the train at the station "Warnemuende Werft" and the IOW (leave the train at the last station).

  • Check train departures at: Deutsche Bahn
  • Check for local transport in Rostock: RSAG

Arrvial by railway

From southern directions you probably pass Berlin or from western direction Hamburg to reach Rostock by train.

From Rostock Hbf the S-Bahn directed to Warnemuende will bring you to the Technologie Zentrum Warnemuende (leave the train at the station "Warnemuende Werft" and the IOW (leave the train at the last station).

  • Check train departures at: Deutsche Bahn
  • Check for local transport in Rostock: RSAG

Arrival by car

Coming from the south, or from the east and west

You arrive at Rostock either by autobahn A19 to A20 or A20 directly. The best exit will be Rostock-West.

For Warnemünde you just follow the 103 to Warnemünde and then via L12 to the IOW.
To get to the Technologie Zetrum Warnemuende please turn left at the second traffic lights having entered Warnemuende and follow the signs.

Coming from the north (by ferry)

We recommend to leave the harbour via 105 (Warnow-Tunnel, toll of approx. 3,60€ for a regular car) and reach Warnemünde via 103 (see above).