Publication List 1998
- Alheit, J., K.-G. Barthel, K. Brander, F. Carlotti, R. Harris, C. Koutsikopoulos, B. MacKenzie, G. Paffenhöfer, H. Roe and K. Tande, Eds. (1998). EUROGLOBEC - Science plan: report of an int. workshop org. jointly by the MAST Programme of the Europ.Comm. , DG XII/D-3 , and the Baltic Sea Research Institute Warnemünde. Warnemünde, 13-15 Oct. 1997. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities. 76 S. (Ecosystems reseach report; 27)
- Alheit, J., M. O'Toole and J. Hunter (1998). SPACC in Africa : pelagic fish populations, climate variability, and ocean dynamics. Glob. change newsl. 35: 23-25
- Arndt, C., D. Schiedek and H. Felbeck (1998). Anaerobiosis in the hydrothermal vent tube worm Riftia pachyptila. Cah. biol. mar. 39: 271-273
- Arndt, C., D. Schiedek and H. Felbeck (1998). Metabolic responses of the hydrothermal vent tube worm Riftia pachyptila to severe hypoxia. Mar. ecol. prog. ser. 174: 151-158
- Bennike, O., W. Lemke and J. B. Jensen (1998). Fauna and flora in submarine early-Holocene lake-marl deposits from the southwestern Baltic Sea. 8, 3: 353-358
- Bodungen, B. v. (1998). Baltic Sea Systems Study (Project BASYS). In: Third European Marine Science and Technology Conference, Lisbon, 23-27 May 1998 : project synopses. Ed. by K.-G. Barthel, H. Barth, M. Bohle-Carbonell, C. Fragakis, E. Lipiatou, P. Martin, G. Ollier and M. Weydert. Luxembourg: Office for Offic. Publ. of the Europ. Comm.: 420-429
- Bodungen, B. v. (1998). Eine kurze Geschichte der Meereskunde. 3, 2: 14-15
- Bodungen, B. v. (1998). Prolog. In: Oestersoen : ti lande - et hav = Die Ostsee : zehn Länder - ein Meer. Flensburg: Signet-Verl.: 7-26
- Bodungen, B. v. and C. Zülicke (1998). BASYS - Baltic Sea Systems Study. Added value to regional efforts in system analysis? (Abstract). In: Third European Marine Science and Technology Conference, Lisbon, 23-27 May 1998 : conference proceedings. Ed. by K.-G. Barthel, M. Suranyi, H. Barth, M. Bohle-Carbonell, M. Cornaert, E. Fragakis, D. Levieil, P. Lipiatou, G. Martin, G. Ollier, P. Seifert, T. Tianen and J. Verborgh. Luxembourg: Office for Offic. Publ. of the Europ. Comm.: 347-348
- Boetius, A. and E. Damm (1998). Benthic oxygen uptake, hydrolytic potentials and microbial biomass at the Arctic continental slope. Deep-sea res. Pt. 1. 45: 239-275
- Bohling, G. C., J. C. Davis, R. A. Olea and J. Harff (1998). Singularity and nonnormality in the classification of compositional data. Math. geol. 30: 5-20
- Bonn, W. J., F. X. Gingele, H. Grobe, A. Mackensen and D. K. Fütterer (1998). Paleoproductivity at the Antarctic continental margin: opal and barium records of the last 400 kyr. Palaeogeogr., palaeoclimatol., palaeoecol. 139: 195-211
- Breitenbach, E., R. Lampe and T. Leipe (1998). Saisonale und räumliche Variationen im Stoffbestand von Schwebstoffen des Oderästuars. 6: 35-47
- Capone, D. G., A. Subramaniam, J. P. Montoya, M. Voss, C. Humborg, A. J. Johansen, R. L. Siefert and E. J. Carpenter (1998). An extensive bloom of the N2 fixing cyanobacterium Trichodesmium erythraeum in the Central Arabian Sea during the spring intermonsoon. Mar. ecol. prog. ser. 172: 281-292
- Coombs, S., R. Harris, I. Perry and J. Alheit (1998). Globec special issue. Fish. oceanogr. 7: 175-397
- Dannenberger, D. (1998). PCB und Organochlorpestizide im Wasser der Ostsee - "Contamination" oder "Pollution"? : the distribution of PCBs and organochlorine pesticides in the Baltic Sea. Wasser Boden 50, 5: 31-36
- Dannenberger, D. and A. Lerz (1998). Chlorierte Kohlenwasserstoffe in Sedimenten der Boddengewässer Mecklenburg-Vorpommerns. 6: 91-107
- Dannenberger, D. and A. Lerz (1998). Chlorinated hydrocarbons in river sediments of Mecklenburg-West Pomerania - patterns, levels, and regional distribution. Acta hydrochim. hydrobiol. 26: 263-271
- Dippner, J. W. (1997). A note on SST anomalies in the North Sea in relation to the North Atlantic Oscillation and the potential influence on the theoretical spawning time of fish. Dtsch. hydrogr. Z. 49: 267-275
- Dippner, J. W. (1997). Recruitment success of different fish stocks in the North Sea in relation to climate variability. Dtsch. hydrogr. Z. 49: 277-293
- Dippner, J. W. (1998). Competition between different groups of phytoplankton for nutrients in the southern North Sea. J. mar. syst. 14: 181-198
- Dippner, J. W. (1998). Vorticity analysis of transient shallow water fields at the river plume front of the river Elbe in the German Bight. J. mar. syst. 14: 117-133
- Duffek, A., T. Leipe and M. Kersten (1998). Vergleichende Untersuchungen zur Schwermetallverteilung in den Oberflächensedimenten der inneren ostdeutschen Küstengewässer. 6: 111
- Emeis, K.-C. (1998). Inventory and description of sediment cores taken during GOBEX. In: Gotland Basin Experiment (GOBEX) status report on investigations concerning benthic processes, sediment formation and accumulation. Warnemünde: Institut für Ostseeforschung (Meereswissenschaftliche Berichte; 34): 13-16
- Emeis, K.-C. and T. Sakamoto (1998). The sapropel theme of leg 160. Proc. ODP: sci. results 160: 29-36
- Emeis, K.-C. and U. Struck (1998). Gotland Basin Experiment (GOBEX): status report on investigations concerning benthic processes, sediment formation and accumulation. In: Gotland Basin Experiment (GOBEX) status report on investigations concerning benthic processes, sediment formation and accumulation. Warnemünde: Institut für Ostseeforschung (Meereswissenschaftliche Berichte; 34): 2-12
- Emeis, K.-C. and U. Struck, Eds. (1998). Gotland Basin Experiment (GOBEX) status report on investigations concerning benthic processes, sediment formation and accumulation. Warnemünde: Institut für Ostseeforschung. 124 S. (Meereswissenschaftliche Berichte; 34)
- Emeis, K.-C., H.-M. Schulz, U. Struck, T. Sakamoto, H. Doose, H. Erlenkeuser, M. Howell, D. Kroon and M. Paterne (1998). Stable isotope and alkenone temperature records of sapropels from sites 964 and 967: constraining the physical environment of sapropel formation in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea. Proc. ODP: sci. results 160: 309-331
- Emeis, K.-C., T. Neumann, R. Endler, U. Struck, H. Kunzendorf and C. Christiansen (1998). Geochemical records of sediment in the Eastern Gotland Basin - products of sediment dynamics in a not-so-stagnant anoxic basin? Appl. geochem. 13: 349-358
- Emmrich, J., I. Weber, M. Nausch, G. Sparmann, K. Koch, M. Seyfahrt, M. Löhr and S. Liebe (1998). Immunohistochemical characterization of the pancreatic cellular infiltrate in normal pancreas, chronic pancreatitis and pancreatic carcinoma. 59: 192-198
- Endler, R. (1998). Acoustic studies. In: Gotland Basin Experiment (GOBEX) status report on investigations concerning benthic processes, sediment formation and accumulation. Warnemünde: Institut für Ostseeforschung (Meereswissenschaftliche Berichte; 34): 21-34
- Endler, R. (1998). Multi-sensor core logs of GOBEX gravity cores. In: Gotland Basin Experiment (GOBEX) status report on investigations concerning benthic processes, sediment formation and accumulation. Warnemünde: Institut für Ostseeforschung (Meereswissenschaftliche Berichte; 34): 38-54
- Endler, R. and T. Flodén (1998). Bathymetry. In: Gotland Basin Experiment (GOBEX) status report on investigations concerning benthic processes, sediment formation and accumulation. Warnemünde: Institut für Ostseeforschung (Meereswissenschaftliche Berichte; 34): 17-20
- Feistel, R. (1998). Evolution im Eigenschaftsraum. In: Evolution und Irreversibilität. Ed. by H.-J. Krug and L. Pohlmann. Berlin: Duncker & Humblot (Selbstorganisation : Jahrbuch für Komplexität in den Natur-, Sozial- und Geisteswissenschaften ; 8): 97-111
- Feistel, R. (1998). On the physical chemistry of seawater with deviating ion composition. Z. phys. Chem. 204: 27-44
- Feistel, R. (1998). Thermodynamic properties of sea-water and sea-ice. 23: 56-57
- Feistel, R. and E. Hagen (1998). A Gibbs thermodynamic potential of sea ice. Cold reg. sc. technol. 28: 83-142
- Fennel, K. (1998). Ein gekoppeltes, dreidimensionales Modell der Nährstoff- und Planktondynamik für die westliche Ostsee. Warnemünde: Institut für Ostseeforschung. 97, XIX S. (Meereswissenschaftliche Berichte; 30)
- Fennel, W. (1998). Ozean en miniature: numerische Zirkulationsmodelle in der modernen Ozeanographie. 3, 2: 19-22
- Fennel, W. and O. M. Johannessen (1998). Wind forced oceanic responses near ice edges revisited. J. mar. syst. 14: 57-79
- Gerth, M. and H. Siegel (1998). Absorption of phytoplankton in the Baltic Sea. In: 2nd International Workshop on MOS-IRS and Ocean Colour : Berlin, June 10-12, 1998. Berlin: Wissenschaft und Technik: 283-288
- Gingele, F. X. and T. Leipe (1998). Distribution and enrichment of redox-sensitive metals in Baltic Sea sediments. 11: 5-16
- Gingele, F. X., P. J. Müller and R. Schneider (1998). Orbital forcing of freshwater input in the Congo-Fan area - clay mineral evidence from the last 200 kyr. Palaeogeogr., palaeoclimatol., palaeoecol. 138: 17-26
- Grahl, C., A. Boetius and E.-M. Nöthig (1998). Pelagic-benthic coupling in the Laptev Sea affected by sea ice. In: Land-ocean system in the Siberian Arctic : dynamics and history. Ed. by H. Kassens, H. A. Bauch, I. Dmitrenko, H. Eicken, H.-W. Hubberten, M. Melles, J. Thiede and L. Timokhov. Berlin: Springer: 143-152
- Hagen, E. (1998). EL Nino-like years in the Namibian coastal upwelling. In: EUROCLIVAR. 26
- Hentzsch, B. (1998). Europe on oceans. DGM-Mitt., 4: 12-14
- Heyen, H. and J. W. Dippner (1998). Salinity variability in the German Bight in relation to climate variability. 50: 545-556
- Holfort, J., K. M. Johnson, B. Schneider, G. Siedler and D. W. R. Wallace (1998). Meridional transport of dissolved inorganic carbon in the South Atlantic Ocean. Glob. biogeochem. cycles 12: 479-499
- Humborg, C., G. Nausch, T. Neumann, F. Pollehne and N. Wasmund (1998). The exceptional Oder flood in summer 1997 - the fate of nutrients and particulate organic matter in the Baltic Sea. Dtsch. hydrogr. Z. 50: 169-181
- Humborg, C., T. Neumann, F. Pollehne and N. Wasmund (1998). The fate of Oder discharge during an exceptional high flood in summer. (Abstract). In: HELCOM scientific workshop : the effects of the 1997 flood of the Odra and Vistula Rivers, 12-14 January, Hamburg. Hamburg und Rostock: Bundesamt für Seeeschiffahrt und Hydrographie (Berichte des Bundesamtes für Seeeschiffahrt und Hydrographie; 13): 39
- Hunter, J. R. and J. Alheit (1997). GLOBEC small pelagic fishes and climate change program : implementation plan. 11: 1-36
- Jost, G. and F. Pollehne (1998). Coupling of autotrophic and heterotrophic processes in an estuarine mixing gradient (Pomeranian Bight, Southern Baltic Sea). 363: 107-115
- Jähmlich, S. and G. Graf (1998). Experimente zur Aggregation bodennaher Partikel aus der Mecklenburger Bucht. 6: 59-76
- Jähmlich, S. and L. Thomsen (1998). An in situ experiment to investigate the modification of particulate matter and urea above a benthic sandy silt community in the Baltic Sea. 375/376: 353-361
- Jähmlich, S., U. Struck, G. Graf and B. Springer (1998). Particle quality in the bottom boundary layer of the Gotland Basin. In: Gotland Basin Experiment (GOBEX) status report on investigations concerning benthic processes, sediment formation and accumulation. Warnemünde: Institut für Ostseeforschung (Meereswissenschaftliche Berichte; 34): 97-109
- Kannan, N., G. Petrick, R. Bruhn and D. E. Schulz-Bull (1998). Structure dependent seperation method for non-ortho PCBs with matrix-integrated quality control: a multidimensional analytical approach. 37: 2385-2393
- Kasten, S., T. Freudenthal, F. X. Gingele and S. H. D. (1998). Simultaneous formation of iron-rich layers at different redox boundaries in sediment of the Amazon deep-sea fan. Geochim. cosmochim. acta 62: 2253-2264
- Kersten, M., S. Thomsen, W. Priebsch and C.-D. Garbe-Schönberg (1998). Scavenging and particles residence times determined from 234Th/238U disequilibria in the coastal waters of Mecklenburg Bay. Appl. geochem. 13: 339-347
- Kröncke, I., J. W. Dippner, H. Heyen and B. Zeiss (1998). Long-term changes in macrofauna communities off Norderney (East Frisia, Germany) in relation to climate variability. Mar. ecol. prog. ser. 167: 25-36
- Krüger, S., W. Roeder, K.-P. Wlost, M. Koch, H. Kaemmerer and T. Knutz (1998). Autonomous Instrumentation Carrier (APIC) with acoustic transmssion for shallow water profiling. In: Oceanology International 98 : the Global Ocean. Brighton: Spearhead Exhibitions Ltd: 149-158
- Kunzendorf, H., K.-C. Emeis and C. Christiansen (1998). Sedimentation in the central Baltic Sea as viewed by non-destructive Pb-210-dating. 98: 1-9
- Kähler, P. (1998). Concerning respiration and the carbon -to-nitrogen ratio of a phytoplankton bloom. Comment to Kepkay et al. (1997). Mar. ecol. prog. ser. 163: 299-301
- Lackschewitz, K. S., K.-H. Baumann, B. Gehrke, H.-J. Wallrabe-Adams, J. Thiede, G. Bonani, R. Endler, H. Erlenkeuser and J. Heinemeier (1998). North Atlantic ice sheet fluctuations 10,000-70,000 yr ago as inferred from deposits on the Reykjanes Ridge, southeast of Greeland. Quat. res. 49: 171-182
- Leipe, T., F. Tauber, L. Brügmann and U. Hennings (1998). Schwermetallverteilung in Oberflächensedimenten der westlichen Ostsee (Arkonabeckenm Mecklenburger/Lübecker Bucht und Kieler Bucht). 50: 137-154
- Leipe, T., J. Eidam, R. Lampe, H. Meyer, T. Neumann, A. Osadczuk, W. Janke, T. Puff, T. Blanz, F. X. Gingele, D. Dannenberger and G. Witt (1998). Das Oderhaff - Beiträge zur Rekonstruktion der holozänen geologischen Entwicklung und anthropogenen Beeinflussung des Oder-Ästuars. Warnemünde: Institut für Ostseeforschung. 61 S. S. (Meereswissenschaftliche Berichte; 28)
- Lemke, W. (1998). Sedimentation und paläogeographische Entwicklung im westlichen Ostseeraum (Mecklenburger Bucht bis Arkonabecken) vom Ende der Weichselvereisung bis zur Litorinatransgression. Warnemünde: Institut für Ostseeforschung. 156 S. (Meereswissenschaftliche Berichte; 31)
- Lemke, W., R. Endler, F. Tauber, J. B. Jensen and O. Bennike (1998). Late and postglacial sedimentation in the Tromper Wiek northeast of Rügen (western Baltic). 50: 155-173
- Lochte, K. (1998). Nachruf auf Holger Windekilde Jannasch. DGM-Mitt., 4: 26-27
- Löffler, A. (1997). Die Bedeutung von Partikeln für die Spurenmetallverteilung in der Ostsee, insbesondere unter dem Einfluß sich ändernder Redoxbedingungen in den zentralen Tiefenbecken. Warnemünde: Institut für Ostseeforschung. 150 S. (Meereswissenschaftliche Berichte; 27)
- Matthiesen, H., K.-C. Emeis and B. T. Jensen (1998). Evidence for phosphate release from sediment in the Gotland Deep during oxic bottom water conditions. 50: 175-190
- Matthäus, W. (1997). Auswirkungen des Einstromgeschehens auf die Meeresumwelt der Ostsee. In: Einfluß von Umwelt und Fischerei auf die Fischbestände in der Ostsee. Ed. by M. v. Lukowicz. Hamburg: Deutscher Fischerei-Verband (Arbeiten des Deutschen Fischerei-Verbandes; 67): 1-27
- Matthäus, W. and H. Schinke (1998). On the causes of major Baltic inflows - an analysis of long time series. Cont. shelf res. 18: 67-97
- Matthäus, W., G. Nausch, H. U. Lass, K. Nagel and H. Siegel (1998). Hydrographisch-chemische Zustandseinschätzung der Ostsee 1997. Warnemünde: Institut für Ostseeforschung. 65 S. (Meereswissenschaftliche Berichte; 29)
- Matthäus, W., G. Nausch, H. U. Lass, K. Nagel and H. Siegel (1998). The Baltic Sea in 1997 - impacts of extremely warm summer and of the exceptional Oder flood. Dtsch. hydrogr. Z. 50: 47-69
- Meyer-Harms, B. and F. Pollehne (1998). Alloxanthin in Dinophysis Norvegica (Dinophysiales, Dinophycea) from the Baltic Sea. J. phycol. 34: 280-285
- Mohrholz, V. (1998). Transport- und Vermischungsprozesse in der Pommerschen Bucht. Warnemünde: Institut für Ostseeforschung. 106 S. (Meereswissenschaftliche Berichte; 33)
- Mohrholz, V., H. U. Lass, W. Matthäus and M. Pastuszak (1998). Oder water and nutrient discharge and salinity distribution in the Pomeranian Bight during the Oder Flood. (Abstract). In: HELCOM scientific workshop : the effects of the 1997 flood of the Odra and Vistula Rivers, 12-14 January, Hamburg. Hamburg und Rostock: Bundesamt für Seeeschiffahrt und Hydrographie (Berichte des Bundesamtes für Seeeschiffahrt und Hydrographie; 13): 33
- Mohrholz, V., M. Pastuszak, S. Stanislaw, K. Nagel and H. U. Lass (1998). The exceptional Oder flood in summer 1997 - riverine mass and nutrient transport into the Pomeranian Bight. Dtsch. hydrogr. Z. 50: 129-144
- Nagel, K., V. Mohrholz and C. Pohl (1998). Distribution patterns of Oder discharges into the Pomeranian Bight what can be expected under 'normal conditions'? (Abstract). Dtsch. hydrogr. Z. 50: 275
- Nausch, G., M. v. Weber and A. Bachor (1998). Temporal development of the distribution of inorganic nutrients and the oxygen situation in the Pomeranian Bight during the flood event. (Abstract). Dtsch. hydrogr. Z. 50: 277
- Nausch, G., M. v. Weber and A. Bachor (1998). Temporal development of the distribution of inorganic nutrients and the oxygen situation in the Pomeranian Bight during the flood event. (Abstract). In: HELCOM scientific workshop : the effects of the 1997 flood of the Odra and Vistula Rivers, 12-14 January, Hamburg. Hamburg und Rostock: Bundesamt für Seeeschiffahrt und Hydrographie (Berichte des Bundesamtes für Seeeschiffahrt und Hydrographie; 13): 37
- Nausch, M. (1998). Alkaline phosphatase activities and the relationship to inorganic phosphate in the Pomeranian Bight (southern Baltic Sea). Aquat. microb. ecol. 16: 87-94
- Nausch, M., D. Setzkorn and R. Bahlo (1998). Freisetzung von aggregatgebundenen Bakterien am Beispiel von Trichodesmium-Kolonien. 6: 123
- Nausch, M., F. Pollehne and E. Kerstan (1998). Extracellular enzyme activities in relation to hydrodynamics in the Pomeranian Bight (Southern Baltic Sea). Microb. ecol. 36: 251-258
- Neumann, T. (1998). The Odra flood event in a coupled physical-chemical-biological model. (Abstract). Dtsch. hydrogr. Z. 50: 279
- Neumann, T. (1998). The Odra flood event in a coupled physical-chemical-biological model. (Abstract). In: HELCOM scientific workshop : the effects of the 1997 flood of the Odra and Vistula Rivers, 12-14 January, Hamburg. Hamburg und Rostock: Bundesamt für Seeeschiffahrt und Hydrographie (Berichte des Bundesamtes für Seeeschiffahrt und Hydrographie; 13): 45
- Neumann, T., K.-C. Emeis and D. Benesch (1998). Major trace element composition of surface sediment cores in the Eastern Gotland Basin - a data report. In: Gotland Basin Experiment (GOBEX) status report on investigations concerning benthic processes, sediment formation and accumulation. Warnemünde: Institut für Ostseeforschung (Meereswissenschaftliche Berichte; 34): 77-83
- Neumann, T., T. Leipe and G. Shimmield (1998). Heavy-metal enrichment in surficial sediments in the Oder River discharge area: source of sink for heavy metals? Appl. geochem. 13: 329-337
- Ohde, T. and H. Siegel (1998). Identification and elimination of bottom influence in satellite data of the visible spectrum. In: 2nd International Workshop on MOS-IRS and Ocean Colour : Berlin, June 10-12, 1998. Berlin: Wissenschaft und Technik: 289-296
- Plähn, O. and M. Rhein (1998). Measured and modeled CFC distribution of lower NADW in the Guiana Basin. J. geophys. res. 103C: 2831-2848
- Pohl, C., U. Hennings, I. Petersohn and H. Siegel (1998). Trace metal budget, transport , modification and sink in the transition area between the Oder and Peene rivers and the southern Pomeranian Bight. Mar. poll. bull. 36: 598-616
- Rhein, M., L. Stramma and G. Krahmann (1998). The spreading of Antarctic bottom water in the tropical Atlantic. Deep-sea res. Pt. 1. 45: 507-527
- Rhein, M., O. Plähn, R. Bayer, L. Stramma and M. Arnold (1998). The temporal evolution of the tracer signal in the Deep Western Boundary Current, tropical Atlantic. J. geophys. res. 103C: 15869-15884
- Ricking, M., H.-M. Schulz and K.-C. Emeis (1998). Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and precursors in dated sediment cores from the Baltic Sea. In: Biogeochemistry of polyarmatic hydrocarbons : occurence, chemistry, biodegradation, toxicity and analysis. Ed. by M. E. Nanny, A. S. E. and E. Lichtfouse. San Diego:
- Robertson, A. H. F., K.-C. Emeis and C. Richter (1998). Collision-related break-up of a carbonate platform (Eratosthenes Seamount) and mud-volcanism on the Mediterranean Ridge: preliminary synthesis and implicationss of tectonic results of ODP Leg 160 in Eastern Mediterranean Sea. In: Geological evolution of ocean basins : results from the Ocean Drilling Program. Ed. by A. Cramp, C. J. MacLeod, S. V. Lee and E. J. W. Jones. London: Geological Society: 243-271
- Robertson, A. H. F., K.-C. Emeis, C. Richter and A. Camerlenghi, Eds. (1998). Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program: Scientific Results. Vol. 160. College Station: Ocean Drilling Program. 817 S.
- Rosell-Mele, A., E. Bard, K.-C. Emeis, P. Farrimond, J. Grimalt, P. J. Müller and R. R. Schneider (1998). Project takes a new look at past sea surface temperature. 79, 33: 393-394
- Rossignol-Strick, M., M. Paterne, F. C. Bassinot, K.-C. Emeis and G. J. De Lange (1998). An unusual mid-Pleistocene monsoon period over Africa and Asia. Nature 392: 269-272
- Saborowski, R., J.-F. Koprivnjak, M. M. Sisak, G. Sahling, F. Bucholz, K. R. Lum and R. Schneider (1997). Ascorbic acid in the gonads of North Sea dab (Limanda limanda) during the reproductive cycle. Can. j. fish. aquat. sc. 54: 2847-2852
- Sakamoto, T., T. Janecek and K.-C. Emeis (1998). Continuous sedimentary sequences from the eastern Mediterranean Sea: composite depth sections. Proc. ODP: sci. results 160: 37-59
- Schiewer, U., G. Jost, K. Gocke, R. Schumann, P. Spittler and R. Heerkloss (1997). Daily pattern of microbial communities in mesocosms. In: Proceedings of the 14th Baltic Marine Biologists Symposium : biodiversity in the Baltic ecosystems, littoral processes, anaerobic processes. Ed. by E. Ojaveere. Tallinn: Estonian Acad. Publ.: 248-259
- Schmidt, K., P. Kähler and B. v. Bodungen (1998). Copepod egg production rates in the Pommeranian Bay (Southern Baltic Sea) as a function of phytoplankton abundance and taxonomic composition. Mar. ecol. prog. ser. 174: 183-195
- Schröder, A. (1998). EURASLIC: 7. Treffen. Bibliotheksdienst 32: 1248-1249
- Schulz, H.-M., A. Schöner, K.-C. Emeis, A. Rosell-Mele, K. Mangelsdorf and J. Rullkötter (1997). Long-chain alkenones in Holocene sediments of the Baltic Sea (Abstract). In: Holocene sediments of the Baltic Sea : 18th International Meeting of Organic Geochemistry; Jülich, September 1997. 279-280
- Schulz-Bull, D. E., G. Petrick, R. Bruhn and J. Duinker (1998). Chlorobiphenyls (PCB) and PAHs in water masses of the Northern North Atlantic. Mar. chem. 61: 101-114
- Schöner, A., D. Menzel, H.-M. Schulz and K.-C. Emeis (1998). Long-chain alkenones in Holocene sediments of the Baltic Sea - a status report. In: Gotland Basin Experiment (GOBEX) status report on investigations concerning benthic processes, sediment formation and accumulation. Warnemünde: Institut für Ostseeforschung (Meereswissenschaftliche Berichte; 34): 122-124
- Siegel, H. (1998/99). Der außergewöhnliche Sommer 1997 in der Ostsee. Tidingsbringer: ein Warnemünder Bäderjournal 3: 60-62
- Siegel, H. and M. Gerth (1998). Distribution of the Oder Flood in the Pomeranian Bight derived from satellite image. (Abstract). In: HELCOM scientific workshop : the effects of the 1997 flood of the Odra and Vistula Rivers, 12-14 January, Hamburg. Hamburg und Rostock: Bundesamt für Seeeschiffahrt und Hydrographie (Berichte des Bundesamtes für Seeeschiffahrt und Hydrographie; 13): 34
- Siegel, H. and M. Gerth (1998). Distribution patterns of Oder discharge in the Pomeranian Bight during the exceptional flood in summer 1997. In: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Remote Sensing for Marine and Coastal Environments : San Diego, 5-7 Oct. 1998. San Diego: 481-485
- Siegel, H., M. Gerth and T. Ohde (1998). Case 1 and case 2 algorithms for MOS-IRS and ocean colour. In: 2nd International Workshop on MOS-IRS and Ocean Colour : Berlin, June 10-12, 1998. Berlin: Wissenschaft und Technik: 155-162
- Siegel, H., M. Gerth and T. Ohde (1998). Case 1 and case 2 algorithms for MOS-IRS and SEAWIFS and their application to different regions. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Ocean Optics XIV (SPIE), Nov. 10-13, 1998, Kailua-Kona, Hawai. SPIE: 1 CD
- Siegel, H., W. Matthäus, R. Bruhn, M. Gerth, G. Nausch, T. Neumann and C. Pohl (1998). The exceptional Oder flood in summer 1997 - distribution patterns of the Oder discharge in the Pomeranian Bight. Dtsch. hydrogr. Z. 50: 145-167
- Sivkov, V., K.-C. Emeis, R. Endler, Y. Zhurov and A. Kuleshov (1998). Observations of the nepheloid layers in the Gotland Deep (August 1994). In: Gotland Basin Experiment (GOBEX) status report on investigations concerning benthic processes, sediment formation and accumulation. Warnemünde: Institut für Ostseeforschung (Meereswissenschaftliche Berichte; 34): 84-96
- Stips, A., H. Prandke and T. Neumann (1998). The structure and dynamics of the Bottom Boundary Layer in shallow seas areas without tidal influence: an experimental approach. Prog. oceanogr. 41: 383-453
- Struck, U., M. Voss, B. v. Bodungen and N. Mumm (1998). Stable isotopes of nitrogen in fossile Cladoceran Exoskeletons: implications for nitrogen sources in the Baltic sea during the past century. Naturwissenschaften 85: 597-603
- Wasmund, N., G. Nausch and W. Matthäus (1998). Phytoplankton spring blooms in the southern Baltic Sea - spatio-temporal development and long term trends. J. plankton res. 20: 1099-1117
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