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Hypoxic and anoxic regions in the Baltic Sea, 1996

The content of this webpage is part of the Marine Science Report No 100 2016 and should be cited as:

Susanne Feistel, Rainer Feistel, Dietwart Nehring, Wolfgang Matthäus, Günther Nausch, Michael Naumann: Hypoxic and anoxic regions in the Baltic Sea, 1969 - 2015. Meereswiss. Ber., Warnemünde, 100 (2016) doi: 10.12754/msr-2016-0100

All version information and information on further technical development are available via the website

Jan/Feb, 1996: download SVG (computed 2016)
Mar/Apr, 1996: download SVG (computed 2016)
Apr/May, 1996: download SVG (computed 2016)
Jul/Aug, 1996: download SVG (computed 2016)
Oct/Nov, 1996: download SVG (computed 2016)
Apr/May & Oct/Nov, 1996: download SVG (computed 2016)
Advective processes linked with minor inflow events in March and June 1996 supplied the deep water of the Bornholm and Gdańsk Deeps with small amounts of oxygen. Conditions in the central Baltic deep water deteriorated due to the continued stagnation. H2S was observed in the Gotland and Fårö Deeps for the first time since 1994. An intensive inflow in the beginning of November, which just failed the criteria for a MBI, transported water with salinities of 26 and 20 g/kg across the Drogden and Darss Sills respectively (MATTHÄUS et al., 1996, 1997).



  • MATTHÄUS, W., NEHRING, D., LASS, H. U., NAUSCH, G., NAGEL, K., SIEGEL, H., 1996: The Baltic Sea in 1996 – Continuation of stagnation and decreasing phosphate concentrations. – Dtsch. Hydrogr. Z., 48, 161-174.
  • MATTHÄUS, W., NEHRING, D., LASS, H. U., NAUSCH, G., NAGEL, K., SIEGEL, H., 1997: Hydrographischchemische Zustandseinschätzung der Ostsee 1996. – Meereswiss. Ber., Warnemünde, 24, 1-49, doi: 10.12754/msr-1997-0024