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Publications of the Geochemistry & Isotope Biogeochemistry Group

- A detailed list is available upon request -



Jenner A.-K. et al. (2024) in revision

Tripp M. et al. (2024) in revision

Elson A.L. et al. (2024) in revision

Roeser P. et al. (2024) SEPM Spec. Publ., in revision

Liang W. et al. (2024) Mineral. Mag., in revision

Meister P.H. & Böttcher M.E. (2024) SEPM Spec Publ., in press

Rodiouchkina K. et al. (2024) accepted

Zeller M.A. et al. (2024) accepted

Jenner A.-K. et al. (2024) Isot. Env. Health Stud., in press

Reckhardt A. et al. (2024) Mar. Chem., in press

Veeningen R. et al. (2024) Mar. Petrol. Geol., 169, 107082

Rodiouchkina K. et al. (2024) EarthArXiv, 1-79.

Greenwood P.F. et al. (2024) Org. Geochem., 196, 104108

Saghravani S.R. et al. (2024) Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 16, 3419–3431,

Wilson S. et al. (2024) Limnol Oceanogr. Letters, 2024, 1-12,

Choisnard N. et al. (2024) J. Geophys. Res. Ocean., 129, e2024JC021004.

Ehlert von Ahn C.M. et al. (2024) Oceanologia, 66, 111-138.

Saghravani S. R. et al. (2024) Earth Syst. Sci. Data Disc.,13, 1-19,

Böttcher M.E. et al. (2024) In: Ecohydrological Interfaces (Krause S., Hannah D.M., Grimm D.B., eds.), Wiley, 123-148.

Rooze J. et al. (2024) Sci. Tot. Env. 906, 167551.

Maxwell T.L. et al. (2023) Sci. Data, 10, 797, 1-14.

Malik C. et al. (2023) Grundwasser, 18, 331-344.

Diak M. et al., (2023) Front. Earth Sci., 11, 1254309

Klipsch S. et al. (2023) Global Planet. Change, 230, 104290.

Zeng L. et al. (2023) Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 362, 22-40.

Tagliavento M. et al. (2023) Rap. Com. Mass Spectr., 2023;37:e9656.

Zwicker J. et al. (2023) Geol. Mag., 160, 1446-1462.

Ehlert von Ahn C.M. et al. (2023) Geochemistry, 125979.

Szymczycha B. et al. (2023) Front. Mar. Sci., 10, 1218245.

Schmidt-Beurmann H. et al. (2023) Terra Nova, 35, 396-403.

Flores E. et al. (2023) Plos One, 18, 1-25.

Tino C.J. et al. (2023) Astrobiology, 23, 1-18.

Lehmann N. et al. (2023) Biogeosciences, 20, 3459–3479.

Massmann G. et al. (2023) Front. Mar. Sci., 10, 1189281.

Tsang M.-Y. et al. (2023) Chem. Geol., 632, 121533.

Arévalo-Martínez D.L. et al. (2023) Biogeosciences, 20, 647–662.

Xu S. et al. (2023) Chem. Geol., 619, 121319.



Lehmann N. et al. (2022) Biogeosc. Disc., 205, 1-39.

Wang D. et al. (2022) Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 599, 117857.

Taniwaki T. et al. (2022) Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 336, 188-207.

Böttcher M.E. & Vennemann T.W. (2022) Rap. Com. Mass Spectr., 36, e9389.

van Dam B. et al. (2022) Biogeosciences, 19, 3775-3789.

Gutekunst C.N. et al. (2022) Biogeosciences 19, 3625–3648.

Purkamo L. et al. (2022) Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 334, 14-44.

Arévalo-Martínez D.L. et al. (2022) Biogeosc. Disc., 2022-148

Schaefer B. et al. (2022) Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 589, 117589.

van Dam B. et al. (2022) EGUsphere 161, 1-23.

Gutekunst C.N. et al. (2022) EGUsphere 65, 1-42.

Schaller S. et al. (2022) J. Swiss Geo., 115/7, 1-25.

Romero-Mujalli G. et al. (2022) Chem. Geol., 120612.

Böttcher M.E. et al. (2022) J. Molec. Struct., 1250: 131899.

van Dam B. et al. (2021) Science Adv., 7: eabj1372, 1-11.

van Dam B. et al. (2021) Front. Mar. Sci., 81: 729992.

Zeller MA & Alperin MI (2021) Water Res., 11: 100095.

Ehlert von Ahn C.M. et al. (2021) Front. Environm. Sci., 9: 642346.

Li Z. et al. (2021) Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 307: 56-71.

Oehler T. et al. (2021) Env. Sci. & Techn., 55: 8432-8438.

Moosdorf N. et al. (2021) Front. Earth Sci., 9: 601293: 1-26.

Seibert S. et al. (2021) J. Hydrol. 597: 126139.

Pollmann T. et al. (2021) Catena 202: 105275.

Liang W. et al. (2021) Geochemistry - CdE 81: 125740.

Böttcher M.E. & Schmiedinger I. (2021) Isot. Env. & Health Stud 57:183-192.

Zwicker J. et al. (2021) The Dep. Record 7: 294-310.

de Souza G. K. et al. (2021) J. Mar. Sys. 213. 103459.



Schwichtenberg F. et al. (2020) Biogeosciences, 17: 4223-4245.

Zeller M. et al. (2020) Front. Mar. Sci. 7: 947.

Georgiev S.V. et al. (2020) Gondwana Res. 88: 353-372.

Gussone N. et al. (2020) Chemical Geology 551, 119737: 1-9.

Ni S. et al. (2020) Paleocean. & Paleoclimat. 35: 1-20.

Schaefer B. et al. (2020) Geology 48: 328-332.

Schwichtenberg F. et al. (2020) Biogeosc. Disc. 24: 1-54.

Kowalski N. et al. (2019) Geochim. Cosmochim Acta 262: 243-244.

Meister P. et al. (2019) J. Mar. Sys. 200: 103227.

Seibert S. et al. (2019) J. Hydrol. 575: 1133-1144.

Blöschl G. et al. (2019) Hydrol. Sci. J. 64: 1141-1158.

Böttcher ME et al. (2019) Annual report 2018, Leibniz IOW: 32-34.

Köbsch F. et al. (2019) Biogeosciences 16: 1937-1958.

Löffler N. et al. (2019) Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 253: 19-38.

Meister P. et al. (2019) Scient. Res., Nature 9:604: 1-9.

Radtke H. et al. (2019) Geosci. Model Dev. 12: 275–320.

Seibert S. et al. (2019) Sci. Tot. Env. 649: 264-283

Boch R. et al. (2019) Sedimentology 66: 604-635.



Gogina M. et al. (2018) Front. Mar. Sci. 5, 489: 1-18.

Lipka M. et al. (2018) Front. Mar. Sci. 5, 413: 1-20.

Köbsch et al. (2018) Biogeoscience Disc.:1-29

Meister P. et al. (2018) Plos One 13: 1-38.

Wen X. et al. (2018) Biogeoscience 15, 6519-6536.

Lipka M et al. (2018) E3S Web of Conferences 54, 00019: 1-5.

Jurasinski G. et al. (2018) Front. Mar. Sci. 5, 342: 1-20.

Hosono T. et al. (2018) Scient. Rep. 8: 14809, 1-12.

Lipka M. et al. (2018) Proceedings SWIM 2018: 163-167.

Lin Z. et al. (2018) Mar. Geol. 403: 271-284.

Lipka M. et al. (2018) Annual report 2017, Leibniz IOW: 31-33.

Wu Z. et al. (2018) J. Mar. Sys. 186: 68-84.

Radtke H. et al. (2018) Geosci. Model Dev. Discuss. 109: 1-42.

Wen X. et al. (2018) Biogeosc. Disc. 184: 1-37.

Seibert S. et al. (2018) Appl. Geochemistry 92: 196-208.

Ni S. et al. (2018) Biogeosciences 15: 1425-1445.

Böttcher M.E. et al. (2018) Geochemistry 78: 241-247.

Böttcher M.E. & Flenkner U. (2018) Isot. Environm. Health Stud. 54: 446-448.

Böttcher M.E. et al. (2018) Isot. Environm. Health Stud. 54: 324-335.

Moreira M. et al. (2018) J. Sed. Soils 18: 287-296.

Ni S. et al. (2017) Biogeosc. Disc. 185: 1-44.

Grotheer H. et al. (2017) Org. Geochem. 110: 60-64.

Winde V. et al. (2017) Isot. Environm. Health Stud.6: 563-579.

Reyes C. et al. (2017) Geomicrobiol. J. 36: 840-850.

Woitischek J. et al. (2017) J. Vulc. Geotherm. Res. 346: 104-117.

Reyes C. et al. (2017) Mar. Biotechnol. 19: 175-190.

Egger M. et al. (2017) Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 207: 256-276

Khalili A. & Liu B. (2017) J. Fluid Mech. 817: 374-387.

Donis D. et al. (2017) Est. Coastal Shelf Science 189: 131-142

Reckmann A. et al. (2017) Mar. Chem. 188: 6-17



Wacker U. et al. (2016) Chem. Geol. 443: 97-110

Reyes C. et al. (2016) FEMS Micr. Ecol. 92: fiw054

Pansch A. et al. (2016) Limnol. Oceanogr. Meth. 14: 257-267

Al-Janabi B. et al. (2016) PLOSone 11: 1-18

Böttcher M.E. et al. (2016) Isot. Environm. Health Stud. 52: 1-11

Zheng Y.-F. & Böttcher M.E. (2016) Isot. Environm. Health Stud. 52: 29-46

Burt W. et al. (2016) Limnol. Oceanogr. 61: 666-683

Pretet C. et al. (2016) The Depositional Record 1:118-129

Graiff A. et al. (2015) Eur. J. Phycol. 50: 89-91

Wahl M. et al. (2015) Limnol. Oceanogr. Meth. 13: 651-663

Tulipani S. et al. (2015) Gondw. Res. 28: 1500-1515

Noordmann et al. (2015) Chem. Geol. 396: 182-195

Grengg C. et al. (2015) Proc. Earth Planet. Sci. 13: 68-71

Wehrmann L. et al. (2015), Geobiology 13: 424-442

Grengg C. et al. (2015) Cem. Concr. Res. 77: 16-25

Ivarsson M. et al. (2015) PLoS ONE 10: e0133368

Winde V. et al. (2015) Ann. Rep. , Leibniz IOW 2014: 33-35

Kaiser D. et al. (2015) Jour. Mar. Sci. & Eng. 3:466-491

Tulipani S. et al. (2015) Chem. Geol. 409: 61-68

Holman A.I. et al. (2014) Chem. Geol. 387: 126-132

Dietzel M. et al. (2014) Biogeosciences 11: 3149-3161

Böttcher M.E. et al. (2014) Proc. SWIM 2014: 46-49

Winde V. et al. (2014) Proc. SWIM 2014: 42-45

Meyer D. et al. (2014) Est. Coast. Shelf Sci. 141: 26-36

Winde V. et al. (2014) J. Mar. Sys. 129: 396-404, 139: 509

Kotwicki L. et al. (2014) J. Mar. Sys. 129: 118-126

Saccon et al. (2013) Proc. Ser. IAEA CN-186/99 V1: 473-481

Dietzel M. et al. (2013) Biogeoscience Disc. 10: 20079-20111

Cabral A.B. et al. (2013) Chem. Geol. 362: 91-105

Jaraula C.M.B. et al. (2013) Geology 41: 955-958

Kowalski N. et al. (2013) Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 119: 198-211

Bauer A. et al. (2013) J. Coast. Res. 66: 49-71

Saccon P. et al. (2013) Appl. Geochem. 34: 75-89

Schmidt B. et al. (2013) Eur. J. Mineral. 25: 137-144

Böttcher M.E. & Hoefs J. (2013) Isot. Env. & Health Stud. 49: 1-2

van Geldern R. et al. (2013) Geosphere 9: 96-112

Beck M. et al. (2012) Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science, 104–105, 66-79.

Diaz R. et al. (2012) Geology 40: 879-882

Böttcher M.E. et al. (2012) Isotopes in Env. & Health Studies 48: 457-463

Lingang X. et al., (2012) Chem. Geol. 318-319: 45-59

Böttcher M.E. et al. (2012) Geochemistry 72: 85-89

Mittermayr F. et al. (2012) Proc. 10th Int. Congr. Appl. Min., 435-443

Mittermayer F. et al. (2012) Isotopes in Env. & Health Studies 48: 105-117

Surkov A. et al. (2012) Isotopes in Env. & Health Studies 48, 65-75

Böttcher, M.E. & Hoefs J. (2012) Isotopes in Env. & Health Studies 48: 1-6

Zhang Y.-C. et al. (2012) Chem. Geol. 300-301: 123-132

Dellwig O., Schnetger B., Brumsack H.-J., Grossart H.-P., Umlauf L. (2012) Dissolved reactive manganese at pelagic redoxclines (part II): Hydrodynamic conditions for accumulation. J. Mar. Sys. 90, 31-41.

Kolditz K., Dellwig O., Barkowski J., Freund H., Brumsack H.-J. (2012) Geochemistry of salt marsh and tidal flat sediments on a barrier island in the southern North Sea (Langeoog, NW Germany). Sedimentology 59, 337-355.

Kolditz K., Dellwig O., Barkowski J., Freund H., Brumsack H.-J. (2012) Salt marsh sedimentation during simulated sea-level rise and its relation to Holocene coastal development of NW Germany. Geo-Mar. Lett. 32, 49-60.

Meyer D., Prien R.D., Dellwig O., Connelly D.P., Schulz-Bull D.E. (2012) In situ determination of iron(II) in the anoxic zone of the Central Baltic Sea using ferene as spectrophotometric reagent. Mar. Chem. 130-131, 21-27.

Moller T., Schulz H., Hamann Y., Dellwig O., Kucera M. (2012) Sedimentology and geochemistry of an exceptionally preserved last interglacial sapropel S5 in the Levantine Basin (Mediterranean Sea). Mar. Geol. 291-294, 34-48.

Schnetger B., Dellwig O. (2012) Dissolved reactive manganese at pelagic redoxclines (part I): A method for determination based on field experiments. J. Mar. Sys, 90 23-30.

Lettmann K.A., Riedinger N., Ramlau R., Knab N., Böttcher M.E., Khalili A., Wolff J.-O. & Jørgensen B.B. (2012) A mathematical model for estimating biogeochemical consumption and production rates from measured vertical concentration profiles in aquatic systems. Estuar. Coast. Shelf Sci., 100, 26-37

Kowalski N., Dellwig O., Beck M., Grunwald M., Badewien T., Brumsack H.J.,  van Beusekom J.E.E. & Böttcher M.E. (2012) A comparative study of manganese dynamics in pelagic and benthic parts of two tidal systems of the North Sea. Estuar. Coast. Shelf Sci., 100, 3-17

Kolb, J., Meyer, F.M., Vennemann, T.W., Sindern, S., Prantl, S. & Böttcher, M.E. (2010) Characterizing the hydrothermal fluid of the Guelb Moghrein Fe oxide-Cu–Au–Co deposit, Mauretania: Ore mineral chemistry, fluid inclusions and isotope geochemistry. In (Porter, T.M., edt.), Hydrothermal Iron Oxide, Copper-Gold & related Deposits: A global perspective. Vol.3 Advances in Understanding of IOCG deposits. PGC Publishing, 553-572

Dietzel, M., Mittermayr, F., Klammer, D., Höllen, D., Köhler, S., Böttcher, M. E. & Leis, A. (2011) What do stable isotopes tell us about deterioration of concrete? Proc. Int. Congr. Chem. Concr., in press.

Beck, M., T. Riedel, J. Graue, J. Köster, N. Kowalski, C. S. Wu, G. Wegener, Y. Lipsewers, H. Freund, M. E. Böttcher, H. J. Brumsack, H. Cypionka, J. Rullkötter & B. Engelen (2011). Imprint of past and present environmental conditions on microbiology and biogeochemistry of coastal Quaternary sediments. Biogeosciences 8: 55-68,

Böttcher, M. E. (2011). Manganese (Sedimentary carbonates and sulfides). In: Encyclopaedia of Geobiology. Ed. by J. Reitner and V. Thiel. Dordrecht: Springer (Encyclopedia of Earth Sciences Series): 541-542

Böttcher, M. E. (2011). Sulfur cycle. In: Encyclopaedia of Geobiology. Ed. by J. Reitner and V. Thiel. Dordrecht: Springer (Encyclopedia of Earth Sciences Series): 859-864

Böttcher M.E. (2011) Sulfur isotopes. . In: Encyclopaedia of Geobiology. Ed. by J. Reitner and V. Thiel. Dordrecht: Springer (Encyclopedia of Earth Sciences Series): 864-866.

Saccon P. et al. (2011) Bollettino Soc. Naturalisti 'Silvia Zenari', Prodenone, 35: 43-79

Moore, W.S., Beck, M., Riedel, T., van der Loeff, M., Dellwig, O., Shaw, T.J., Schnetger, B., Brumsack, H.-J. (2011) Fluxes of pore waters and associated metals, carbon and nutrients to the German Wadden Sea. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 75, 6535-6555.


von Allmen K., Böttcher M.E., Samankassou E. & Nägler T.F. (2010) Barium isotope fractionation in the global barium cycle: First evidence from barium minerals and precipitation experiments. Chem. Geol., 277, 70-77.

Baune, C.& Böttcher, M.E.  (2010). Experimental investigation of sulphur isotope partitioning during outgassing of hydrogen sulphide from diluted aqueous solutions and seawater. Isot. Environ. Health Stud. 46: 444-453, doi:10.1080/10256016.2010.536230

Beck, M., T. Riedel, J. Graue, J. Köster, N. Kowalski, C. S. Wu, G. Wegener, Y. Lipsewers, H. Freund, M. E. Böttcher, H. J. Brumsack, H. Cypionka, J. Rullkötter & B. Engelen (2010). Paleo-environmental imprint on microbiology and biogeochemistry of coastal quaternary sediments. Biogeosciences discuss. 7: 5463-5496, doi:10.5194/bgd-7-5463-2010

Beck,M., Dellwig, O., Schnetger, B. & Brumsack, H.-J.: Cycling of trace metals (Mn, Fe, Mo, U, V, Cr) in deep pore waters of intertidal flat sediments (2010) Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 72, 2008, 2822-2840

Beck M, Dellwig O, Holstein J M, Grunwald M, Liebezeit G, Schnetger B. & Brumsack H-J (2010) Sulphate, dissolved organic carbon, nutrients and terminal metabolic products in deep pore waters of an intertidal flat . Biogeochemistry 89, 221-238

Beck M, Dellwig O, Liebezeit G, Schnetger B. & Brumsack H-J (2010) Spatial and seasonal variations of sulphate, dissolved organic carbon, and nutrients in deep pore waters of intertidal flat sediments. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science 79(2), 307-316

Böttcher, M. E. & Dietzel, M.  (2010). Metal-ion partitioning during low-temperature precipitation and dissolution of anhydrous carbonates and sulfates. EMU notes in mineralogy 10: 139-187, doi:10.1180/EMU-notes.10.4

Böttcher, M. E. & S. Bouillon (2010). Preface to the special issue on "Stable Isotopes in Biogeosciences III". Org. geochem. 41: 1-2, doi:10.1016/j.orggeochem.2009.10.004

Böttcher, M. E. & S. Bouillon, Eds. (2010). Stable isotopes in Biogeosciences III. 1-70 S. (Organic geochemistry, special issue)

Böttcher, M. E., M. Voss, D. Schulz-Bull, R. Schneider, T. Leipe & K. Knöller (2010). Environmental changes in the Pearl River Estuary (China) as reflected by light stable isotopes and organic contaminants. J. mar. syst. 82, suppl.: S43-S53, doi:10.1016/j.jmarsys.2010.02.004

Dellwig, O., T. Leipe, C. März, M. Glockzin, F. Pollehne, B. Schnetger, E. V. Yakushev, M. E. Böttcher & H.-J. Brumsack (2010). A new particulate Mn-Fe-P-shuttle at the redoxcline of anoxic basins. Geochim. cosmochim. acta 74: 7100-7115, doi:10.1016/j.gca.2010.09.017

Grunwald, M., O. Dellwig, C. Kohlmeier, N. Kowalski, M. Beck, T. H. Badewien, S. Kotzur, G. Liebezeit & H.-J. Brumsack (2010). Nutrient dynamics in a back barrier tidal basin of the Southern North Sea: time-series, model simulations, and budget estimates. J. sea res. 64: 199-212, doi:10.1016/j.seares.2010.02.008

Leipe, T., F. Tauber, H. Vallius, J. Virtasalo, S. Uścinowicz, N. Kowalski, S. Hille, S. Lindgren & T. Myllyvirta (2010). Particulate organic carbon (POC) in surface sediments of the Baltic Sea. Geo-mar. lett. online: 1-14, doi:10.1007/s00367-010-0223-x

Mittermayr, F., D. Klammer, S. Köhler, M. E. Böttcher, A. Leis & M. Dietzel (2009). Sulfatangriff : die Bildung von Thaumasit und die Auflösung von dolomitischen Zuschlagstoffen. IBAUSIL, 2, 17. Int. Baustofftagung, 23. - 26. September 2009, 323-326

Nabbefeld, B., K. Grice, A. Schimmelmann, P. E. Sauer, M. E. Böttcher & R. Twitchett (2010). Significance of δDkerogen, δ13Ckerogen and δ34Spyrite from several Permian/Triassic (P/Tr) sections. Earth planet. sci. lett. 295: 21-29, doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2010.03.015

Nabbefeld, B., K. Grice, R. J. Twitchett, R. E. Summons, L. Hays, M. E. Böttcher & M. Asif (2010). An integrated biomarker, isotopic and palaeoenvironmental study through the Late Permian event at Lusitaniadalen, Spitsbergen. Earth planet. sci. lett. 291: 84-96, doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2009.12.053

Perner, K., T. Leipe, O. Dellwig, A. Kuijpers, N. Mikkelsen, T. J. Andersen and J. Harff (2010). Contamination of arctic Fjord sediments by Pb-Zn mining at Maarmorilik in central West Greenland. Mar. poll. bull. 60: 1065-1073, doi:10.1016/j.marpolbul.2010.01.019

Soulet G., Delaygue G., Vallet-Coulomb C., Böttcher M.E., Sonzogni C., Lericolais G.  & Bard E. (2010) Glacial hydrological conditions in the Black Sea reconstructed using geochemical pore water profiles. Earth & Planetary Science Letters 296, 57-66.

Wulff, K., A. Dziggel, J. Kolb, T. Vennemann, M. E. Böttcher & F. M. Meyer (2010). Origin of mineralizing fluids of the sediment-hosted Navachab gold mine, Namibia: constraints from stable (O, H, C, S) isotopes. Econ. geol. 105: 285-302, doi:10.2113/gsecongeo.105.2.285

Zhang, Y.-C., C. P. Slomp, P. van Cappellen, H. P. Broers, H. F. Passier, M. E. Böttcher, E. O. Omoregie, J. R. Lloyd & D. A. Polya (2010). Denitrification coupled to pyrite oxidation in a sandy aquifer: stable isotopic and microbiological evidence. In: Water-Rock Interaction XIII. Ed. by P. Birkle and I. S. Torres-Alvarado. London: Taylor & Francis 975-978

Ziegenbalg, S. B., B. Brunner, J. M. Rouchy, D. Birgel, C. Pierre, M. E. Böttcher, A. Caruso, A. Immenhauser & J. Peckmann (2010). Formation of secondary carbonates and native sulphur in sulphate-rich Messinian strata, Sicily. Sediment. geol. 227: 37-50, doi:10.1016/j.sedgeo.2010.03.007



AL-RAEI  A.M., BOSSELMANN K., BÖTTCHER M.E., HESPENHEIDE B. & TAUBER F. (2009) Seasonal dynamics of microbial sulfate reduction in temperate intertidal surface sediments: Controls by temperature and organic matter. Ocean Dynamics 59, 351-370.

Kowalski N., Dellwig O., Beck M., Grunwald M., Kölsch S., Piepho M., Riedel T., Freund H., Brumsack H.-J. & Böttcher, M.E. (2009) Trace metal dynamics in the water column and pore waters in a temperate tidal system: Response to the fate of algae derived organic matter. Ocean Dynamics 59, 333-350.

Kolditz, K. Dellwig, O., Barkowski, J. Beck, M. Freund, H. Brumsack, H.-J.: Effects of de-embankment on pore water geochemistry of salt marsh sediments. Journal of Coastal Research, 25(6), 1222-1235

Grunwald, G., Dellwig O., Beck, M., Dippner, J., Freund J., Kohlmeier C., Schnetger B., Brumsack H.J. (2009) Methane in the Southern North Sea: Sources, spatial distribution and budgets. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 81, 445-456

Lemke A., Lunau M., Stone J., Dellwig O., Simon M. (2009) Spatio-temporal dynamics of suspended matter properties and bacterial communities in the backbarrier tidal flat system of Spiekeroog Island. Ocean Dynamics 59, 277-290

JANSEN S., WALPERSDORF E., WERNER U., BILLERBECK M., BÖTTCHER M.E. & DE BEER D. (2009) Functioning of intertidal flats inferred from temporal and spatial dynamics of O2, H2S and pH in their surface sediment. Ocean Dynamics 59, 317-332.

HETZEL A., BÖTTCHER M.E., WORTMANN U.G. & BRUMSACK H.-J. (2009) Paleo-redox conditions during OAE 2 reflected in Demerara Rise sediment geochemistry (ODP Leg 207) Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 273, 302-328.

Lübben A., Dellwig O., Sandra Koch, Melanie Beck, Thomas H. Badewien, Sibylle Fischer, Rainer Reuter (2009) Distributions and characteristics of dissolved organic matter in temperate coastal waters (Southern North Sea). Ocean Dynamics 59(2), 263-276



BÖTTCHER M.E. & BOUILLON S. (2008) Preface to ‚Stable Isotopes in Biogeosciences II’. Org. Geochem. 39, 16

NEUBERT N., NÄGLER T. & BÖTTCHER M.E. (2008) Sulfidity controls molybdenum isotope discrimination into euxinic sediments: Evidence from the modern Black Sea. Geology 36, 775-778.

ZOPFI J., BÖTTCHER M.E. & JØRGENSEN B.B. (2008) Biogeochemistry of sulfur and iron in Thioploca-dominated surface sediments off Chile. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 72, 827-843.



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GRICE K., SUMMONS R.E., GROSJEAN E., TWITCHETT R.J., WANG S.X., DUNNING W. & BÖTTCHER M.E. (2005) Depositional conditions of the northern onshore Perth basin (Basal Triassic). Austral. Petrol. Prod. Explor. Assoc. J. 2005, 263-273.

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GRICE K., CAO C., LOVE G.D., BÖTTCHER M.E., TWITCHETT R.J., GROSJEAN E., SUMMONS R.E., TURGEON S.C., DUNNING W. & JING Y. (2005) Photic zone euxinia during the Permian-Triassic superanoxic event. Sciencexpress, Science.1104323, 1-8

DE BEER D., WENZHÖFER F., FERDELMAN T.G., BOEHME S.E., HÜTTEL M., VAN BEUSEKOM J.E.E., BÖTTCHER M.E., MUSAT N. & DUBILIER N. (2005) Transport and mineralization in North Sea sandy intertidal sediments, Sylt-Rømø Basin, Wadden Sea. Limnol. Oceanogr. 50, 113-127