Turbulence and Small-Scale Processes
Turbulence is critical for the distribution of heat, salt, and dissolved substances (including oxygen, nutrients, and pollutants) in marine environments and in lakes. It determines the rate at which these quantities are mixed, it controls their exchange with the atmosphere and the sediments, and it sets the environment for the interactions between microorganisms and chemical constituents at the smallest scales. Dynamically, turbulence directly or indirectly affects ocean currents, and forms a crucial link of the marine energy budget. Understanding the role of turbulence is therefore essential for understanding how marine systems work.
We investigate turbulence and its effect in the ocean, in shelf and inland seas, in lakes, and, in particular, in the Baltic Sea, which we consider as an ideal natural laboratory for the examination of small-scale processes of more general relevance. Using field experiments and idealized numerical process studies, our main goal is to identify the relevant small-scale processes (e.g., internal waves, shear-instabilities, etc.) that trigger turbulence, understand the mechanisms involved, and quantify their overall relevance.
We collaborate with colleagues from other disciplines to investigate the impact of turbulent motions on small-scale microbiological and biogeochemical processes. The understanding of small-scale processes gained from these studies forms the base for the work of other groups focusing on system analysis and the development of accurate numerical models.
PD Dr. Lars UmlaufDr. Peter Holtermann
Guest Scientists
Jen-Ping Peng
Grete Boskamp (PhD student)
Oliver Thiele (MSc)
Hannes Pankrath (MSc student)
Johannes Paulsen (MSc student)
Torben Voß (MSc student)
John Leuck (MSc student)
Martin Sass
Julia Muchowski (PhD 2023)
Jen-Ping Peng (PhD 2020)
Chris Lappe (PhD 2018)
Kirstin Schulz (PhD 2016)
Eefke van der Lee (PhD 2012)
Peter Holtermann (PhD 2012)
Grete Boskamp (MSc 2024)
Lina Schmidt (BSc 2024)
Oliver Thiele (MSc 2024)
Paula Wedekind (BSc 2021)
Grete Boskamp (BSc 2021)
Ole Pinner (MSc 2020)
Clemens Krautschick (MSc 2017)
Christiane Gillner (MSc 2017)
Jan-Torben Witte (MSc 2016)
Ronja Ebner (MSc 2015)
Waldemar Schauermann (MSc 2014)
Robert Kemsies (MSc 2013)
Rebekka Heyn (MSc 2012)
Tino Boelke (MSc 2012)
Johannes Block (BSc 2012)
Johannes Becherer (MSc 2010)