Czymzik, M., Christl, M., Dellwig, O., Muscheler, R., Müller, D., Kaiser, J., Schwab, M.J., Nantke, C.K.M., Brauer, A., Arz, H.W., 2024. Synchronizing the Western Gotland Basin (Baltic Sea) and Lake Kälksjön (central Sweden) sediment records using common cosmogenic radionuclide production variations. The Holocene, 09596836241247311.
Ehlert von Ahn, C.M., Dellwig, O., Szymczycha, B., Kotwicki, L., Rooze, J., Endler, R., Escher, P., Schmiedinger, I., Sültenfuß, J., Diak, M., Gehre, M., Struck, U., Vogler, S., Böttcher, M.E., 2024. Submarine groundwater discharge into a semi-enclosed coastal bay of the southern Baltic Sea: A multi-method approach. Oceanologia 66, 111-138.
Falfushynska, H., Dellwig, O., Köhler, A., Sokolova, I.M., 2024. Adverse outcome pathways as a tool for optimization of the biomarker-based assessment of pollutant toxicity: A case study of cadmium in the blue mussels Mytilus edulis. Ecological Indicators 158, 111431.
Kaiser, J., Tomczak, M., Dellwig, O., Arz, H.W., 2024. Mediterranean-like “fall dump” events in the Baltic Sea. The Holocene 34, 415-419.
Ostrander, C.M., Shu, Y., Nielsen, S.G., Dellwig, O., Blusztajn, J., Schulz-Vogt, H.N., Hübner, V., Hansel, C.M., 2024. Anthropogenic Forcing of the Baltic Sea Thallium Cycle. Environmental Science & Technology. 10.1021/acs.est.4c01487.
Speidel, L.G., Carvalho da Silva, R., Beck, M., Dellwig, O., Wollschläger, J., Dittmar, T., Seidel, M., 2024. Rivers and tidal flats as sources of dissolved organic matter and trace metals in the German Bight (North Sea). Biogeochemistry. 10.1007/s10533-024-01117-3.
Dellwig, O., Köhler, A., Kurzweil, F., Schönke, M., Wegwerth, A., Krüger, S., Mars, R., Plewe, S., Schuffenhauer, I., Zhang, R., Frazão, H.C., Waniek, J.J., Arz, H.W., 2023. Behaviors of redox-sensitive tungsten and molybdenum in the northern South China Sea: From the Pearl River to the continental slope. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 292, 108485.
Kaiser, J., Abel, S., Arz, H.W., Cundy, A.B., Dellwig, O., Gaca, P., Gerdts, G., Hajdas, I., Labrenz, M., Milton, J.A., Moros, M., Primpke, S., Roberts, S.L., Rose, N.L., Turner, S.D., Voss, M., Ivar do Sul, J.A., 2023. The East Gotland Basin (Baltic Sea) as a candidate Global boundary Stratotype Section and Point for the Anthropocene series. The Anthropocene Review 10, 25-48.
Pham, D.N., Kopplin, J.A., Dellwig, O., Sokolov, E.P., Sokolova, I.M., 2023. Hot and heavy: Responses of ragworms (Hediste diversicolor) to copper-spiked sediments and elevated temperature. Environmental Pollution 332, 121964.
Choo, S., Dellwig, O., Wäge-Recchioni, J., Schulz-Vogt, H.N., 2022. Microbial-driven impact on aquatic phosphate fluxes in a coastal peatland. Marine Ecology Progress Series 702, 19-38.
Henkel, J.V., Schulz-Vogt, H.N., Dellwig, O., Pollehne, F., Schott, T., Meeske, C., Beier, S., Jürgens, K., 2022. Biological manganese-dependent sulfide oxidation impacts elemental gradients in redox-stratified systems: indications from the Black Sea water column. The ISME Journal. 10.1038/s41396-022-01200-3.
Janssen, D.J., Rickli, J., Wille, M., Sepúlveda Steiner, O., Vogel, H., Dellwig, O., Berg, J.S., Bouffard, D., Lever, M.A., Hassler, C.S., Jaccard, S.L., 2022. Chromium Cycling in Redox-Stratified Basins Challenges δ53Cr Paleoredox Proxy Applications. Geophysical Research Letters 49, e2022GL099154.
Klaes B., Wörner G., Thiele-Bruhn S., Arz H.W., Struck J., Dellwig O., Groschopf N., Lorenz M., Wagner J.-F., Urrea O.B., Lamy F., Kilian R. (2022) Element mobility related to rock weathering and soil formation at the westward side of the southernmost Patagonian Andes. Science of the Total Environment 817, 152977.
Kurzweil F., Dellwig O., Wille M., Schoenberg R., Arz H.W., Münker C. (2022) The stable tungsten isotope composition of sapropels and manganese-rich sediments from the Baltic Sea. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 578, 117303.
Lin M., Qiao J., Hou X., Steier P., Golser R., Schmidt M., Dellwig O., Hansson M., Bäck Ö., Vartti V.-P., Stedmon C., She J., Murawski J., Aldahan A., Schmied S.A.K. (2022) Anthropogenic 236U and 233U in the Baltic Sea: Distributions, source terms, and budgets. Water Research 210, 117987.
Yang, R., Li, T., Stubbs, D., Chen, T., Liu, S., Kemp, D.B., Li, W., Yang, S., Chen, J., Elliott, T., Dellwig, O., Chen, J., Li, G., 2022. Stable tungsten isotope systematics on the Earth’s surface. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 322, 227-243.
Dellwig, O., Wegwerth, A., Arz, H.W. (2021) Anatomy of the Major Baltic Inflow in 2014: Impact of manganese and iron shuttling on phosphorus and trace metals in the Gotland Basin, Baltic Sea. Continental Shelf Research 223, 104449.
Janßen R., Beck A.J., Werner J., Dellwig O., Alneberg J., Kreikemeyer B., Maser E., Böttcher C., Achterberg E.P., Andersson A.F., Labrenz M. (2021) Machine Learning Predicts the Presence of 2,4,6-Trinitrotoluene in Sediments of a Baltic Sea Munitions Dumpsite Using Microbial Community Compositions. Frontiers in Microbiology 12, 2680.
Kurzweil, F., Archer, C., Wille, M., Schoenberg, R., Münker, C., Dellwig, O. (2021) Redox control on the tungsten isotope composition of seawater. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118(18), e2023544118.
Lin, M., Qiao, J., Hou, X., Dellwig, O., Steier, P., Hain, K., Golser, R., Zhu, L. (2021) 70-Year Anthropogenic Uranium Imprints of Nuclear Activities in Baltic Sea Sediments. Environmental Science and Technology 55(13), 8918-8927.
Nantke, C.K.M., Brauer, A., Frings, P.J., Czymzik, M., Hübener, T., Stadmark, J., Dellwig, O., Roeser, P., Conley, D.J. (2021) Human influence on the continental Si budget during the last 4300 years: δ30Sidiatom in varved lake sediments (Tiefer See, NE Germany). Quaternary Science Reviews 258, 106869.
Nwosu, E.C., Roeser, P., Yang, S., Ganzert, L., Dellwig, O., Pinkerneil, S., Brauer, A., Dittmann, E., Wagner, D., Liebner, S. (2021) From Water into Sediment—Tracing Freshwater Cyanobacteria via DNA Analyses. Microorganisms 9(8), 1778.
Roué, L., Kurzweil, F., Wille, M., Wegwerth, A., Dellwig, O., Münker, C., Schoenberg, R. (2021) Stable W and Mo isotopic evidence for increasing redox-potentials from the Paleoarchean towards the Paleoproterozoic deep ocean. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 309, 366-387.
von Ahn C.M.E., Scholten J.C., Malik C., Feldens P., Liu B., Dellwig O., Jenner A.-K., Papenmeier S., Schmiedinger I., Zeller M.A., Böttcher M.E. (2021) A Multi-Tracer Study of Fresh Water Sources for a Temperate Urbanized Coastal Bay (Southern Baltic Sea). Frontiers in Environmental Science 9, 642346.
Wu, F., Sokolov, E.P., Dellwig, O., Sokolova, I.M. (2021) Season-dependent effects of ZnO nanoparticles and elevated temperature on bioenergetics of the blue mussel Mytilus edulis. Chemosphere 263, 127780
Beck, M., Dellwig, O., Schnetger, B., Riedel, T., Brumsack, H.-J. (2020) Manganese dynamics in tidal basins of the Wadden Sea: Spatial/seasonal patterns and budget estimates. Marine Chemistry 225, 103847.
Brüske, A., Weyer, S., Zhao, M.-Y., Planavsky, N.J., Wegwerth, A., Neubert, N., Dellwig, O., Lau, K.V., Lyons, T.W. (2020) Correlated molybdenum and uranium isotope signatures in modern anoxic sediments: Implications for their use as paleo-redox proxy. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 270, 449-474.
Czymzik, M., Nowaczyk, N.R., Dellwig, O., Wegwerth, A., Muscheler, R., Christl, M., Arz, H.W. (2020) Lagged atmospheric circulation response in the Black Sea region to Greenland Interstadial 10. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 117(46), 28649-28654.
Rönspieß, L., Dellwig, O., Lange, X., Nausch, G., Schulz-Bull, D. (2020) Spatial and seasonal phosphorus dynamics in a eutrophic estuary of the southern Baltic Sea. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 233, 106532.
Scholtysik, G., Dellwig, O., Roeser, P., Arz, H.W., Casper, P., Herzog, C., Goldhammer, T., Hupfer, M. (2020) Geochemical focusing and sequestration of manganese during eutrophication of Lake Stechlin (NE Germany). Biogeochemistry 151(2), 313-334.
Wegwerth, A., Kaiser, J., Dellwig, O., Arz, H.W. (2020) Impact of Eurasian Ice Sheet and North Atlantic climate dynamics on Black Sea temperature variability during the penultimate glacial (MIS 6, 130-184 ka BP). Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology 35, e2020PA003882.
Wu, F., Falfushynska, H., Dellwig, O., Piontkivska, H., Sokolova, I.M. (2020) Interactive effects of salinity variation and exposure to ZnO nanoparticles on the innate immune system of a sentinel marine bivalve, Mytilus edulis. Science of The Total Environment 712, 136473.
Atar, E., März, C., Aplin, A.C., Dellwig, O., Herringshaw, L.G., Lamoureux-Var, V., Leng, M.J., Schnetger, B., Wagner, T. (2019) Dynamic climate-driven controls on the deposition of the Kimmeridge Clay Formation in the Cleveland Basin, Yorkshire, UK. Clim. Past 15(4), 1581-1601.
Dellwig, O., Wegwerth, A., Schnetger, B., Schulz, H., Arz, H.W. (2019) Dissimilar behaviors of the geochemical twins W and Mo in hypoxic-euxinic marine basins. Earth-Science Reviews 193, 1-23.
Henkel, J.V., Dellwig, O., Pollehne, F., Herlemann, D.P.R., Leipe, T., Schulz-Vogt, H.N. (2019) A bacterial isolate from the Black Sea oxidizes sulfide with manganese(IV) oxide. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116(25), 12153-12155.
Schulz-Vogt, H.N., Pollehne, F., Jürgens, K., Arz, H.W., Beier, S., Bahlo, R., Dellwig, O., Henkel, J.V., Herlemann, D.P.R., Krüger, S., Leipe, T., Schott, T. (2019) Effect of large magnetotactic bacteria with polyphosphate inclusions on the phosphate profile of the suboxic zone in the Black Sea. The ISME Journal 13, 1198-1208.
Wegwerth, A., Dellwig, O., Wulf, S., Plessen, B., Kleinhanns, I.C., Nowaczyk, N.R., Jiabo, L., Arz, H.W. (2019) Major hydrological shifts in the Black Sea “Lake” in response to ice sheet collapses during MIS 6 (130–184 ka BP). Quaternary Science Reviews 219, 126-144.
Dellwig, O., Schnetger, B., Meyer, D., Pollehne, F., Häusler, K., Arz, H.W. (2018) Impact of the Major Baltic Inflow in 2014 on Manganese Cycling in the Gotland Deep (Baltic Sea). Frontiers in Marine Science 5, 248.
Häusler, K., Dellwig, O., Schnetger, B., Feldens, P., Leipe, T., Moros, M., Pollehne, F., Schönke, M., Wegwerth, A., Arz, H.W. (2018) Massive Mn carbonate formation in the Landsort Deep (Baltic Sea): Hydrographic prerequisites, temporal succession and Mn budget calculations. Marine Geology 395, 260-270.
Jokinen, S.A., Virtasalo, J.J., Jilbert, T., Kaiser, J., Dellwig, O., Arz, H.W., Hänninen, J., Arppe, L., Collander, M., Saarinen, T. (2018) A 1500-year multiproxy record of coastal hypoxia from the northern Baltic Sea indicates unprecedented deoxygenation over the 20th century. Biogeosciences 15, 3975-4001.
Kaiser, J., Moros, M., Tomczak, M., Dellwig, O., Schulz-Bull, D., Arz, H.W. (2018) The invasive diatom Pseudosolenia calcar-avis and specific C25 isoprenoid lipids as a sedimentary time marker in the Black Sea. Geology 46(6), 507-510.
Klier, J., Dellwig, O., Leipe, T., Jürgens, K., Herlemann, D.P. (2018) Benthic bacterial community composition in the oligohaline-marine transition of surface sediments in the Baltic Sea. Frontiers in Microbiology 9, 236.
Strauch, M., Wenzel, L.C., Bischoff, A., Dellwig, O., Klein, J., Schüch, A., Wasenitz, B., Palm, H.W. (2018) Commercial African catfish (Clarias gariepinus) aquaculture systems (RAS): assessment of element and energy pathways with special focus on the phosphorus cycle. Sustainability 10(6), 1805.
Wegwerth, A., Eckert, S., Dellwig, O., Schnetger, B., Severmann, S., Weyer, S., Brüske, A., Kaiser, J., Köster, J., Arz, H.W., Brumsack, H.-J. (2018) Redox evolution during Eemian and Holocene sapropel formation in the Black Sea. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 489, 249-260.
Donis, D., Janssen, F., Liu, B., Wenzhöfer, F., Dellwig, O., Escher, P., Spitzy, A., Böttcher, M.E. (2017) Biogeochemical impact of submarine ground water discharge on coastal surface sands of the southern Baltic Sea. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science 189, 131-142.
Häusler, K., Moros, M., Wacker, L., Hammerschmidt, L., Dellwig, O., Leipe, T., Kotilainen, A., Arz, H.W. (2017) Mid- to late Holocene environmental separation of the northern and central Baltic Sea basins in response to differential land uplift. Boreas 46, 111-128.
Stern, J., Dellwig, O., Waniek, J.J. (2017) Deep–sea fluxes of barium and lithogenic trace elements in the subtropical northeast Atlantic. Deep-Sea Reserach Part I 122, 72-80.
Meyer, D., Prien, R.D., Dellwig, O., Waniek, J.J., Schuffenhauer, I., Donath, J., Krüger, S., Pallentin, M., Schulz-Bull, D.E. (2016) A multi-pumping flow system (MPFS) for in situ measurements of dissolved Mn in aquatic systems. Sensors 16, 2027.
Reyes, C., Dellwig, O., Dähnke, K., Gehre, M., Ortega-Nortega, B., Böttcher, M.E., Meister, P., Friedrich, M. (2016) Bacterial communities potentially involved in iron-cycling in Baltic Sea and North Sea sediments revealed by pyrosequencing. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 92(4), fiw054.
Wegwerth, A., Kaiser, J., Dellwig, O., Shumilovskikh, L.S., Nowaczyk, N.R., Arz, H.W. (2016) Northern hemisphere climate control on the environmental dynamics in the glacial Black Sea “Lake”. Quaternary Science Reviews 135, 41-53.
Hölker F., Vanni M.J., Kuiper J.J., Meile C., Grossart H.-P., Stief P., Adrian R., Lorke A., Dellwig O., Brand A., Hupfer M., Mooij W.M., Nützmann G., Lewandowski J. (2015) Tube-dwelling invertebrates: tiny ecosystem engineers have large effects in lake ecosystems. Ecological Monographs 85, 333-351.
Noordmann J., Weyer S., Montoya-Pino C., Dellwig O., Neubert N., Eckert S., Paetzel M., Böttcher M.E. (2015) Uranium and molybdenum isotope systematics in modern euxinic basins: Case studies from the central Baltic Sea and the Kyllaren fjord (Norway). Chemical Geology 396, 182-195.
Wegwerth, A., Ganopolski, A., Ménot, G., Kaiser, J., Dellwig, O., Bard, E., Lamy, F., Arz, H.W. (2015) Black Sea temperature response to glacial millennial-scale climate variability. Geophysical Research Letters 42, 8147-8154.
Glockzin, M., Pollehne, F., Dellwig, O. (2014) Stationary sinking velocity of authigenic manganese oxides at pelagic redoxclines. Marine Chemistry 160, 67-74.
Kotwicki L., Grzelak K., Czub M., Dellwig O., Gentz T., Szymczycha B., and Böttcher M. E. (2013) Submarine Groundwater Discharge to the Baltic coastal zone: impacts on the meiofaunal community. Journal of Marine Systems 129, 118-126.
Meyer, D., Prien, R.D., Dellwig, O., Waniek, J.J., Schulz-Bull, D.E. (2014) Electrode measurements of the oxidation reduction potential in the Gotland Deep using medium-term moored profiling instrumentation. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science 141, 26-36.
Wegwerth, A., Dellwig, O., Kaiser, J., Ménot, G., Bard, E., Shumilovskikh, L., Schnetger, B., Kleinhanns, I.C., Wille, M., Arz, H.W. (2014) Meltwater events and the Mediterranean reconnection at the Saalian–Eemian transition in the Black Sea. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 404, 124-135.
Bauer, A., Radziejewska, T., Liang, K., Kowalski, N., Dellwig, O., Bosselmann, K., Stark, A., Xia, Z., Harff, J., Böttcher, M. E., Schulz-Bull, D. E., Waniek, J. J. (2013) Regional differences of hydrographical and sedimentological properties in Beibu Gulf, South China Sea. Journal of Coastal Research SI66, 49-71.
Berry K. L. E., Seemann J., Dellwig O., Struck U., Wild C., and Leinfelder R. R. (2013) Sources and spatial distribution of heavy metals in scleractinian coral tissues and sediments from the Bocas del Toro Archipelago, Panama. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 185, 9089-9099.
Kowalski N., Dellwig O., Beck M., Gräwe U., Neubert N., Nägler T., Badewien T. H., Brumsack H.-J., van Beusekom J. E. E., and Böttcher M. E. (2013) Pelagic molybdenum concentration anomalies and the impact of sediment resuspension on the molybdenum budget in two tidal systems of the North Sea. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 119, 198-211.
Beck M., Dellwig O., Fischer S., Schnetger B., and Brumsack H.-J. (2012) Trace metal geochemistry of organic carbon-rich watercourses draining the NW German coast. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science 104–105, 66-79.
Böttcher M. E., Gehlken P., Gratthof G. G., Schmidt B. C., Effenberger H. S., Geprägs P., Bahlo R., Dellwig O., Leipe T., Neugebauer C., Winde V., Baldermann A., Deutschmann A., Stark A., Gallego-Torres D., and Martinez-Ruiz F. C. (2012) BaMn[CO3]2 - a previously unrecognized double carbonate in brackish sediments: Structural, spectroscopic, and textural tools for future identification. Chemie der Erde - Geochemistry 72, 85-89.
Kowalski N., Dellwig O., Beck M., Grunwald M., Badewien T.H. , Brumsack H.-J., van Beusekom J.E.E., Böttcher M.E. (2012) A comparative study of manganese dynamics in the pelagic and benthic parts of two intertidal systems of the North Sea. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science 100, 3-17.
Dellwig O., Schnetger B., Brumsack H.-J., Grossart H.-P., Umlauf L. (2012) Dissolved reactive manganese at pelagic redoxclines (part II): Hydrodynamic conditions for accumulation. Journal of Marine Systems 90, 31-41.
Kolditz K., Dellwig O., Barkowski J., Freund H., Brumsack H.-J. (2012) Geochemistry of salt marsh and tidal flat sediments on a barrier island in the southern North Sea (Langeoog, NW Germany). Sedimentology 59, 337-355.
Kolditz K., Dellwig O., Barkowski J., Freund H., Brumsack H.-J. (2012) Salt marsh sedimentation during simulated sea-level rise and its relation to Holocene coastal development of NW Germany. Geo-Marine Letters 32, 49-60.
Meyer D., Prien R.D., Dellwig O., Connelly D.P., Schulz-Bull D.E. (2012) In situ determination of iron(II) in the anoxic zone of the Central Baltic Sea using ferene as spectrophotometric reagent. Marine Chemistry 130-131, 21-27.
Moller T., Schulz H., Hamann Y., Dellwig O., Kucera M. (2012) Sedimentology and geochemistry of an exceptionally preserved last interglacial sapropel S5 in the Levantine Basin (Mediterranean Sea). Marine Geology 291-294, 34-48.
Schnetger B., Dellwig O. (2012) Dissolved reactive manganese at pelagic redoxclines (part I): A method for determination based on field experiments. Journal of Marine Systems 90 23-30.
Moore, W.S., Beck, M., Riedel, T., van der Loeff, M., Dellwig, O., Shaw, T.J., Schnetger, B., Brumsack, H.-J. (2011) Fluxes of pore waters and associated metals, carbon and nutrients to the German Wadden Sea. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 75, 6535-6555.
Nägler T.F., Neubert N., Böttcher M.E., Dellwig O., Schnetger B. (2011) Molybdenum isotope fractionation in pelagic euxinia: Evidence from the modern Black and Baltic Seas. Chemical Geology 289, 1-11.
Dellwig O., Leipe T., März C., Glockzin M., Pollehne F., Schnetger B., Yakushev E.V., Böttcher M.E., Brumsack H.-J. (2010) A new particulate Mn-Fe-P-shuttle at the redoxcline of anoxic basins. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 74, 7100-7115.
Grunwald M., Dellwig O., Kohlmeier C., Beck M., Kotzur S., Kowalski N., Liebezeit G., Brumsack H.-J. (2010) Nutrient dynamics in a back barrier tidal basin of the Southern North Sea: Time-series, model simulations, and budget estimates. Journal of Sea Research 64, 199-212.
Perner K., Leipe T., Dellwig O., Kuijpers A., Mikkelsen N., Andersen T.J., Harff J. (2010) Contamination of arctic fjord sediments by Pb-Zn mining at Maarmorilik in central West Greenland. Marine Pollution Bulletin 60, 165-1073.
Grunwald M., Dellwig O., Beck M., Dippner J.W., Freund J.A., Kohlmeier C., Schnetger B., Brumsack H.-J. (2009) Methane in the southern North Sea: Sources, spatial distribution and budgets. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Research 81, 445-456.
Kolditz K., Dellwig O., Barkowski J., Beck M., Freund H., Brumsack H.-J. (2009) Effects of De-Embankment on Pore Water Geochemistry of Salt Marsh Sediments: Journal of Coastal Research 25, 1222-1235.
Kowalski N., Dellwig O., Beck M., Grunwald M., Fischer S., Piepho M., Riedel T., Freund H., Brumsack H.-J., Böttcher M.E. (2009) Trace metal dynamics in the water column and pore waters in a temperate tidal system: response to the fate of algae-derived organic matter. Ocean Dynamics 59, 333-350.
Lemke A., Lunau M., Stone J., Dellwig O., Simon, M. (2009) Spatio-temporal dynamics of suspended matter properties and bacterial communities in the back-barrier tidal flat system of Spiekeroog Island. Ocean Dynamics 59, 277-290.
Lübben A., Dellwig O., Koch S., Beck M., Badewien T.H., Fischer S., Reuter, R. (2009) Distributions and characteristics of dissolved organic matter in temperate coastal waters (Southern North Sea). Ocean Dynamics 59, 263-275.
Beck M., Dellwig O., Schnetger B., Brumsack H.-J. (2008) Cycling of trace metals (Mn, Fe, Mo, U, V, Cr) in deep pore waters of intertidal flat sediments. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 72, 2822-2840.
Beck M., Dellwig O., Holstein J.M., Grunwald M., Liebezeit G., Schnetger B., Brumsack H.-J. (2008) Sulphate, dissolved organic carbon, nutrients and terminal metabolic products in deep pore waters of an intertidal flat. Biogeochemistry 89, 221-238.
Beck M., Dellwig O., Liebezeit G., Schnetger B., Brumsack H.-J. (2008) Spatial, seasonal and tidal variations of sulphate, DOC and nutrients in deep pore waters of intertidal flat sediments. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science 79, 307-316.
Dellwig O., Beck M., Lemke A., Lunau M., Kolditz K., Schnetger B., Brumsack H.-J. (2007) Non-conservative behaviour of molybdenum in coastal waters: Coupling geochemical, biological, and sedimentological processes. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 71, 2745-2761.
Dellwig O., Bosselmann K., Kolsch S., Hentscher M., Hinrichs J., Böttcher M.E., Reuter R., Brumsack H.-J. (2007) Sources and fate of manganese in a tidal basin of the German Wadden Sea. Journal of Sea Research 57, 1-18.
Beck M., Dellwig O., Kolditz K., Freund H., Liebezeit G., Schnetger B., Brumsack H.-J. (2007) In situ pore water sampling in deep intertidal flat sediments. Limnology Oceanography Methods 5, 136-144.
Grunwald M., Dellwig O., Liebezeit G., Schnetger B., Reuter R., Brumsack, H.-J. (2007) A novel time-series station in the Wadden Sea (NW Germany): First results on continuous nutrient and methane measurements. Marine Chemistry 107, 411-421.
Bis 2006
Lunau M., Lemke A., Dellwig O., Simon, M. (2006) Physical and biogeochemical controls of microaggregate dynamics in a tidally affected coastal ecosystem. Limnology and Oceanography 51, 847-859.
Neumann T., Rausch N., Leipe T., Dellwig O., Berner Z., Böttcher M.E. (2005) Intense pyrite formation under low-sulfate conditions in the Achterwasser lagoon, SW Baltic Sea. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 69, 3619-3630.
Freund H., Gerdes G., Streif H., Dellwig O., Watermann F. (2004) The indicative meaning of diatoms, pollen and botanical macro fossils for the reconstruction of palaeoenvironments and sea-level fluctuations along the coast of Lower Saxony; Germany: Quaternary International 112, 71-87.
Dellwig O., Böttcher M.E., Lipinski M., Brumsack H.J. (2002) Trace metals in Holocene coastal peats and their relation to pyrite formation (NW Germany). Chemical Geology 182, 423-442.
Hinrichs J., Dellwig O., Brumsack H.-J. (2002) Lead in sediments and suspended particulate matter of the German Bight: natural versus anthropogenic origin. Applied Geochemistry 17, 621-632.
Dellwig O., Watermann F., Brumsack H.-J., Gerdes G., Krumbein W.E. (2001) Sulphur and iron geochemistry of Holocene coastal peats (NW Germany): a tool for palaeoenvironmental reconstruction. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology 167, 359-379.
Dellwig O., Hinrichs J., Hild A., Brumsack H.-J. (2000) Changing sedimentation in tidal flat sediments of the southern North Sea from the Holocene to the present: a geochemical approach. Journal of Sea Research 44, 195-208.
Schnetger B., Hinrichs J., Dellwig O., Shaw T., Brumsack H.-J. (2000) The significance of radionuclides and trace elements in a back barrier tidal area: results from the german Wadden, in Inaba, J., Hisumatsu, S., and Ohtsuka, Y., eds.: Rokkasho, Aomori, Japan, Proceedings of the international workshop on distribution and speciation of radionuclides in the environment, p. 99-106.
Dellwig O., Watermann F., Brumsack H.-J., Gerdes G. (1999) High-resolution reconstruction of a holocene coastal sequence (NW Germany) using inorganic geochemical data and diatom inventories. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science 48, 617-633.
Dellwig O., Gramberg D., Vetter D., Watermann F., Barckhausen J., Brumsack H.-J., Gerdes G., Liebezeit G., Rullkötter J., Scholz-Böttcher B.M., Streif H. (1998) Geochemical and microfacies characterization of a Holocene depositional sequence in northwest Germany. Organic Geochemistry 29, 1687-1699.