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Prof. Dr. habil. Gerald Schernewski

Gerald Schernewski
Address:Leibniz-Institute for Baltic Sea Research
Seestrasse 15, D-18119, Rostock,
Phone: +49 381 5197 207
A broad spectrum of applied coastal and marine research
Head of the Research Unit - Coastal Sea and Society at the Leibniz-Institute for Baltic Sea Research, Rostock, Germany
Full Professor at Klaipėda University, Lithuania
Lead Scientist at the Marine Research Institute, Lithuania

Major topics of interest

Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) – Further development of a Systems Approach Framework (SAF) and supporting tools, for example to improve stakeholder participation or to measure the success of management measures using an indicator system. Aim is to support marine spatial planning and coastal management practice.

Ecosystem Services – Development and application of methods and tools to assess changes in ecosystem goods and service provision of coastal and marine systems.

Eco-technologies – Assessment and implementation of measures that improve the ecological status of coastal waters and support environmental policies, like the Water Framework Directive (WFD). Example is the cultivation of different mussel species to improve water quality. 

Marine Litter – Development of monitoring methods and strategies as well as indicators and pollution thresholds. Further, assessment of the state of pollution, spatial transport pattern and the effectiveness of measures with the aim to support the implementation of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD).

Bathing Water Quality – Analysis and assessment of bathing water quality, potential pollutants and human pathogens, like vibrions.



  • 2024
    • Robbe, E., L. B. Abdallah, L. El Fels, N. E. H. Chaher, M. Haseler, F. Mhiri and G. Schernewski (2024). Towards solving the beach litter problem: Ecosystem service assessments at North African coasts. Sustainability 16: 5911, doi: 10.3390/su16145911 –open access–
    • Robbe, E., L. Rogge, J. Lesutienė, M. Bučas and G. Schernewski (2024). Assessment of Ecosystem Services Provided by Macrophytes in Southern Baltic and Southern Mediterranean Coastal Lagoons. Environ. Manage. 74: 206-229, doi: 10.1007/s00267-024-01955-9 –open access–
    • Schernewski, G. & Labrenz, M. (2024): Marine Litter. Climate Change in the Baltic Sea. 2024 Fact Sheet. Baltic Sea Environment Proceedings n°197. HELCOM/Baltic Earth 2024.
    • Schernewski, G. & Schumacher, J. (2024): Marine and coastal ecosystem services. Climate Change in the Baltic Sea. 2024 Fact Sheet. Baltic Sea Environment Proceedings n°197. HELCOM/Baltic Earth 2024
    • Schernewski, G., G. Escobar Sánchez, S. Felsing, M. Gatel Rebours, M. Haseler, R. Hauk, X. Lange and S. Piehl (2024). Emission, transport and retention of floating marine macro-litter (plastics): The Role of Baltic harbor and sailing festivals. Sustainability 16: 1220, doi: 10.3390/su16031220 –open access–
    • Schernewski, G., M. Jekat, F. Kösters, T. Neumann, S. Steffen and M. von Thenen (2024). Ecosystem Services Supporting Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs): Assessments of Navigation Waterways Deepening Based on Data, Experts, and a 3D Ecosystem Model. Land 13, 10, doi: 10.3390/land13101653 –open access–
    • Schernewski, G., T. Neumann, M. Bučas and M. von Thenen (2024). Ecosystem Services of the Baltic Sea—State and Changes during the Last 150 Years. Environments 11, 9, doi: 10.3390/environments11090200 –open access–
  • 2023
    • Inácio, M. and G. Schernewski (2023). Temporal Changes in Aquatic Ecosystem Services Provision: Approach and Examples. In: Southern Baltic Coastal Systems Analysis. Ed. by H. Schubert and F. Müller. Cham: Springer International Publishing (Ecological Studies, Analysis and Synthesis ; 246): 273-288, doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-13682-5_25
    • Piehl, S., R. Friedland, B. Heyden, W. Leujak, T. Neumann and G. Schernewski (2023). Modeling of water quality indicators in the western Baltic Sea: Seasonal oxygen deficiency. Environ. Model. Assess. 28: 429-446, doi: 10.1007/s10666-022-09866-x –open access–
    • Schernewski, G. and E. Robbe (2023). Ecosystem Service Assessment in European Coastal and Marine Policies. In: Southern Baltic Coastal Systems Analysis. Ed. by H. Schubert and F. Müller. Cham: Springer International Publishing (Ecological Studies, Analysis and Synthesis ; 246): 347-366, doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-13682-5_29
    • Schernewski, G., A. Konrad, J. Roskothen and M. von Thenen (2023). Coastal adaptation to climate change and sea level rise: Ecosystem service assessments in spatial and sectoral planning. Appl. Sci.-Basel 13: 2623, doi: 10.3390/app13042623 –open access–
    • Schernewski, G., G. Escobar Sánchez, P. Wandersee, X. Lange, M. Haseler and A. Nassour (2023). Marine Macro-Litter (Plastic) Pollution of German and North African Marina and City-Port Sea Floors. Appl. Sci.-Basel 13: 11424, doi: 10.3390/app132011424 –open access–
    • Schernewski, G., R. Friedland, S. Paysen, M. Bucas, S. Dahlke and M. von Weber (2023). Macrophytes and water quality in a large Baltic lagoon: relevance, development and restoration perspectives. Front. Mar. Sci. 10: 1049181, doi: 10.3389/fmars.2023.1049181 –open access–
    • Schumacher, J., S. Bicking, K. Ahrendt, F. Müller and G. Schernewski (2023). Spatial Ecosystem Service Assessment Across the Land-Sea Interface. In: Southern Baltic Coastal Systems Analysis. Ed. by H. Schubert and F. Müller. Cham: Springer International Publishing (Ecological Studies, Analysis and Synthesis ; 246): 257-272, doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-13682-5_24
    • Thenen, M. v., N. Effelsberg, L. Weber and G. Schernewski (2023). Perspectives and scenarios for coastal fisheries in a social-ecological context: An ecosystem service assessment approach in the German Baltic Sea. Sustainability 15: 15732, doi: 10.3390/su152215732 –open access–
    • Čerkasova, N., K. Enders, R. Lenz, S. Oberbeckmann, J. Brandt, D. Fischer, F. Fischer, M. Labrenz and G. Schernewski (2023). A public database for microplastics in the environment. Microplastics 2: 132-146, doi: 10.3390/microplastics2010010 –open access–
  • 2022
    • Baccar Chaabane, A., E. Robbe, G. Schernewski and H. Schubert (2022). Decomposition behavior of biodegradable and single-use tableware items in the Warnow estuary (Baltic Sea). Sustainability 14: 2544, doi: 10.3390/su14052544 –open access–
    • Escobar Sáchez, G., E. Robbe, A. Baccar Chaabane, M. Haseler and G. Schernewski (2022). Mitigation measures for macroplastics in coastal zones: a critical assessment of biodegradable materials. In: 16th International Conference Littoral22 Book of Abstracts. Ed. by J. C. Ferreira, M. Ferreira, C. Jóia Santos and C. Macedo Duarte. Caparica,  Portugal: NOVA School of Science and Technology | FCT NOVA: 213-214, 978-972- 99923-6-0
    • Escobar-Sánchez, G., G. Markfort, M. Berghald, L. Ritzenhofen and G. Schernewski (2022). Aerial and underwater drones for marine litter monitoring in shallow coastal waters: factors influencing item detection and cost-efficiency. Environ. Monit. Assess. 194: 863, doi: 10.1007/s10661-022-10519-5 –open access–
    • Haseler, M., M. v. Thenen, E. Robbe, G. Escobar Sáchez, L. Ben Abdallah, G. Hassan and G. Schernewski (2022). Marine litter monitoring on North African beaches of the Mediterranean Sea. In: 16th International Conference Littoral22 Book of Abstracts. Ed. by J. C. Ferreira, M. Ferreira, C. Jóia Santos and C. Macedo Duarte. Caparica,  Portugal: NOVA School of Science and Technology | FCT NOVA: 53-54, 978-972- 99923-6-0
    • Karstens, S., M. Dorow, R. Bochert, N. Stybel, G. Schernewski and M. Mühl (2022). Stepping stones along urban coastlines - improving habitat connectivity for aquatic fauna with constructed floating wetlands. Wetlands 42: 76, doi: 10.1007/s13157-022-01598-8 –open access–
    • Piehl, S., R. Friedland, B. Heyden, W. Leujak, T. Neumann and G. Schernewski (2022). Seasonal oxygen deficiency as an indicator for coastal water quality in the western Baltic Sea. In: 16th International Conference Littoral22 Book of Abstracts. Ed. by J. C. Ferreira, M. Ferreira, C. Jóia Santos and C. Macedo Duarte. Caparica,  Portugal: NOVA School of Science and Technology | FCT NOVA: 302-304, 978-972- 99923-6-0
    • Ritzenhofen, L., J. Schumacher, S. Karstens and G. Schernewski (2022). Ecosystem service assessments within the EU Water Framework Directive: Marine mussel cultivation as a controversial measure. Appl. Sci.-Basel 12: 1871, doi: 10.3390/app12041871 –open access–
    • Robbe, E., L. Rogge, J. Lesutienė, M. Bučas and G. Schernewski (2022). The assessment of macrophyte ecosystems and their services in coastal shallow areas - A comparison of lagoons in the Southern Baltic and Southern Mediterranean Sea. In: 16th International Conference Littoral22 Book of Abstracts. Ed. by J. C. Ferreira, M. Ferreira, C. Jóia Santos and C. Macedo Duarte. Caparica,  Portugal: NOVA School of Science and Technology | FCT NOVA: 295-296, 978-972- 99923-6-0
    • Schernewski, G. and H. Radtke (2022). Microplastic in the Baltic Sea - State, Sources, Behavior and Retention Measures. In: 16th International Conference Littoral22 Book of Abstracts. Ed. by J. C. Ferreira, M. Ferreira, C. Jóia Santos and C. Macedo Duarte. Caparica,  Portugal: NOVA School of Science and Technology | FCT NOVA: 207-209, 978-972- 99923-6-0
    • Schernewski, G., L. N. Voeckler, L. Lambrecht, E. Robbe and J. Schumacher (2022). Building with nature - ecosystem service assessment of coastal-protection scenarios. Sustainability 14: 15737, doi: 10.3390/su142315737
    • Schumacher, J., S. Lange, F. Müller and G. Schernewski (2022). Assessment of Ecosystem Services across the Land-Sea Interface: approach and applications along the German Coast. In: 16th International Conference Littoral22 Book of Abstracts. Ed. by J. C. Ferreira, M. Ferreira, C. Jóia Santos and C. Macedo Duarte. Caparica,  Portugal: NOVA School of Science and Technology | FCT NOVA: 56, 978-972- 99923-6-0
  • 2021
    • Escobar-Sánchez, G., M. Haseler, N. Oppelt and G. Schernewski (2021). Efficiency of aerial drones for macrolitter monitoring on Baltic Sea beaches. Front. Environ. Sci. 8: 560237, doi: 10.3389/fenvs.2020.560237 –open access–
    • Friedland R, Piehl S, Schernewski G, Neumann T: Proposal of a methodology for setting new threshold values for Pomeranian Bay and Bornholm Basin HELCOM meeting document IN-EUTROPHICATION 21-2021 Code: 4-2 Category: DEC Agenda Item: 4– Splitting assessment units Submission date: 18.8.2021 Submitted by: Germany Reference: Friedland et al. (in prep.)
    • Piehl S, Friedland R, Neumann T, Schernewski G: Supporting the HELCOM shallow-water oxygen indicator with modelling products for the Western Baltic Sea HELCOM meeting document - IN-EUTROPHICATION 21-2021 Code: 2-1 Category: DEC Agenda Item: 2– Shallow water oxygen indicator Submission date: 16.8.2021 Submitted by: Germany
    • Piehl, S., R. Hauk, E. Robbe, B. Richter, F. Kachholz, J. Schilling, R. Lenz, D. Fischer, F. Fischer, M. Labrenz and G. Schernewski (2021). Combined approaches to predict microplastic emissions within an urbanized estuary (warnow, southwestern baltic sea). Front. Environ. Sci. 9: 616765, doi: 10.3389/fenvs.2021.616765 –open access–
    • Ritzenhofen, L., A.-L. Buer, G. Gyraite, S. Dahlke, A. Klemmstein and G. Schernewski (2021). Blue mussel (Mytilus spp.) cultivation in mesohaline eutrophied inner coastal waters: mitigation potential, threats and cost effectiveness. PeerJ 9: e11247, doi: 10.7717/peerj.11247 –open access–
    • Robbe, E., J. Woelfel, A. Balčiūnas and G. Schernewski (2021). An impact assessment of beach wrack and litter on beach ecosystem services to support coastal management at the Baltic Sea. Environ. Manage. 68: 835-859, doi: 10.1007/s00267-021-01533-3 –open access–
    • Schernewski, G., H. Radtke, E. Robbe, M. Haseler, R. Hauk, L. Meyer, S. Piehl, J. Riedel and M. Labrenz (2021). Emission, transport, and deposition of visible plastics in an estuary and the Baltic Sea - a monitoring and modeling approach. Environ. Manage. 68: 860-881, doi: 10.1007/s00267-021-01534-2 –open access–
    • Schernewski, G., H. Radtke, R. Hauk, C. Baresel, M. Olshammar and S. Oberbeckmann (2021). Urban microplastics emissions: Effectiveness of retention measures and consequences for the Baltic Sea. Front. Mar. Sci. 8: 208, doi: 10.3389/fmars.2021.594415 –open access–
    • Schumacher, J., S. Lange, F. Müller and G. Schernewski (2021). Assessment of ecosystem services across the land-sea interface in Baltic case studies. Appl. Sci.-Basel 11: 11799, doi: 10.3390/app112411799 –open access–
  • 2020
    • Buer, A.-L., M. Maar, M. Nepf, L. Ritzenhofen, S. Dahlke, R. Friedland, P. Krost, F. Peine and G. Schernewski (2020). Potential and feasibility of Mytilus spp. farming along a salinity gradient. Front. Mar. Sci., 371, doi: 10.3389/fmars.2020.00371 –open access–
    • Gyraite, G., M. Kataržytė, D. Overlingė, D. Vaičiūtė, E. Jonikaitė and G. Schernewski (2020). Skip the dip - avoid the risk? Integrated microbiological water quality assessment in the south-eastern Baltic Sea coastal waters. Water 12: 3146, doi: 10.3390/w12113146 –open access–
    • Haseler, M., A. Balciunas, R. Hauk, V. Sabaliauskaite, I. Chubarenko, A. Ershova and G. Schernewski (2020). Marine litter pollution in Baltic Sea beaches – application of the sand rake method. Front. Environ. Sci. 8: 599978, doi: 10.3389/fenvs.2020.599978 –open access–
    • Kataržytė, M., A. Balčiūnas, M. Haseler, V. Sabaliauskaitė, L. Lauciūtė, K. Stepanova, C. Nazzari and G. Schernewski (2020). Cigarette butts on Baltic Sea beaches: Monitoring, pollution and mitigation measures. Mar. Poll. Bull. 156: 111248, doi: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2020.111248
    • Müller, F., S. Bicking, K. Ahrendt, D. Kinh Bac, I. Blindow, C. Fürst, P. Haase, M. Kruse, T. Kruse, L. Ma, M. Perennes, I. Ruljevic, G. Schernewski, C.-G. Schimming, A. Schneiders, H. Schubert, J. Schumacher, U. Tappeiner, P. Wangai, W. Windhorst and J. Zeleny (2020). Assessing ecosystem service potentials to evaluate terrestrial, coastal and marine ecosystem types in Northern Germany - An expert-based matrix approach. Ecol. Indic. 112: 106116, doi: 10.1016/j.ecolind.2020.106116
    • Nygård, H., F. M. van Beest, L. Bergqvist, J. Carstensen, B. G. Gustafsson, B. Hasler, J. Schumacher, G. Schernewski, A. Sokolov, M. Zandersen and V. Fleming (2020). Decision-support tools used in the Baltic Sea area: Performance and end-user preferences. Environ. Manage. 66: 1024-1038, doi: 10.1007/s00267-020-01356-8 –open access–
    • Schernewski, G., H. Radtke, R. Hauk, C. Baresel, M. Olshammar, R. Osinski and S. Oberbeckmann (2020). Transport and behavior of microplastics emissions from urban sources in the Baltic Sea. Front. Environ. Sci. 8: 579361, doi: 10.3389/fenvs.2020.579361 –open access–
    • Schumacher, J., G. Schernewski, D. Karnauskaitė, M. Kataržytė, S. Pakleppa, K. Pape, S. Schönwald and M. Völzke (2020). Measuring and comparing the sustainability of coastal tourism destinations in Germany, Lithuania, and Indonesia. Environ. Dev. Sustain. 22: 2451-2475, doi: 10.1007/s10668-018-00301-4
    • Schumacher, J., L. Bergqvist, F. M. van Beest, J. Carstensen, B. Gustafsson, B. Hasler, V. Fleming, H. Nygård, K. Pakalniete, A. Sokolov, M. Zandersen and G. Schernewski (2020). Bridging the science-policy gap - toward better integration of decision support tools in coastal and marine policy implementation. Front. Mar. Sci. 7: 587500, doi: 10.3389/fmars.2020.587500 –open access–
  • 2019
    • Friedland, R., A.-L. Buer, S. Dahlke and G. Schernewski (2019). Spatial effects of different zebra mussel farming strategies in an eutrophic Baltic lagoon. Front. Environ. Sci. 6: 158, doi: 10.3389/fenvs.2018.00158 –open access–
    • Friedland, R., G. Schernewski, U. Gräwe, I. Greipsland and M. Pastuszak (2019). Managing eutrophication in the Szczecin (Oder) Lagoon - development, present state and future perspectives. Front. Mar. Sci. 5: 521, doi: 10.3389/fmars.2018.00521 –open access–
    • Gyraite, G., M. Katarzyte and G. Schernewski (2019). First findings of potentially human pathogenic bacteria Vibrio in the south-eastern Baltic Sea coastal and transitional bathing waters. Mar. Poll. Bull. 149: 110546, doi: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2019.110546
    • Haseler, M., C. Weder, L. Buschbeck, S. Wesnigk and G. Schernewski (2019). Cost-effective monitoring of large micro- and meso-litter in tidal and flood accumulation zones at south-western Baltic Sea beaches. Mar. Poll. Bull. 149: 110544, doi: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2019.110544
    • Inacio, M., G. Schernewski, D. A. Pliatsika, J. Benz and R. Friedland (2019). Assessing changes in ecosystem services provision in coastal waters. Sustainability 11: 2632, doi: 10.3390/su11092632 –open access–
    • Karnauskaitė, D., G. Schernewski, J. G. Støttrup and M. Kataržytė (2019). Indicator-based sustainability assessment tool to support coastal and marine management. Sustainability 11: 3175, doi: 10.3390/su11113175 –open access–
    • Karstens, S., M. Inácio and G. Schernewski (2019). Expert-based evaluation of ecosystem service provision in coastal reed wetlands under different management regimes. Front. Environ. Sci. 7: 63, doi: 10.3389/fenvs.2019.00063 –open access–
    • Piehl, S., R. Hauk, E. Robbe, F. Klaeger, M. Haseler, M. Labrenz and G. Schernewski (2019). Mikroplastik in der Umwelt - Eintrag, Verbleib und Konsequenzen. In: Emissionsminderung von Punktquellen im ländlichen Raum : 12. Rostocker Abwassertagung am 10. September 2019 an der Universität Rostock : Tagungsband Rostock: Universität Rostock (Schriftenreihe Umweltingenieurwesen): 104-115, –open access–
    • Schernewski, G., E. Baltranaitė, M. Kataržytė, A. Balčiūnas, N. Čerkasova and J. Mėžinė (2019). Establishing new bathing sites at the Curonian Lagoon coast: an ecological-social-economic assessment. J. Coast. Conserv. 23: 899-911, doi: 10.1007/s11852-017-0587-4 –open access–
    • Schernewski, G., P. Paysen, E. Robbe, M. Inácio and J. Schumacher (2019). Ecosystem service assessments in water policy implementation: An analysis in urban and rural estuaries. Front. Mar. Sci. 6: 163, doi: 10.3389/fmars.2019.00183 –open access–
    • Schernewski, G., R. Friedland, A.-L. Buer, S. Dahlke, B. Drews, S. Höft, T. Klumpe, M. Schadach, J. Schumacher and A. Zaiko (2019). Ecological-social-economic assessment of zebra-mussel cultivation scenarios for the Oder (Szczecin) Lagoon. J. Coast. Conserv. 23: 913-929, doi: 10.1007/s11852-018-0649-2 –open access–
    • Støttrup, J. G., G. E. Dinesen, J. Schumacher, C. Gillgren, M. Inácio and G. Schernewski (2019). The systems approach framework for collaborative, science-based management of complex systems. J. Coast. Conserv. 23: 881-898, doi: 10.1007/s11852-018-00677-5
  • 2018
    • Buer, A.-L., G. Gyraite, P. Wegener, X. Lange, M. Katarzyte, G. Hauk and G. Schernewski (2018). Long term development of bathing water quality at the German Baltic coast: spatial patterns, problems and model simulations. Mar. Poll. Bull. 135: 1055-1066, doi: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2018.08.048
    • Haseler, M., G. Schernewski, A. Balciunas and V. Sabaliauskaite (2018). Monitoring methods for large micro- and meso-litter and applications at Baltic beaches. J. Coast. Conserv. 22: 27-50, doi: 10.1007/s11852-017-0497-5
    • Inácio, M., G. Schernewski, Y. Nazemtseva, E. Baltranaitė, R. Friedland and J. Benz (2018). Ecosystem services provision today and in the past: a comparative study in two Baltic lagoons. Ecol. Res. 33: 1255-1274, doi: 10.1007/s11284-018-1643-8 –open access–
    • Karnauskaitė, D., G. Schernewski, J. Schumacher, R. Grunert and R. Povilanskas (2018). Assessing coastal management case studies around Europe using an indicator based tool. J. Coast. Conserv. 22: 549-570, doi: 10.1007/s11852-018-0597-x –open access–
    • Kataržytė, M., J. Mėžinė, D. Vaičiūtė, S. Liaugaudaitė, K. Mukauskaitė, G. Umgiesser and G. Schernewski (2018). Fecal contamination in shallow temperate estuarine lagoon: Source of the pollution and environmental factors. Mar. Poll. Bull. 133: 762-772, doi: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2018.06.022
    • Newton, A., A. C. Brito, J. D. Icely, V. Derolez, I. Clara, S. Angus, G. Schernewski, M. Inácio, A. I. Lillebø, A. I. Sousa, B. Béjaoui, C. Solidoro, M. Tosic, M. Cañedo-Argüelles, M. Yamamuro, S. Reizopoulou, H.-C. Tseng, D. Canu, L. Roselli, M. Maanan, S. Cristina, A. C. Ruiz-Fernández, R. F. d. Lima, B. Kjerfve, N. Rubio-Cisneros, A. Pérez-Ruzafa, C. Marcos, R. Pastres, F. Pranovi, M. Snoussi, J. Turpie, Y. Tuchkovenko, B. Dyack, J. Brookes, R. Povilanskas and V. Khokhlov (2018). Assessing, quantifying and valuing the ecosystem services of coastal lagoons. J. Nat. Conserv. 44: 50-65, doi: 10.1016/j.jnc.2018.02.009 –open access–
    • Robbe, E., G. Schernewski and M. Inácio (2018). Assessment of Coastal and Marine Ecosystem Services and its importance within Environmental Policy Implementation. In: Marine Ecosystem Services. Ed. by L. Berger. Bonn: Bundesamt für Naturschutz (BfN-Skripten 521), 978-3-89624-258-7, doi: 10.19217/skr521
    • Schernewski, G., A. Balciunas, D. Gräwe, U. Gräwe, K. Klesse, M. Schulz, S. Wesnigk, D. Fleet, M. Haseler, N. Möllman and S. Werner (2018). Beach macro-litter monitoring on southern Baltic beaches: results, experiences and recommendations. J. Coast. Conserv. 22: 5-25, doi: 10.1007/s11852-016-0489-x
    • Schernewski, G., C. Bartel, N. Kobarg and D. Karnauskaite (2018). Retrospective assessment of a managed coastal realignment and lagoon restoration measure: the Geltinger Birk, Germany. J. Coast. Conserv. 22: 157-167, doi: 10.1007/s11852-017-0496-6
    • Schernewski, G., J. Schumacher, E. Weisner and L. Donges (2018). A combined coastal protection, realignment and wetland restoration scheme in the southern Baltic: planning process, public information and participation. J. Coast. Conserv., doi: 10.1007/s11852-017-0542-4
    • Schernewski, G., M. Inácio and Y. Nazemtseva (2018). Expert based ecosystem service assessment in coastal and marine planning and management: A Baltic Lagoon case study. Front. Environ. Sci. 6: 19, doi: 10.3389/fenvs.2018.00019 –open access–
    • Schumacher, J., G. Schernewski, M. Bielecka, M. I. Loizides and X. I. Loizidou (2018). Methodologies to support coastal management - A stakeholder preference and planning tool and its application. Mar. Policy 94: 150-157, doi: 10.1016/j.marpol.2018.05.017
    • Strøttrup, J. G., G. E. Dinesen, J. Schumacher, C. Gillgren and G. Schernewski (2018). An introduction to the Systems Approach Framework. Coastal & Marine 27: 4-5
  • 2017
    • Allin, A., G. Schernewski, R. Friedland, T. Neumann and H. Radtke (2017). Climate change effects on denitrification and associated avoidance costs in three Baltic river basin - coastal sea systems. J. Coast. Conserv. 21: 561-569, doi: 10.1007/s11852-017-0530-8
    • Inácio, M., Schernewski, G., Nazemtseva Y., Paysen, P., Friedland, R.,  2017. Ecosystem Services Assessment of German Baltic Lagoons. In Ozhan E. (Editor),  Proceedings of the Thirteenth International MEDCOAST Congress on Coastal and Marine Sciences, Engineering, Management and Conservation, MEDCOAST 2017, 31 Oct – 04 Nov 2017, Mellieha, Malta, MEDCOAST, Mediterranean Coastal Foundation, Dalyan, Mugla, Turkey, vol1-2, 1266p.
    • Støttrup, J. G., G. E. Dinesen, H. Janßen, C. Gillgren and G. Schernewski (2017). Re-visiting ICM theory and practice: lessons learned from the Baltic Sea region. Ocean Coastal Manage. 139: 64-76, doi: 10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2017.02.002
  • 2016
    • Gräwe, D., M. Haseler and G. Schernewski (2016). Meeresmüll an deutschen Ostseestränden. Wasser u. Abfall 18: 12-17
    • Käppler, A., D. Fischer, S. Oberbeckmann, G. Schernewski, M. Labrenz, K.-J. Eichhorn and B. Voit (2016). Analysis of environmental microplastics by vibrational microspectroscopy: FTIR, Raman or both? Anal. Bioanal. Chem. 408: 8377-8391, doi: 10.1007/s00216-016-9956-3
  • 2015
    • Ad-hoc-Arbeitsgruppe "Nährstoffreduktionsziele u. Eurtrophierung Ostsee", M. v. Weber, M. Carstens, A. Bachor, T. Petenati, B. Knefelkamp, M. Trepel, W. Leujak, G. Schernewski, R. Friedland, G. Nausch, T. Neumann and N. Wasmund (2015). Harmonisierte Hintergrund- und Orientierungswerte für Nährstoffe und Chlorophyll-a in den deutschen Küstengewässern der Ostsee sowie Zielfrachten und Zielkonzentrationen für die Einträge über die Gewässer : Konzept zur Ableitung von Nährstoffreduktionszielen nach den Vorgaben der Wasserrahmenrichtlinie, der Meeresstrategie-Rahmenrichtlinie, der Helsinki-Konvention und des Göteburg-Protokolls. Bonn: Bund/Länder-Ausschuss Nord- und Ostsee (BLANO), Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz, Bau und Reaktorsicherheit
    • Schernewski, G., R. Friedland, M. Carstens, U. Hirt, W. Leujak, G. Nausch, T. Neumann, T. Petenati, S. Sagert, N. Wasmund and M. v. Weber (2015). Implementation of European marine policy : new water quality targets for German Baltic waters. Mar. policy 51: 305-321, doi:10.1016/j.marpol.2014.09.002 –open access–
  • 2014
    • Blobel, D., N. Dreier, S. Enderwitz, C. Filies, P. Fröhle, I. Haller, C. Heidecke, J. Hirschfeld, J. Mahnkopf, G. Schernewski, C. Schlamkow, R. Scholz, A. Schröder and A. Wagner (2014). RADOST - Regionale Anpassungsstrategien für die deutsche Ostseeküste. In: Wege zur Anpassung an den Klimawandel : regionale Netzwerke, Strategien und Maßnahmen. Ed. by H. Biebeler, H. Bardt, E. Chrischilles, M. Mahammadzaheh and J. Striebeck. Köln: Inst. der Dt. Wirtschaft (KLIMZUG Klimawandel in Regionen): 147-168, 978-3-602-14932-2
    • Hirt, U., J. Mahnkopf, M. Gadegast, L. Czudowski, U. Mischke, C. Heidecke, G. Schernewski and M. Venohr (2014). Reference conditions for rivers of the German Baltic Sea catchment: reconstructing nutrient regimes using the model MONERIS. Reg. environ. change 14: 1123-1138, doi:10.1007/s10113-013-0559-7
    • McFadden, L. and G. Schernewski (2014). Critical reflections on a systems approach application in practice : a Baltic lagoon case study. Reg. environ. change 14: 2115-2126, doi:10.1007/s10113-012-0337-y
    • Newton, A., J. Icely, S. Cristina, A. Brito, A. C. Cardoso, F. Colijn, S. Dalla Riva, F. Gertz, J. Würgler Hansen, M. Holmer, K. Ivanova, E. Leppäkoski, D. Melaku Canu, C. Mocenni, S. Mudge, N. Murray, M. Pejrup, A. Razinkovas, S. Reizopoulou, A. Pérez-Ruzafa, G. Schernewski, H. Schubert, L. Carr, C. Solidoro, P. Viaroli and J.-M. Zaldívar (2014). An overview of ecological status, vulnerability and future perspectives of European large shallow, semi-enclosed coastal systems, lagoons and transitional waters. Estuar. coast. shelf sci. 140: 95-122, doi:10.1016/j.ecss.2013.05.023
    • Schernewski, G. and S. Bock (2014). Internet based training and education for coastal management in Germany: a critical evaluation. Mar. policy 43: 21-28, doi:10.1016/j.marpol.2013.03.015
    • Schernewski, G., B. Schippmann and T. Walczykiewicz (2014). Coastal bathing water quality and climate change - a new information and simulation system for new challenges. Ocean coastal manage. 101: 53-60, doi:10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2014.01.004
    • Schernewski, G., S. Schönwald and M. Kataržytė (2014). Application and evaluation of an indicator set to measure and promote sustainable development in coastal areas. Ocean coastal manage. 101, Part A: 2-13, doi:10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2014.03.028 –open access–
    • Schröder, T., J. Stank, G. Schernewski and P. Krost (2014). The impact of a mussel farm on water transparency in the Kiel Fjord. Ocean coastal manage. 101: 42-52, doi:10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2014.04.034
    • Schumacher, J., S. Schönwald and G. Schernewski (2014). Measuring sustainability and climate change adaptation in coastal communities: a German case study. In: Coastal adaptation processes in the German Baltic Sea Region. Rostock: EUCC - Die Küsten Union Deutschland: 37-53, 978-3-939206-14-9
    • Schönwald, S. and G. Schernewski (2014). Nachhaltige Entwicklung an der Küste messen und bewerten. Geogr. Rundsch., 3: 46-52
  • 2013
    • Donges, L., I. Haller and G. Schernewski (2013). Tourists’ perception of coastal changes - a contribution to the assessment of regional adaptation strategies? In: Climate change adaptation in practice : from strategy development to implementation. Ed. by P. Schmidt-Thomé and J. Klein. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell: 239-252, 978-0-470-97700-2
    • Hofmeister, R., K. Bolding, R. D. Hetland, G. Schernewski, H. Siegel and H. Burchard (2013). The dynamics of cooling water discharge in a shallow, non-tidal embayment. Cont. shelf res. 71: 68-77, doi:10.1016/j.csr.2013.10.006
    • Klamt, A.-M. and G. Schernewski (2013). Climate change - a new opportunity for mussel farming in the Southern Baltic? In: Climate change adaptation in practice : from strategy development to implementation. Ed. by P. Schmidt-Thomé and J. Klein. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell: 171-184, 978-0-470-97700-2
    • Mossbauer, M., S. Dahlke, R. Friedland and G. Schernewski (2013). Consequences of climate change and environmental policy for macroalgae accumulations on beaches along the German Baltic coastline. In: Climate change adaptation in practice : from strategy development to implementation. Ed. by P. Schmidt-Thomé and J. Klein. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell: 215-224, 978-0-470-97700-2
    • Schippmann, B., G. Schernewski and U. Gräwe (2013). Escherichia coli pollution in a Baltic Sea lagoon: a model-based source and spatial risk assessment. Int. j. hyg. environ. health 216: 408-420, doi:10.1016/j.ijheh.2012.12.012
    • Schippmann, B., G. Schernewski, U. Gräwe, H. Burchard and T. Walczykiewicz (2013). A model tool for bathing water quality management: a case study on Salmonella occurrence at the southern Baltic coast. Ocean coastal manage. 82: 71-84, doi:10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2013.05.006
    • Weisner, E. and G. Schernewski (2013). Adaptation to climate change: a combined coastal protection and re-alignment scheme in a Baltic tourism region. J. coast. res., Special Issue 65: 1963-1968, doi:10.2112/SI65-333.1
  • 2012
    • Baumann, S. and G. Schernewski (2012). Occurrence and public perception of jellyfish along the German Baltic coastline. J. coast. conserv. 16: 555-566, doi:10.1007/s11852-012-0199-y
    • Friedland, R., T. Neumann and G. Schernewski (2012). Climate change and the Baltic Sea Action Plan: model simulations on the future of the western Baltic Sea. J. mar. syst. 105-108: 175-186, doi:10.1016/j.jmarsys.2012.08.002
    • Hirt, U., J. Mahnkopf, M. Venohr, P. Kreins, C. Heidecke and G. Schernewski (2012). How can German river basins contribute to reach the nutrient emission targets of the Baltic Sea Action Plan? In: 6th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology 2012 (ICEST 2012) Houston, Texas, USA 25-29 June 2012. Ed. by G. A. Sorial and J. Hong. Houston: American Academy of Sciences: 421-427, 978-1-62748-656-9
    • Mossbauer, M., G. Schernewski and S. Bock (2012). The effectiveness of coastal management web portals - a critical analysis. J. coast. conserv. 16: 439-448, doi:10.1007/s11852-012-0186-3
    • Mossbauer, M., I. Haller, S. Dahlke and G. Schernewski (2012). Management of stranded eelgrass and macroalgae along the German Baltic coastline. Ocean coastal manage. 57: 1-9, doi:10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2011.10.012
    • Schernewski, G., E. Fischer, T. Huttula, G. Jost and M. Ras (2012). Simulation tools to support bathing water quality management: Escherichia coli bacteria in a Baltic lagoon. J. coast. conserv. 16: 473-488, doi:10.1007/s11852-012-0202-7
    • Schernewski, G., N. Stybel and T. Neumann (2012). Zebra mussel farming in the Szczecin (Oder) Lagoon: water-quality objectives and cost-effectiveness. Ecol. soc. 17, 2: 4, doi:10.5751/ES-04644-170204
  • 2011
    • Krämer, I., J. Hürdler, J. Hirschfeld, M. Venohr and G. Schernewski (2011). Nutrient fluxes from land to sea: consequences of future scenarios on the Oder river basin – lagoon – coastal sea system. Int. rev. hydrobiol. 96: 520-540, doi:10.1002/iroh.201111293
    • Schernewski, G. (2011). Adaptation to climate change: viniculture and tourism at the Baltic coast. In: Global change and Baltic coastal zones. Ed. by G. Schernewski, J. Hofstede and T. Neumann. Dordrecht: Springer Science+Business Media (Coastal research library): 233-247, 978-94-007-0400-8
    • Schernewski, G. (2011). Coastal seas in a changing world. Coastal & marine 20: 17
    • Schernewski, G., J. Hofstede and T. Neumann, Eds. (2011). Global change and Baltic coastal zones. Dordrecht: Springer Science+Business Media. XIII, 296 S. (Coastal research library)
    • Schernewski, G., T. Neumann and H. Behrendt (2011). Sources, dynamics and management of phosphorus in a southern Baltic estuary. In: The Baltic Sea Basin. Ed. by J. Harff, S. Björck and P. Hoth. Berlin: Springer (Central and Eastern European development studies): 373-388
    • Schernewski, G., T. Neumann, D. Opitz and M. Venohr (2011). Long-term eutrophication history and ecosystem changes in a large Baltic river basin - estuarine system. Transit. waters bull. 5: 95-123, doi:10.1285/i1825229Xv5n2p95
    • Schernewski, G., T. Neumann, S. Maack and M. Venohr (2011). Gewässereutrophierung – vom globalen Problem zum regionalen Lösungsansatz. In: Handbuch der Umweltwissenschaften : Grundlagen und Anwendung der Ökosystemforschung. Ed. by W. Schröder, O. Fränzle and F. Müller. Weinheim: Wiley-VCH: VI-2.2, 20 S.
    • Voss, M., J. W. Dippner, C. Humborg, J. Hürdler, F. Korth, T. Neumann, G. Schernewski and M. Venohr (2011). History and scenarios of future development of Baltic Sea eutrophication. Estuar. coast. shelf sci. 92: 307-322, doi:10.1016/j.ecss.2010.12.037
  • 2010
    • Kannen, A., G. Schernewski, I. Krämer, M. Lange, H. Janßen and N. Stybel, Eds. (2010). Forschung für ein integriertes Küstenzonenmanagement: Fallbeispiele Odermündungsregion und Offshore-Windkraft in der Nordsee. Rostock: EUCC - Die Küsten Union Deutschland. 271 S. (Coastline reports ; 15)
    • Stybel, N., I. Krämer, G. Schernewski, T. Barkmann and S. Grube (2010). Projekt IKZM-Oder: Kooperationen und Ergebnisverbreitung. In: Forschung für ein integriertes Küstenzonenmanagement: Fallbeispiele Odermündungsregion und Offshore-Windkraft in der Nordsee. Ed. by A. Kannen, G. Schernewski, I. Krämer, M. Lange, H. Janßen and N. Stybel. Warnemünde: EUCC - The Coastal Union (Coastline reports ; 15): 113-124
  • 2009
    • Maack, S., P. Dehne, J. Edler, B. Glaeser, G. Janssen, H. Janßen, R. Knippschild, H. Schabelon, R. Scheibe, G. Schernewski, A. Sekscinska and N. Stybel (2009). Erfahrungen und Empfehlungen zur transdisziplinären Projektarbeit - Evaluation des Projektes IKZM-Oder. In: Coastal Change in the southern Baltic Sea Region. Ed. by G. Schernewski, H. Janßen and S. Schumacher. Rostock: EUCC (Coastline Reports ; 12): 123-142
    • Mossbauer, M. and G. Schernewski (2009). Kooperation von Wissenschaft und Praxis in Forschungsprojekten: Erfahrungen am Beispiel der Odermündungsregion. In: Coastal Change in the southern Baltic Sea Region. Ed. by G. Schernewski, H. Janßen and S. Schumacher. Warnemünde: EUCC - The Coastal Union (Coastline reports ; 12): 143-160
    • Schernewski, G., H. Janßen and S. Schumacher, Eds. (2009). Coastal change in the southern Baltic Sea. Warnemünde: EUCC - The Coastal Union. 199 S. (Coastline reports ; 12)
    • Schernewski, G., T. Neumann, N. Stybel, H. Behrendt and C. Fenske (2009). Coastal eutrophication management: Lessons learnt from long-data and model simulations. In: Coastal Change in the southern Baltic Sea Region. Ed. by G. Schernewski, H. Janßen and S. Schumacher. Warnemünde: EUCC - The Coastal Union (Coastline reports ; 12): 101-111
    • Schunicht, E., G. Schernewski and R. Scheibe (2009). Oderflut 1997: Ökologische, ökonomische und soziale Auswirkungen und Konsequenzen. In: Coastal Change in the southern Baltic Sea Region. Ed. by G. Schernewski, H. Janßen and S. Schumacher. Warnemünde: EUCC - The Coastal Union (Coastline reports ; 12): 187-199
    • Stybel, N., C. Fenske and G. Schernewski (2009). Mussel cultivation to improve water quality in the Szczecin Lagoon. J. coast. res. Special issue 56: 1459-1463
  • 2008
    • Fränzle, O. and G. Schernewski (2008). Lake Belau. In: Ecosystem organization of a complex landscape: long-term research in the Bornhöved Lake District, Germany. Ed. by O. Fränzle. Berlin: Springer (Ecological studies; 202): 241-276
    • Janssen, H. and G. Schernewski (2008). ICZM and climate change – The Oder/Odra estuary region. In: Integrated Coastal Zone Management : the global challenge. Ed. by R. R. Krishnamurthy. Singapore: Research Publishing: 601-623
    • Neumann, T. and G. Schernewski (2008). Eutrophication in the Baltic Sea and shifts in nitrogen fixation analyzed with a 3D ecosystem model. J. mar. syst. 74: 592-602
    • Radziejewska, T. and G. Schernewski (2008). The Szczecin (Oder-) Lagoon. In: Ecology of Baltic coastal waters. Ed. by U. Schiewer. Berlin: Springer (Ecological studies; 197): 115-129
    • Schernewski, G. (2008). First steps towards an implementation of coastal management: From theory to regional practise. Rostocker meeresbiol. Beitr. 19: 131-148
    • Schernewski, G. (2008). Inter-linking coastal and river management in the Oder Delta, Germany. 17, 2/3: 7
    • Schernewski, G., H. Behrendt and T. Neumann (2008). An integrated river basin-coast-sea modelling scenario for nitrogen management in coastal waters. J. coast. conserv., doi:10.1007/s11852-008-0035-6
    • Schernewski, G., H. Behrendt, T. Neumann and N. Stybel (2008). Managing the Baltic Sea: Lessons learnt from eutrophication history in a large river - coast - sea system. LITTORAL 2008: a changing coast: challenge for the environmental policies, Venice, November 2008: [12 S.]
  • 2007
    • Glaeser, B., A. Kannen and G. Schernewski (2007). Unterstützung für ein Integriertes Küstenzonenmanagement: Netzwerke und Forschungsverbünde in Nord- und Ostsee. In: Integriertes Küstenzonenmanagent. Bonn: Selbstverl. (Informationen zur Raumentwicklung / Bundesamt für Bauwesen und Raumordnung ; 2007, 5): 297-305
    • Röttger, A., N. Löser and G. Schernewski (2007). Wirkungsbeziehungen zwischen Küste und Einzugsgebiet der Oder. In: Coastal development : the Oder estuary and beyond. Ed. by G. Schernewski et al. Rostock: EUCC - The Coastal Union ; Die Küsten Union Deutschlands e.V. (Coastline reports; 8): 79-88
    • Schernewski, G., B. Glaeser, R. Scheibe, A. Sekscinska and R. Thamm, Eds. (2007). Coastal development : the Oder estuary and beyond. Warnemünde: EUCC - The Coastal Union ; Die Küsten Union Deutschlands e.V. 316 S. (Coastline reports ; 8)
    • Schernewski, G., S. Bock, H. Janssen, N. Löser and A. Hmielorz (2007). Regional climate change and coasts - a case study on perception, information, dissemination and education. In: Information, communication and education on climate change : European perspectives. Ed. by W. Leal Filho, F. Mannke and P. Schmidt-Thomé. Frankfurt am Main: Lang (Environmental education, communication and sustainability ; 26): 127-143
    • Schernewski, G., S. Bock, H. Janssen, N. Löser and R. Scheibe et al. (2007). Küstenzonenmanagement in der Odermündungsregion : Nationale und internationale Kooperation, Integration und Dissemination. In: Coastal development : the Oder estuary and beyond. Ed. by G. Schernewski et al. Rostock: EUCC - The Coastal Union ; Die Küsten Union Deutschlands e.V. (Coastline reports; 8): 89-97
    • Thamm, R., S. Bock and G. Schernewski (2007). Regional information systems and coastal database for ICZM in Germany - are they efficient and informative? In: Coastal development : the Oder estuary and beyond. Ed. by G. Schernewski et al. Rostock: EUCC - The Coastal Union ; Die Küsten Union Deutschlands e.V. (Coastline reports; 8): 151-161
    • Vorlauf, A., S. Maack and G. Schernewski (2007). Aus der IKZM-Forschung lernen : Küstenbildung zur Odermündungsregion. In: Coastal development : the Oder estuary and beyond. Ed. by G. Schernewski et al. Rostock: EUCC - The Coastal Union ; Die Küsten Union Deutschlands e.V. (Coastline reports; 8): 179-190
  • 2006
    • Loeser, N., J. Hoffmann and G. Schernewski (2006). Testing governance indicators for coastal zone management : the Oder Estuary case study. In: Integrated Coastal Zone Management : theory and practice. Ed. by M. Forkiewicz. Gdansk: Gdansk Univ. of Technology, Faculty of Management and Economics: 197-204
    • Podsechin, V., I. Tejakusuma, G. Schernewski and M. Pejrup (2006). On parameters estimation in a dynamic model of suspended sediments. J. hydrol. 318: 17-23
    • Schernewski, G. (2006). Integriertes Küstenzonenmanagement im Ostseeraum: Hintergrund und Praxis. 8, 9: 20-26
    • Schernewski, G. (2006). Vereine, Verbände und Netzwerke im Küstenzonenmanagement und Perspektiven der GIS-Nutzung. In: GIS im Küstenzonenmanagement : Grundlagen und Anwendungen. Ed. by K.-P. Traub. Heidelberg: Wichmann: 116-125
    • Schernewski, G. and N. Loeser (2006). Forschung in der Odermündungsregion : ein Überblick. In: Forschung in der Odermündungsregion : Ergebnisse und Perspektiven 2005 Ed. by G. Schernewski and N. Loeser. Warnemünde: Leibniz-Institut für Ostseeforschung (IKZM-Oder Berichte; 22): 1-8
    • Schernewski, G. and N. Loeser, Eds. (2006). Forschung in der Odermündungsregion : Ergebnisse und Perspektiven 2005 Warnemünde: Leibniz-Institut für Ostseeforschung. 77 S. (IKZM-Oder Berichte; 22)
    • Schernewski, G., J. Hoffmann, N. Loeser, M. Dreisewerd, P. Stavenhagen and B. Grunow (2006). Measuring the progress and outcomes of Integrated Coastal and Ocean Management: The German Oder Estuary case study. Warnemünde: Leibniz-Institut für Ostseeforschung. 41 S. (IKZM-Oder Berichte ; 21)
    • Schernewski, G., T. Neumann and M. Wielgat (2006). Referenzwerte für Hydrochemie und Chlorophyll-a in deutschen Küstengewässern der Ostsee. Rostocker meeresbiol. Beitr. 15: 7-23
  • 2005
    • Bock, S. and G. Schernewski (2005). Das Regionale Informationssystem zur Odermündungsregion. In: Integrated Coastal Zone Management at the Szczecin Lagoon : exchange of experiences in the region. Ed. by B. Glaeser, A. Sekscinska and N. Löser. Rostock: EUCC - The Coastal Union ; Die Küsten Union Deutschlands e.V. (Coastline reports; 6): 169 – 174
    • Carstensen, J., A.-S. Heiskanen, P. Kauppila, T. Neumann, G. Schernewski and Gromisz S. (2005). Developing reference conditions for phytoplankton in the Baltic coastal waters. Part II: Examples of reference conditions developed from the Baltic Sea. Ispra: Inst. Environ. and Sustainability. 35 S. (Technical report/ EU Joint Research Centre ; EU 21582/EN/2)
    • Glaeser, B., K. Gärtner, M. Glaser, G. Janssen, A. Kannen, G. Krause and G. Schernewski (2005). Integriertes Küstenzonenmanagement (IKZM) als Instrument nachhaltiger Ent-wicklung : Probleme, Perspektiven und Empfehlungen. In: Küste, Ökologie und Mensch : integriertes Küstenmanagement als Instrument nachhaltiger Entwicklung. Ed. by B. Glaeser. München: oecom-Verlag (Edition Humanökologie; 2): 311-334
    • Hofstede, J. and G. Schernewski (2005). Two coastal management and public participation case studies in Germany. In: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Coastal Conservation and Management in the Atlantic and Mediterranean (ICCCM 2005). Ed. by F. V. Gomes. Porto: Instituto de Hidraulica e Recursos Hidricos: 371-379
    • Neumann, T. and G. Schernewski (2005). An ecological model evaluation of two nutrient abatement strategies for the Baltic Sea. J. mar. syst. 56: 195-206
    • Permien, T., P. Dehne, N. Loeser and G. Schernewski (2005). Integriertes Küstenzonenmanagement als ein Prozess der regionalen Agenda 21. In: Integrated Coastal Zone Management at the Szczecin Lagoon : exchange of experiences in the region. Ed. by B. Glaeser, A. Sekscinska and N. Löser. Rostock: EUCC - The Coastal Union ; Die Küsten Union Deutschlands e.V. (Coastline reports; 6): 55 – 62
    • Schernewski, G. (2005). Zentrale Problemfelder für regionales Management und eine nachhaltige Entwicklung der mecklenburgischen Ostseeküste. In: Küste, Ökologie und Mensch : integriertes Küstenmanagement als Instrument nachhaltiger Entwicklung. Ed. by B. Glaeser. München: oecom-Verlag (Edition Humanökologie; 2): 219-237
    • Schernewski, G. and T. Neumann (2005). The trophic state of the Baltic Sea a century ago: a model simulation study. J. mar. syst. 53: 109-124
    • Schernewski, G., N. Loeser and A. Sekscinska (2005). Integrated Coastal Area and River Basin Management (ICARM) : the Oder/Odra case study. In: Integrated Coastal Zone Management at the Szczecin Lagoon : exchange of experiences in the region. Ed. by B. Glaeser, A. Sekscinska and N. Löser. Rostock: EUCC - The Coastal Union ; Die Küsten Union Deutschlands e.V. (Coastline reports; 6): 43 - 54
    • Schernewski, G., V. Podsetchine and T. Huttula (2005). Effects of the flow field on small scale phytoplankton patchiness. Nord. hydrol. 36: 85-98
    • Siegel, H., T. Seifert, G. Schernewski, M. Gerth, J. H. Reissmann, T. Ohde and V. Podsetchine (2005). Discharge and transport processes along the German Baltic Sea Coast. Ocean dyn. 55: 47-66
    • Vorlauf, A., S. Bock and G. Schernewski (2005). IKZM-D Lernen : internetgestütztes Lernen zum Integrierten Küstenzonenmanagement (IKZM). In: Neue Ergebnisse der Meeres- und Küstenforschung : Beiträge der 23. Jahrestagung des Arbeitskreises Geographie der Meere und Küsten v. 28. - 30. 4. 2005, Univ. Koblenz-Landau. Ed. by N. Beck. Koblenz: Inst. f. Integrierte Naturwiss. der Univ. Koblenz-Landau (Schriften des Arbeitskreises Landes- und Volkskunde ; 4): 153-161
  • 2004
    • Bangel, H., G. Schernewski, A. Bachor and M. Landsberg-Uczciwek (2004). Spatial pattern and long-term development of water quality in the Oder estuary. In: The Oder Estuary - against the background of the European Water Framework Directive. Ed. by G. Schernewski and T. Dolch. Warnemünde: Institut für Ostseeforschung (Meereswissenschaftliche Berichte; 57): 17-65
    • Dickow, A., C. Droste, F. Liebrenz and G. Schernewski (2004). Coastal Practice Network (CoPraNet) - The German Partner. In: Littoral 2004 : 7th International Symposium: Delivering Sustainable Coasts: Connecting Science and Policy, Aberdeen, Scotland, UK, 20th - 22nd September 2004; [proceedings]. Ed. by D. R. Green. Cambridge: Cambridge Publications, 2004: 790-791
    • Kammler, M. and G. Schernewski (2004). Spatial and temporal analysis of beach tourism using webcam and aerial photographs. In: Managing the Baltic Sea : BaltCoast 2004 - conference proceedings, Warnemünde, Germany, 26.-28. April 2004. Ed. by G. Schernewski and N. Löser. Warnemünde: EUCC - The Coastal Union ; Die Küsten Union Deutschlands e.V. (Coastline reports ; 2): 121-128
    • Podsetchine, V., G. Schernewski and I. Tejakusuma (2004). Simulations of water flow, transport and temperature in the Oder (Szczecin) Lagoon. In: The Oder Estuary - against the background of the European Water Framework Directive. Ed. by G. Schernewski and T. Dolch. Warnemünde: Institut für Ostseeforschung (Meereswissenschaftliche Berichte; 57): 85-97
    • Schernewski, G. (2004). Baltic Region. In: Encyclopedia of world environmental history. Ed. by S. Krech, J. R. McNeill and C. Merchant. New York (u.a.): Routledge: 115-116
    • Schernewski, G. (2004). Baltic Sea. In: Encyclopedia of world environmental history. Ed. by S. Krech, J. R. McNeill and C. Merchant. New York (u.a.): Routledge: 116-118
    • Schernewski, G. (2004). Von der Agenda 21 im Ostseeraum zum regionalen integrierten Küstenzonenmanagement (IKZM). 54: 132-136
    • Schernewski, G. and M. Wielgat (2004). A Baltic Sea typology according to the EC-Water Framework Directive: integration of national typologies and the water body concept. In: Baltic Sea typology. Ed. by G. Schernewski and M. Wielgat. Warnemünde: EUCC - The Coastal Union ; Die Küsten Union Deutschlands e.V. (Coastline reports; 4): 1-26
    • Schernewski, G. and M. Wielgat (2004). Towards a topology for the Baltic Sea. In: Managing the Baltic Sea : BaltCoast 2004 - conference proceedings, Warnemünde, Germany, 26.-28. April 2004. Ed. by G. Schernewski and N. Löser. Warnemünde: EUCC - The Coastal Union ; Die Küsten Union Deutschlands e.V. (Coastline reports ; 2): 35-52
    • Schernewski, G. and M. Wielgat, Eds. (2004). Baltic Sea typology. Warnemünde: EUCC - The Coastal Union ; Die Küsten Union Deutschlands e.V. 109 S. (Coastline reports ; 4)
    • Schernewski, G. and S. Bock (2004). Online-Lernmodule zum Küstenmanagement. In: Geographie der Meere und Küsten : Ergebnisse der 22. Jahrestagung des Arbeitskreises "Geographie der Meere und Küsten" in Warnemünde. Warnemünde: EUCC - The Coastal Union ; Die Küsten Union Deutschlands e.V. (Coastline reports ; 1): 163-168
    • Schernewski, G. and S. Bock (2004). Web-based training on coastal management in Germany. In: Littoral 2004 : 7th International Symposium: Delivering Sustainable Coasts: Connecting Science and Policy, Aberdeen, Scotland, UK, 20th - 22nd September 2004; [proceedings]. Ed. by D. R. Green. Cambridge: Cambridge Publications, 2004: 758-759
    • Schernewski, G. and T. Dolch, Eds. (2004). Geographie der Meere und Küsten : Ergebnisse der 22. Jahrestagung des Arbeitskreises "Geographie der Meere und Küsten" in Warnemünde. Warnemünde: EUCC - The Coastal Union ; Die Küsten Union Deutschlands e.V. 271 S. (Coastline reports ; 1)
    • Schernewski, G. and T. Dolch, Eds. (2004). The Oder Estuary - against the background of the European Water Framework Directive. Warnemünde: Institut für Ostseeforschung. 288 S. (Meereswissenschaftliche Berichte; 57)
    • Schernewski, G. and T. Neumann (2004). Baltic Sea ecosystem management and European policy. In: International co-operation for the Baltic Sea environment: past, present and future: International Conference to commemorate 30 years of the Helsinki Convention, March 22-24, 2004, Riga, Latvia. Jurmala: Latvian Environment Agency: 56-59
    • Schernewski, G., H. Behrens, S. Bock, P. Dehne, W. Erbguth, ..., T. Neumann, ... and K. Wirtz (2004). Integriertes Küstenzonenmanagement in der Odermündungsregion (IKZM Oder). In: Geographie der Meere und Küsten : Ergebnisse der 22. Jahrestagung des Arbeitskreises "Geographie der Meere und Küsten" in Warnemünde. Warnemünde: EUCC - The Coastal Union ; Die Küsten Union Deutschlands e.V. (Coastline reports ; 1): 183-193
    • Schernewski, G., P. Dehne and T. Permien et al. (2004). ICZM in the Regional Seas. 13, 3: 13-15
    • Schiewer, U. and G. Schernewski (2004). Self-purification capacity and management of Baltic coastal ecosystems. J. coast. conserv. 10: 25-32
    • Siegel, H., T. Seifert, M. Gerth, T. Ohde, J. H. Reissmann and G. Schernewski (2004). Dynamical processes along the German Baltic Sea coast systematized to support coastal monitoring. In: Managing the Baltic Sea : BaltCoast 2004 - conference proceedings, Warnemünde, Germany, 26.-28. April 2004. Ed. by G. Schernewski and N. Löser. Warnemünde: EUCC - The Coastal Union ; Die Küsten Union Deutschlands e.V. (Coastline reports ; 2): 219-226
    • Thamm, R., G. Schernewski, N. Wasmund and T. Neumann (2004). Spatial phytoplankton pattern in the Baltic Sea. In: Baltic Sea typology. Ed. by G. Schernewski and M. Wielgat. Warnemünde: EUCC - The Coastal Union ; Die Küsten Union Deutschlands e.V. (Coastline reports; 4): 85-109
  • 2003
    • Dolch, T. and G. Schernewski (2003). Hat Wasserqualität eine Bedeutung für Touristen? Eine Studie am Beispiel des Oderästuars. In: Aktuelle Ergebnisse der Küstenforschung, 20. AMK-Tagung Kiel, 30.5.-1.6.2002. Ed. by A. Daschkeit and H. Sterr. Büsum: Forschungs- u. Technologiezentrum Westküste der Univ. Kiel (Berichte aus dem Forschungs- u. Technologiezentrum Westküste der Univ. Kiel; 28): 197-205
    • Minning, M., T. Leipe and G. Schernewski (2003). Auswirkungen der regelmäßigen Kanal-Ausbaggerungen auf die Trophie des Stettiner (Oder) Haffs. In: Tagungsbericht der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Limnologie (DGL)..., Braunschweig, 30.9.-4.10.2002. Werder: Eigenverlag der DLG: 555-559
    • Minning, M., T. Leipe and G. Schernewski (2003). Der Schifffahrtskanal im Oderhaff - eine Senke für Sediment und Nährstoffe? In: Aktuelle Ergebnisse der Küstenforschung, 20. AMK-Tagung Kiel, 30.5.-1.6.2002. Ed. by A. Daschkeit and H. Sterr. Büsum: (Berichte aus dem Forschungs- u. Technologiezentrum Westküste der Univ. Kiel; 28): 207-213
    • Neumann, T. and G. Schernewski (2003). Managing Baltic Sea eutrophication via river basins (abstract). In: Baltic Sea Science Congress 2003 Helsinki : August 24-28, 2003 ; abstract publication. Helsinki: Univ. Helsinki: 15
    • Rödiger, S., G. Schernewski and M. L. Zettler (2003). Die Makrozoobenthosbesiedelung des Oderhaffs vor dem Hintergrund der EU-Wasserrahmenrichtlinie. In: Tagungsbericht der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Limnologie (DGL)..., Braunschweig, 30.9.-4.10.2002. Werder: Eigenverlag der DLG: 560-564
    • Schernewski, G. (2003). BALTCOAST - integrated coastal zone development in the Baltic Sea region. Coastline 11, 1: 3
    • Schernewski, G. (2003). CHARMante Forschung : die Umsetzung der EU-Wasserrahmenrichtlinie. In: Der verschwundene Hering und das Geheimnis des Regenmachers : Umweltforschung in der Leibniz-Gemeinschaft ; Qualität und Vielfalt. Bonn: Wissenschaftsgemeinschaft Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz: 136-137
    • Schernewski, G. (2003). Nutrient budgets, dynamics and storm effects in a eutrophic, stratified Baltic lake. Acta hydrochim. hydrobiol. 31: 152-161
    • Schernewski, G. and T. Neumann (2003). The trophic state of the Baltic Sea a century ago : a large-scale model simulation study (abstract). In: Baltic Sea Science Congress 2003 Helsinki : August 24-28, 2003 ; abstract publication. Helsinki: Univ. Helsinki: 18
    • Schernewski, G. and U. Schiewer (2003). Küstenzonenmanagement im Ostseeraum: quo vadis? Z. angew. Umweltforsch. 15/16, 1: 118-121
    • Schernewski, G., H. Schmidt, K. Gärtner and M.-L. Heger (2003). ICZM in Eastern Germany. Coastline 11, 3: 12-14
    • Schernewski, G., T. Neumann and M. Wielgat (2003). Implementation of the EU - Water Framework Directive in the Baltic Sea ecoregion. Coastline 12, 3/4: 22-23
    • Schernewski, G., T. Neumann and M. Wielgat (2003). Zustand und modellgestützte Prognosen zur Wasserqualität in der Ostsee und ihren Küstengewässern. In: Aktuelle Ergebnisse der Küstenforschung, 20. AMK-Tagung Kiel, 30.5.-1.6.2002. Ed. by A. Daschkeit and H. Sterr. Büsum: (Berichte aus dem Forschungs- u. Technologiezentrum Westküste der Univ. Kiel; 28): 189-195
    • Siegel, H., M. Gerth, T. Ohde, J. H. Reissmann, G. Schernewski and T. Seifert (2003). Dynamical processes along the German Baltic Sea Coast (abstract). In: Baltic Sea Science Congress 2003 Helsinki : August 24-28, 2003 ; abstract publication. Helsinki: Univ. Helsinki: 74
  • 2002
    • Bangel, H., G. Schernewski and M. Wielgat (2002). Spatial, seasonal and long-term changes of phosphorus concentrations in the Oder estuary. In: Tagungsbericht der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Limnologie (DGL)..., Kiel 2001. Tutzing: Eigenverlag der DLG: 466-470
    • Dolch, T. and G. Schernewski (2002). Eutrophication by the Odra River : implications for tourism and sustainable development of the coastal zone. In: Sustainable management of transboundary waters in Europe : 2nd International Conference, 21.-24. 4. 2002, Miedzyzdroje, Poland. Szczecin: 301-304
    • Neumann, T. and G. Schernewski (2002). Will algal blooms in the Baltic Sea increase in future? Model simulations with different eutrophication combat strategies. In: Low-laying coastal areas - hydrology and integrated coastal zone management: International Symposium, Bremerhaven, 9.-12.9.2002. Koblenz: IHP-OHP-Sekretariat (IHP-OHP-Berichte: Sonderheft; 13): 139-145
    • Schernewski, G. (2002). Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) : from European strategy to practise in Germany. In: First German-Chinese Joint Symposium on Coastal and Ocean Engineering, April 1-12, 2002, Univ. of Rostock, Germany. Ed. by C. Dede. Rostock: Univ.: 149-159
    • Schernewski, G. and H. Sterr (2002). Tourism and environmental quality of the German Baltic coast : conflict or chance? In: Baltic coastal ecosystems : structure, function and coastal zone management. Ed. by G. Schernewski and U. Schiewer. Berlin: Springer: 215-229
    • Schernewski, G. and T. Neumann (2002). Impact of river basin management on the Baltic Sea : ecological and economical implications of different nutrient load reduction strategies. In: Sustainable management of transboundary waters in Europe : 2nd International Conference, 21-24. 4. 2002, Miedzyzdroje, Poland. Szczecin: 43-51
    • Schernewski, G. and T. Neumann (2002). Perspectives on eutrophication abatement in the Baltic Sea. In: Littoral 2002: 6th International Symposium, proceedings...Porto, 22-26.9.2002. Ed. by E.-P. Ass. Porto: Univ. Porto: 503-511
    • Schernewski, G. and U. Schiewer (2002). Baltic coastal ecosystems : structure, function and coastal zone management. Berlin: Springer. 397 S. (Central and Eastern European development studies), 3-540-42937-9
    • Schernewski, G. and U. Schiewer (2002). Status, problems and integrated management of Baltic coastal ecosystems. In: Baltic coastal ecosystems : structure, function and coastal zone management. Ed. by G. Schernewski and U. Schiewer. Berlin: Springer: 1-16
    • Schernewski, G., T. Huttula, W.-D. Jülich, V. Podsetchine and I. Tejakusuma (2002). Water quality problems in Baltic coastal waters : the Odra River as a source of human pathogenic viruses. In: Sustainable management of transboundary waters in Europe : 2nd International Conference, 21.-24. 4. 2002, Miedzyzdroje, Poland. Szczecin: 341-345
    • Schiewer, U. and G. Schernewski (2002). Baltic coastal ecosystem dynamics and integrated coastal zone management. In: Littoral 2002: 6th International Symposium, proceedings...Porto, 22-26.9.2002. Ed. by E.-P. Ass. Porto: Univ. Porto: 115-123
    • Wielgat, M. and G. Schernewski (2002). Impact of the Odra River nutrient load reductions on the trophic state of the Szczecin Lagoon: a modeling approach. In: Sustainable management of transboundary waters in Europe : 2nd International Conference, 21.-24. 4. 2002, Miedzyzdroje, Poland. Szczecin: 347-350
    • Wielgat, M. and G. Schernewski (2002). Models as tools in coastal water management: eutrophication of the large, shallow Szczecin Lagoon. In: Low-laying coastal areas - hydrology and integrated coastal zone management: International Symposium, Bremerhaven, 9.-12.9.2002. Koblenz: IHP-OHP-Sekretariat (IHP-OHP-Berichte: Sonderheft; 13): 147-154
  • 2001
    • Neumann, T. and G. Schernewski (2001). Cost-effective versus proportional nutrient load reductions to the Baltic Sea : spatial impact analysis with a 3D-ecosystem model. In: Water pollution VI : modelling, measuring and prediction. Ed. by C. A. Brebbia. Southampton, Boston: WITPress: 269-278
    • Schernewski, G. and M. Wielgat (2001). Eutrophication of the shallow Szczecin Lagoon (Baltic Sea): modelling, management and the impact of weather. In: Coastal Engineering V : computer modelling of seas and coastal regions. Ed. by C. A. Brebbia. Southampton, Boston: WITPress: 87-98
    • Schernewski, G. and W.-D. Jülich (2001). Risk assessment of virus infections in the Oder estuary (southern Baltic) on the basis of spatial transport virus decay simulations. Int. j. hyg. environ. health 203: 317-325
    • Schernewski, G., T. Neumann, V. Podsetchine and H. Siegel (2001). Spatial impact of the Oder river plume on water quality along the south-western Baltic coast. Int. j. hyg. environ. health 204: 143-155
    • Schernewski, G., T. Neumann, V. Podsetchine, M. Wielgat and I. Tejakusuma (2001). Aspects of water quality and transport modelling in the Oder estuary (southern Baltic Sea) : background, strategy and example. Arch. hydro-eng. environm. mech. 48: 111-122
    • Schiewer, U. and G. Schernewski (2001). Baltic Sea integrated coastal zone management - results and conclusions of the WVU-workshop (Rostock, November 2000) (abstract). In: Baltic Sea Science Congress 2001 : past, present and future - a joint venture ; abstract volume. Stockholm: Stockholm Marine Research Centre, Stockholm Univ.: 296
  • 2000
    • Humborg, C., G. Schernewski, B. v. Bodungen, R. Dannowski, J. Steidl, J. Quast, V. Wallbaum, K. Rudolph, C. Müller, S. Mahlburg and W. Erbguth (2000). Oder Basin - Baltic Sea Interactions (OBBSI) : Endbericht / Final report. Warnemünde: Institut für Ostseeforschung. 84 S. (Meerswissenschaftliche Berichte; 41)
    • Schernewski, G. (2000). Bathing water quality assessment, status and importance of integrated sustainable management along the German Baltic coast. In: Sustainable development of coastal zones and instruments for its evaluation : international conference 22.-27.10.2000 ; conference documentation. Bremen: Carl Duisberg Gesellschaft: 129-133
    • Schernewski, G. (2000). Sustainable development of the German Baltic coasts : regional water quality problems and tourism. In: Sustainable development of coastal zones and instruments for its evaluation : international conference 22.-27.10.2000 ; conference documentation. Bremen: Carl Duisberg Gesellschaft: 134-137
    • Schernewski, G. and B. v. Bodungen (2000). Integrative, transdisziplinäre Forschung zum Küstenzonenmanagement : eine kritische Bestandsaufnahme. In: Oder Basin - Baltic Sea Interactions (OBBSI) : Endbericht / Final report. Warnemünde: Institut für Ostseeforschung (Meereswissenschaftliche Berichte ; 41): 67-72
    • Schernewski, G., R. Dannowski, C. Humborg, S. Mahlburg, C. Müller, F. Pollehne, J. Steidl and V. Wallbaum (2000). Integriertes Küstenzonenmanagement am Beispiel von Oder/Stettiner Haff : Erfahrungen und Perspektiven. 9: 73-85
    • Schernewski, G., V. Podsetchine and U. Schulz (2000). Flow measurements and simulations in and in front of reed stands (Phragmites australic). In: Tagungsbericht der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Limnologie (DGL)..., Rostock, 27.9.-1.10.1999. Tutzing: Eigenverl. der DLG: 1013-1017
    • Schernewski, G., V. Podsetchine, D. Asshoff, D. Garbe-Schönberg and T. Huttula (2000). Spatial ecologigal structures in littoral zones and small lakes: examples and future prospects of flow models as research tools. Arch. Hydrobiol. spec. issues Adv. limnol. 55: 227-241
    • Schernewski, G., V. Podsetchine, H. Siegel and T. Huttula (2000). Instruments for water quality management and research in coastal zones: flow and transport simulations across spatial scales. Period. biol. 102, suppl. 1: 65-75
  • 1999
    • Anis, A. N., I. Ostrovsky, U. Sommer and G. Schernewski (1999). The impact of internal seiche activity on benthic boundary layer formation and ecological processes in Lake Kinneret(Israel) and Lake Belau(Germany). Tiberias: Israel Oceanogr. & Limnol. Res. Ltd. 169 S. (Israel oceanographic and limnological research reports)
    • Podsetchine, V. and G. Schernewski (1999). The influence of spatial wind inhomogenity on flow patterns in a small lake. Water res. 33: 3348-3356
    • Schernewski, G. (1999). Der Stoffhaushalt von Seen: Bedeutung zeitlicher Variabilität und räumlicher Heterogenität von Prozessen sowie des Betrachtungsmaßstabs. Eine Analyse am Beispiel eines eutrophen geschichteten Sees im Einzugsgebiet der Ostsee (Belauer See, Schleswig-Holstein). Warnemünde: Institut für Ostseeforschung. 275 S. (Meereswissenschaftliche Berichte; 36)
    • Schernewski, G. and U. Schulz (1999). Zustandsentwicklung schleswig-holsteinischer Seen zwischen 1983 und 1993: eine Betrachtung unter Anwendung der Clusteranalyse. 29: 146-159




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