Dr. rer. nat. Knut Klingbeil

Seestrasse 15
D-18119 Rostock
I am a physicist working in the department of Physical Oceanography. I actively contribute to Research Area 3.2 (Scientific Model Development) with my expertise in hydrodynamic model development and coupling. I am the lead developer of the coastal ocean model GETM and co-developing the turulence and ecosystem models GOTM, FABM and MOSSCO which are the backbone for many studies at IOW and at international partner institutions. My research interests are consistent numerical techniques for ocean models, the coupling between hydrodynamics and the environment (e.g. waves, atmosphere, ice, sediment) and accurate online model analyses. In the framework of the new priority research focus on Shallow water processes and Transitions to the Baltic scale (STB) I am working on future model systems for two-way nested high-resolution simulations.
Phd student supervision
- Erika Henell (Physics, University of Rostock)
Erika and me investigate the diahaline circulation in the Baltic Sea. By means of simulation results from a numerical model for the Baltic with a resolution of 1 nautical mile, we succesfully quantified how local salt mixing drives the diahaline exchange flow (Henell et al., 2023). As a prerequisite we extended the coastal ocean model GETM with various online diagnostics in salinity space. The theoretical foundation for these analyzes is given by the local Water Mass Transformation framework derived earlier by us (Klingbeil and Henell, 2023).
- Tobias Bauer (Mathematics, University of Halle)
Tobias and me developed the two-way coupled model system ICONGETM (Bauer et al., 2021), consisting of the next-generation atmosphere model ICON and the coastal ocean model GETM. ICONGETM is built on latest NUOPC coupling technology, which facilitates a unified and automated driving of coupled model systems. ESMF exchange grids enable the efficient and conservative data exchange between the unstructured-grid model ICON and the structured-grid model GETM. A demonstration of the potential of ICONGETM for coupled high-resolution simulations to investigate air-sea feedback mechanisms was given for an upwelling event in the central Baltic Sea.
- Tridib Banerjee (Mathematics, Constructor University Bremen)
Together with Sergey Danilov, Tridib and me extended the Discrete Variance Decay analysis of Klingbeil et al. (2014) to quantify physical and spurious numerical mixing of transported tracer concentrations in numerical models (Banerjee et al., 2024a). We also developed an efficient split-explicit mode solver for the ocean climate model FESOM (Banerjee et al., 2024b).
Successful project applications
- Reducing Spurious Dissipation and Energetic Incosistencies in Realistic Ocean Modelling Applications
(subproject M5 in Transregio 181; 2024-2028; 169k EUR)
- Reducing Spurious Mixing and Energetic Incosistencies in Realistic Ocean Modelling Applications
(subproject M5 in Transregio 181; 2020-2024; 228k EUR)