Prof. Dr. Markus Meier

Leibniz-Institute for Baltic Sea Research (IOW)
Seestrasse 15
18119 Rostock
Seestrasse 15
18119 Rostock
Phone: +49 381 5197 150
Fax: +49 381 5197 114
mark us.meier@io-warnemuende.de
Main fields of current research
numerical modeling of the Baltic Sea and Arctic Ocean
- sea ice modeling
- ice-ocean model inter-comparison
- sub-grid scale parameterizations (e.g. turbulence, gravity driven dense bottom currents) in ocean circulation models
- variational data assimilation using the adjoint method
- water exchange through straits
- reconstruction of Baltic Sea climate of the 20th century, paleoclimate studies
- climate variability and climate sensitivity of the Baltic Sea and Arctic Ocean
- detection and attribution of climate change
- dynamical downscaling using regional climate models
- scenario simulations for the Baltic Sea and impact studies (e.g. Baltic ringed seal populations, flooding, coastal erosion, and spatial development)
- ensemble technique for climate change scenario simulations
- atmosphere-ice-ocean interaction
- heat and water cycles in uncoupled and coupled atmosphere-ice-ocean models
- performance of massively parallel ocean codes
- coupled physical-biogeochemical modeling to study the marine ecosystem in past and future climates
- measures against eutrophication