Michael Böttcher - Talks and Posters
Invited Lectures
- 2013 ÖMG, University of Graz (inv. key note) (Austria)
- 2013 University of Frankfurt (FRG)
- 2012 GV conference, University of Hamburg (inv. key note) (FRG)
- 2012 AWI Sylt, summer school (FRG)
- 2012 University of Hannover (FRG)
- 2011 University of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)
- 2011 University of Münster (FRG)
- 2010 University of Hamburg (FRG)
- 2010 University of Oviedo, EMU summer school (Spain)
- 2010 TU University of Clauthal-Zellefeld, Chemistry (FRG)
- 2009 University of Lüneburg (FRG)
- 2009 University of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)
- 2009 University of Greifswald, Biochemistry Dep. (FRG)
- 2009 AWI Sylt, Wadden Sea Station (FRG)
- 2008 Geochemistry Department, University of Utrecht (NL)
- 2008 GFZ Research center, Potsdam (FRG)
- 2007 RCOM, University of Bremen (FRG)
- 2006 Institute for Environmental Research (UFZ), Leipzig (FRG)
- 2006 Geoscience Center, University of Göttingen (FRG)
- 2005 Institute of Geosciences, University of Kiel (FRG)
- 2005 Institute for Environmental Research (UFZ), Leipzig (FRG)
- 2005 GSF - Research Center for Environment & Health, Neuherberg
- 2004 Department of Geosciences, University of Bochum (FRG)
- 2004 Institute for Baltic Sea Research, Warnemünde (FRG)
- 2004 IfM-GEOMAR, University of Kiel (FRG)
- 2003 Geoscience Department, University of Graz (Austria)
- 2003 Isotope Geology Department, ETH Zürich (Switzerland)
- 2002 Geoscience Department, University of Bochum (FRG)
- 2002 Department of Geosciences, University of Freiburg (FRG)
- 2002 University of Hawaii (USA)
- 2000 Hanse Colleg, Delmenhorst, Multi-Isotope-Work Shop (FRG)
- 2000 Institute for Environmental Research (UFZ), Leipzig (FRG)
- 2000 Geosciences Department, University of Köln (FRG)
- 2000 Institute for Baltic Sea Research, Warnemünde (FRG)
- 1999 ETH Zurich, Geology Department (Switzerland)
- 1999 University of Bern, Department for Isotope Geology(Switzerland)
- 1998 Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry, Jena (FRG)
- 1998 Alfred-Wegener-Institute for Polar Research, Bremerhaven
- 1998 Institute for Baltic Sea Research, Warnemünde (FRG)
- 1997 GEOMAR Marine Research Center, Kiel (FRG)
- 1997 Alfred-Wegener-Institute for Polar Research, Bremerhaven
Scientific awards
- 2000 Isotope award of the Dr Karl-Eugen-Habfast-Foundation
Editorial Work
- 2013- co-Editor-in-Chief IChemical Geology
- 2009- Member of the Editorial board of Isotopes in Environmental & Health Studies
- 2003- Member of the Editorial board of Geomicrobiology Journal
- 2012 Guest co-Editor of special issue in Isotopes in Environmental & Health Studies:
- 2010 Associate co-Editor of special issue in Organic Geochemistry:
"Stable Isotopes in Biogeosciences III" - 2008 Associate co-Editor of special issue in Organic Geochemistry:
"Stable Isotopes in Biogeosciences II" - 2006 Guest co-Editor of special issue in Organic Geochemistry:
"Stable Isotopes in Biogeosciences" - 2000 Guest Editor of special issue in Aquatic Geochemistry:
"Geochemistry of carbonates and solid-solution aqueous-solution systems at low temperatures"
Presentations on national and international conferences
complete list 1989-2013 (>400 presentations) upon request