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Rainer Feistel - Curriculum Vitae

1948 born in Warnemünde
1973 Physics diploma at the Rostock University
1976 Dr. rer. nat.
1978-1979 Postdoc at the Lomonossov University Moscow
1979 Dr. sc. nat., Facultas Docendi
1981 Gustav-Hertz Award of the Physical Society
1981-1988 Assistant professor for theoretical physics at the Humboldt University Berlin
1986-1988 Assistant professor for physics at the Asmara University, Eritrea
1989-2013 Physical oceanographer at the Institute for Marine / Baltic Sea Research in Warnemünde
2013 Honorary Fellow of the International Association for the Properties of Water and Steam (IAPWS)
since 2014 Emeritus of the Institute for Marine / Baltic Sea Research in Warnemünde
2015 Member of the Leibniz Society of Sciences at Berlin
2018 Fridtjof Nansen Medal 2018 of the European Geosciences Union (EGU)
2024 IAPWS Gibbs Award of the International Association for the Properties of Water and Steam

My Scientific Interests:

  • Thermodynamics of Seawater
  • Theory of Complex Systems