Bronwyn Cahill - Publications
- 2024
- Cahill, B., E. Chrysagi, R. Vortmeyer-Kley and U. Gräwe (2024). Deconstructing co-occurring marine heatwave and phytoplankton bloom events in the Arkona Sea in 2018. Front. Mar. Sci. 11: 1323271, doi: 10.3389/fmars.2024.1323271 –open access–
- 2023
- Cahill, B. E., P. Kowalczuk, L. Kritten, U. Gräwe, J. Wilkin and J. Fischer (2023). Estimating the seasonal impact of optically significant water constituents on surface heating rates in the western Baltic Sea. Biogeosciences 20: 2743-2768, doi: 10.5194/bg-20-2743-2023 –open access–
- 2022
- Cahill, B. E., P. Kowalczuk, L. Kritten, U. Gräwe, J. Wilkin and J. Fischer (2022). Estimating the seasonal impact of optically significant water constituents on surface heating rates in the Western Baltic Sea. EGUsphere Preprint 2022: 1-37, doi: 10.5194/egusphere-2022-1121 –open access–
- Neumann, T., H. Radtke, B. Cahill, M. Schmidt and G. Rehder (2022). Non-Redfieldian carbon model for the Baltic Sea (ERGOM version 1.2) - implementation and budget estimates. Geosci. Model Dev. 15: 8473-8540, doi: 10.5194/gmd-15-8473-2022 –open access–
- 2019
- Radtke, H., M. Lipka, D. Bunke, C. Morys, J. Woelfel, B. Cahill, M. E. Böttcher, S. Forster, T. Leipe, G. Rehder and T. Neumann (2019). Ecological ReGional Ocean Model with vertically resolved sediments (ERGOM SED 1.0): Coupling benthic and pelagic biogeochemistry of the south-western Baltic Sea. Geosci. Model Dev. 12: 275-320, doi: 10.5194/gmd-12-275-2019 –open access–
- 2018
- Radtke, H., M. Lipka, D. Bunke, C. Morys, B. Cahill, M. E. Böttcher, S. Forster, T. Leipe and T. Neumann (2018). Ecological ReGional Ocean Model with vertically resolved sediments (ERGOM SED 1.0): Coupling benthic and pelagic biogeochemistry of the south-western Baltic Sea. Geosci. Model Dev. Discuss. 109: online, doi: 10.5194/gmd-2018-109 –open access–
- 2017
- Cahill, B., R. Toumi, G. Stenchikov, S. Osipov and H. Brindley (2017). Evaluation of thermal and dynamic impacts of summer dust aerosols on the Red Sea. J. Geophys. Res. Oceans 122: 1325-1346, doi: 10.1002/2016JC011911
- 2016
- Cahill, B., J. Wilkin, K. Fennel, D. Vandemark and M. A. M. Friedrichs (2016). Interannual and seasonal variabilities in air-sea CO2 fluxes along the U.S. eastern continental shelf and their sensitivity to increasing air temperatures and variable winds. J. Geophys. Res. Biogeosciences 121, 2: 295-311, doi: 10.1002/2015JG002939
- 2013
- Schofield, O., et al., Phytoplankton productivity in a turbid buoyant coastal plume. Continental Shelf Research (2013), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.csr.2013.02.005
- 2012
- Xu, Y., B. Cahill, J. Wilkin and O. Schofield (2013). Role of wind in regulating phytoplankton blooms on the Mid-Atlantic Bight. Cont. Shelf Res. 63: S26-S35, doi: 10.1016/j.csr.2012.09.011
- 2011
- Hofmann, E. E., B. Cahill, K. Fennel, M. A. M. Friedrichs, K. Hyde, C. Lee, A. Mannino, R. G. Najjar, apos, J. E. Reilly, J. Wilkin and J. Xue (2011). Modeling the Dynamics of Continental Shelf Carbon. Annu. Rev. Mar. Sci. 3, Volume 3, 2011: 93-122, doi: 10.1146/annurev-marine-120709-142740
- Wilkin, J. L., W. G. Zhang, B. E. Cahill and R. C. Chant (2011). Integrating Coastal Models and Observations for Studies of Ocean Dynamics, Observing Systems and Forecasting. In: Operational Oceanography in the 21st Century. Ed. by A. Schiller and G. B. Brassington. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands: 487-512, 978-94-007-0332-2, doi: 10.1007/978-94-007-0332-2_19
- 2008
- Cahill, B., O. Schofield, R. Chant, J. Wilkin, E. Hunter, S. Glenn and P. Bissett (2008). Dynamics of turbid buoyant plumes and the feedbacks on near-shore biogeochemistry and physics. Geophys. Res. Lett. 35, 10, doi: 10.1029/2008GL033595
- 2000
- Raine, R., S. O'Boyle, T. O'Higgins, M. White, J. Patching, B. Cahill and T. McMahon (2001). A satellite and field portrait of a Karenia mikimotoi bloom off the south coast of Ireland, August 1998. Hydrobiologia 465, 1: 187-193, doi: 10.1023/A:1014524420705
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Integrated Optical Remote Sensing
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