Nina Reese - Talks and Posters
- 2023
- Reese N, Gräwe U, Klingbeil K, Li X, Lorenz M, Burchard H: Local mixing and diahaline exchange flow under extreme runoff conditions (talk)
VEPOSSSS Meeting 2023, Menai Bridge, United Kingdom, 12./13.09.2023 - Reese N, Gräwe U, Klingbeil K, Li X, Lorenz M, Burchard H: Local mixing determines spatial structure of diahaline exchange flow in a mesotidal estuary (talk)
IUGG - IUGG BERLIN 2023, THE 28TH GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE INTERNATIONAL UNION OF GEODESY AND GEOPHYSICS, Berlin, Germany, 11.-20.07.2023 - Reese N, Gräwe U, Klingbeil K, Li X, Lorenz M, Burchard H: Local mixing determines spatial structure of diahaline exchange flow in a mesotidal estuary (talk)
WTD - Warnemünde Turbulence Days 2023, Rostock, Germany, 17.-20.09.2023 - Rummel K., Li X., Gräwe U., Reese N., Burchard H.: Analysis of salt intrusion in the tidal Weser Estuary (poster)
VEPOSSSS Meeting 2023, Menai Bridge, United Kingdom, 12./13.09.2023 - Rummel K., Li X., Gräwe U., Reese N., Burchard H.: Analysis of salt intrusion in the tidal Weser Estuary (poster)
WTD - Warnemünde Turbulence Days 2023, Rostock, Germany, 17.-20.09.2023
- Reese N, Gräwe U, Klingbeil K, Li X, Lorenz M, Burchard H: Local mixing and diahaline exchange flow under extreme runoff conditions (talk)
- 2022
- Reese N, Burchard H, Gräwe U, Lorenz M, Li X, Klingbeil K: Salt Mixing in the Elbe Estuary (talk)
PECS - Physics of Estuaries and Coastal Seas Conference (Shanghai/Perth), Perth, Australia, 24.-28.10.2022
- Reese N, Burchard H, Gräwe U, Lorenz M, Li X, Klingbeil K: Salt Mixing in the Elbe Estuary (talk)