Preliminary Results
Transport of methane oxidizing microbes from the sediment into the water column through gas bubbles (Bubble Shuttle), DFG SCHM 2530/3

Within this DFG funded project we are applying a multidisciplinary approach that combines gas chemistry and molecular biology. The biological investigations are coordinated by Prof. Dr. Tina Treude (Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel (GEOMAR), Germany), the gas chemistry by Dr. Oliver Schmale (IOW). Acoustic and visual gas bubble analyses are performed by Dr. Ira Leifer (Marine Science Institute, University of California (UCSB), Santa Barbara, CA, USA).

Successful field work in Santa Barbara (California, USA) together with colleagues from the IOW, UCSB and GEOMAR. Samples were taken at the “Rostocker-Seep” (Coal Oil Point seep field) in about 10 m water depth. The pictures show the “Bubble Catcher” used to collect the gas bubble at the sediment/water interface.