Dr. Fabian Wolf
Professional Experience
August 2023 – Present: Postdoc at Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research Warnmünde in the working group Ecology of benthic organismsim within in the Projekt ArKoBi. The work aims to unravel the carbon storage potential of Arctica islandica communities.
September 2022 – Juni 2023: Researcher at GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel in the working group Experimental Ecology - Benthic Ecology. The work aimed to finish publications from my doctorate as well as supporting the teaching of master students of the study program Biological Oceanography at Kiel University.
June – July 2022: Researcher at Åbo Akademi. The work aimed to set up and conduct a mesocosm experiment to investigate the impact of heatwaves on the seagrass community of Zostera marina in the finish Archipelago.
November 2018 – February 2022: Doctoral Researcher at GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel (November 2018 – October 2021 was funded by the doctoral scholarship of the Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt). The work aimed to elucidate the impact of heatwaves differing in frequency, duration and intensity combined with hypoxic upwelling on the common sea star Asterias rubens as well as on eelgrass Zostera marina.
May – October 2018: Researcher at GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel in the working group Experimental Ecology - Benthic Ecology. The work aimed to identify the impact of a natural heatwave and several upwelling events in the Kiel Fjord on the predator-prey system European green crab Carcinus maenas and the common sea star Asterias rubens preying on Mytilus edulis using the Kiel Outdoor Benthocosms.
April 2016 – April 2018: Research assistant in different working groups at GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel: Experimental Ecology - Benthic Ecology (Dr. Christian Pansch, Prof. Dr. Martin Wahl & Francisco Barboza), Experimental Ecology - Food Webs (Dr. Jamileh Javidpour), Chemical Oceanography - Water Column Biogeochemistry (Dr. Christian Schlosser & Insa Rapp), Chemical Oceanography - Transient Tracer (Dr. Toste Tanhua)
2018 – 2022: Doctorate at Kiel University and GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel
Degree: Dr. rer. nat. with the thesis title “Extreme events and warming in the Baltic Sea: relevance for coastal benthic communities” graduated with Magna cum laude
Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Martin Wahl and Associate Prof. Dr. Christian Pansch
2015 – 2018: Master studies in Biological Oceanography at GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel and Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel
Degree: Master of Science with the thesis title “The neglected role of environmental fluctuation in climate change research” graduated with a final grade of 1.2 (Excellent)
Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Martin Wahl and Dr. Christian Pansch
2012 – 2015: Bachelor studies in Biology at Philipps-Universität Marburg
Degree: Bachelor of Science with the thesis title “Predation pressure on insects (Lepidoptera) along an Urbanization gradient in Frankfurt on the Main” graduated with a final grade of 1.8 (Good)
Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Roland Brandl and Dr. Lars Opgenoorth
2004 – 2012: Academic high school at Lessing Gymnasium in Köln
Degree: A level graduated with a final grade of 1.3 (Excellent)
January – February 2023: Co-Organization and realization of the module MNF-bioc-110 of the master program Biological Oceanography at Kiel University. The aim was the training of students in experiment design, running an experiment using the Kiel Indoor Benthocosms, analysing the data, and writing a manuscript.
June – July 2021: Co-Organization and realization of the module MNF-bioc232 of the master program Biological Oceanography at Kiel University. The aim was to teach the theory and practical implementation of the graphical display of abiotic as well as experimental long-time data based on previous analysis of Generalized Additive Mixed-effects Models (GAMMs).
September 2019: Co-Organization of a 10-days cruise (AL528) with the research vessel ALKOR to the Baltic Sea. The aim was the training of students of the master program Biological Oceanography at Kiel University in planktonic and benthic sampling at sea.
May 2020 – Present: Supervision of a bachelor student working on the impacts of consecutive heatwaves on the common sea star Asterias rubens.
June 2019 – January 2020: Co-supervision of a bachelor student working on the topic of the importance of recovery phases in between heatwaves for the common sea star Asterias rubens.
June – December 2018: Co-supervision of a bachelor student working on the impact of heat waves and hypoxic upwelling events on the common sea star Asterias rubens.
September 2019: 10-days cruise (AL528) with the research vessel ALKOR to the Baltic Sea. The aim was the training of students of the master program Biological Oceanography (Kiel University) in planktonic and benthic sampling at sea.
March – April 2018: 33-days cruise (MSM72) with the research vessel MARIA S. MERIAN to the Mediterranean Sea. The main scope of this cruise was to identify and understand long-term changes and trends in physical and biogeochemical parameters in the Mediterranean Sea.
October 2016: 10-days cruise (POS506) with the research vessels POSEIDON to the Western Baltic Sea in order to investigate the changing species community of Benthos and Plankton along a salinity gradient.
Public relations work
February 2023: Interview with “Sierra Club” about the interplay of marine heatwaves and hypoxic upwelling events
January 2023: Interview with “New scientist” about the interplay of marine heatwaves and hypoxic upwelling events
July 2021: Interview with “Bild der Frau” about the topic of marine heatwaves (issue of 23.07.2021).
June 2021: Interview with the ZDF for the “heute-journal” about the topic of marine heatwaves.
October 2019: Interview partner for junior reporters of the SHZ (https://www.shz.de/regionales/kina/kina-reporter/die-gefahr-im-schoenen-blau-id26074482.html)