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Joachim Kuss - Projects


Hg-Cyano - The meaning of the cyanobacteria for the mercury emission of the Baltic Sea

QueMar - Marine mercury emissions: Measurements in the Atlantic Ocean

Hg-trans - The Baltic Sea as a source of atmospheric mercury

Keddy - The dependency of the CO2 air-sea exchange on wind speed: Is it quadratic or cubic?

Keks - A new approach for the determination of the CO2 transfer velocity at the air-sea interface

German-JGOFS- subproject: The vertical transport of particulate trace elements in the northeast Atlantic and its short-term and long-term variability



Mercury species and sea-air exchange of gaseous mercury compounds in the frame of projects - Research Foci 1 & 2

Nutrients cycling, eutrophication and oxygen depletion in Baltic Sea water masses - monitoring - Research Focus 3