Matthias Labrenz - Projekte
Laufende Projekte
Beendete Projekte
P-Campus Teilprojekt: The role of inorganic phosphate supply on the development of cyanobacterial summer blooms in the Baltic Sea
Leibniz Association (2019-2023)
BONUS MICROPOLL: Multilevel assessment of microplastics and associated pollutants in the Baltic Sea
BONUS (2017-2020)
MicroCatch_Balt: Untersuchung der Mikroplastik Senken- und Quellen von einem typischen Einzugsgebiet bis in die offene Ostsee
BMBF (2017-2020) PI
PLASTRAT: Lösungsstrategien zur Verminderung von Einträgen von urbanem Plastik in limnische Systeme
BMBF (2017-2020)
ECOLOC: Environmental change affecting COastal ecosystems of tropical China during the Anthropocene: Landward vs. OCeanic influence
BMBF (2015-2018) PI
BONUS BLUEPRINT: Biological lenses using gene prints
BONUS (2014-2018) WP leader
BONUS AFISmon: Development of an autonomous multisampler system for the monitoring of biogeochemical processes
BONUS (2014-2017) PI
Vibrio-MV: Habitate und Diversität potentiell pathogener Vibrionen an der Ostseeküste von Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (Vibrionen vor M-V)
Forschungsstiftung Ostsee (2015-2017)
INA: Development of innovative instruments for the implementation of autonomus systems used for the analysis of microbial activities in pelagic aquatic habitats
BMBF (2014-2017) PI
MicroFUN: Bacterial diversity and function within the salinity gradient of the Baltic Sea
DFG (2012-2015) Co-PI
Bioacid II: Responses and adaptations of heterotrophic and chemoautotrophic prokaryotic key players to a high CO2 world
BMBF (2012-2015) Co-PI
MikrOMIK: The role of microplastics as vector for microbial populations in the ecosystem of the Baltic Sea
Leibniz Association SAW/PAKT Program (2014-2017) PI
MIMAS: The role of microorganisms in the marine nutrient cycle
BMBF (2008-2011) Co-PI
CHEMOII: Distribution and activity of chemolithoautotrophic microorganisms in Baltic pelagic redoxclines
DFG (2008-2010) PI
REAL: RNA - Expression of microbial aquatic communities
Leibniz Association SAW/PAKT Program (2008-2010) Project coordinator
CHEMO: Distribution and activity of chemolithoautotrophic microorganisms in Baltic pelagic redoxclines
DFG (2006-2008) PI
Abundance and distribution of aerobic anoxygenic phototrophic bacteria in the central Baltic Sea
DFG (2006) PI