Cruises and Mesocosm Experiments
2013-September RV Elizabeth Mann Borgese, Baltic Sea
2012-July RV Meteor, Baltic Sea
2012-Mai RV Endeavor, Gulf of Mexico, Mississippi River Plume
2011-Sep/Oct RV Melville, tropical North Atlantic, Amazon Plume
2011-July RV Endeavor, Gulf of Mexico, Mississippi River Plume
2009-March Mesocosm experiments DTU-Aqua, Charlottenlund, DK
2008-August RV Poseidon, Baltic Sea
2006-Nov. Mesocosm experiments Institute of Oceanography Nha Trang, Vietnam
2004-Juli RV Nghien Cuu Bien, South China Sea, Mekong River Plume
2004-April RV Nghien Cuu Bien, South China Sea, Mekong River Plume
2003-Juli RV Nghien Cuu Bien, South China Sea, Mekong River Plume
2002-Feb FRS Africana, Benguela Upwelling Area, Angola Benguela Front
1999-Feb FRS Africana, Benguela Upwelling Area, Angola Benguela Front
Class Room Experience and Student Supervision
Since SS 2016: Guest lecturer in BSc course Marine Biology from Prof. Schulz-Vogt at the University of Rostock. Topics: Ocean chemistry, Ocean circulation, Nutrient dynamics, Primary production, Zooplankton feeding, Trophic Marker. (8x 45 min or. 1.2 SWS)
Guest lecturer for MSc course Biological Oceanography from Prof. Dr. Montoya at the
Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, USA. Topics: Ocean circulation, Nutrient dynamics, Primary production, and Zooplankton feeding.
Hands on guidance for independent research of undergraduate and graduate students during multiple international research cruises and during mesocosms experiments for the following parameters: 15N und 13C tracer experiments with phyto- and zooplankton, nutrient analysis by autoanalyzer (Lachet) or manually, Chl. a analytics, PN/PC filtration, Mocness-, Multinet-, WP2-sampling, work with Phyto- and Zooplankton cultures