René Friedland - Presentations, poster, other publications
- 2024
- Friedland et al.: Impact on key water quality indicators of different nutrient input reduction policies in the (western) Baltic Sea (talk)
ICES WGIPEM Meeting 2024, A Coruña, Spain, 11.-14.03.2024 - Friedland R, Piehl S: Integriertes Eutrophierungsmanagement in der westlichen Ostsee (talk)
EuNäP-Forschungstreffen, Online, 05.12.2024 - Leujak W, Friedland R: Managing Baltic Sea nutrient inputs across the continuum of catchment to coast to open sea – the German experience (talk)
HELCOM IC PLC WS 1-2024 - HELCOM Informal consultation workshop on land-sea interactions – linking coastal water management to the BSAP, Online, 17.01.2024 - Piehl S, Friedland R, Neumann T, Schernewski G: The project UBA MoSEA: Application of modelling tools to characterize the eutrophication situation in the western Baltic Sea - Supporting the HELCOM shallow water oxygen indicator (talk)
IC EG EUTRO 3-2023 - HELCOM Third Informal Consultation Session of the Expert Group on Eutrophication, online, 19.01.2024 - Piehl S, Friedland R, Schernewski G: Kaskadeneffekte von Extremereignissen und biologischen Gefahren / Synthese der Ergebnisse und Wege zum Handeln (talk)
DAM PrimePrevention - DAM PrimePrevention Kick-Off Meeting, Wilhelmshaven, Germany, 09.-11.04.2024 - Piehl S, Neumann T, Schernewski G, Friedland R: Sauerstoffmangel in der westlichen Ostsee (talk)
EuNäP-Forschungstreffen, Online, 05.12.2024
- Friedland et al.: Impact on key water quality indicators of different nutrient input reduction policies in the (western) Baltic Sea (talk)
- 2023
- Friedland et al. "Assessing the effects of nutrient load reductions with a pan-European model ensemble" (talk)
OSPAR ICG-EMO Workshop Feb. 2023, Hamburg, Germany, 21.-23.02.2023 - Friedland et al. "Model-based oxygen deficiency metrics to derive ecologically relevant water quality indicators" (talk)
ICES WGIPEM Meeting 2023, Copenhagen, Denmark, 27.-30.03.2023 - Friedland R, Piehl S, Neumann T, Schernewski G, von Thenen M: Integrierte Modelle als Managementwerkzeug für die Ostsee (poster)
32. Meeresumwelt-Symposium 2023, Hamburg, Germany, 09./10.05.2023 - Friedland R, Piehl S, Neumann T, Schernewski G: The effect of further nutrient input reductions on the water quality in the western Baltic Sea (talk)
BSSC 2023 - Baltic Sea Science Congress, Helsinki, Finland, 21.-25.08.2023 - Friedland R, Piehl S, Neumann T, Schernewski G: The impact of nutrient input reduction legislations on the water quality in the western Baltic Sea (talk)
IOW Sektionsseminar Physik, IOW, Germany, 16.05.2023 - Piehl S, Friedland R, Neumann T, Schernewski G: Biogeochemical models as a tool for improved water quality management in the western Baltic Sea (talk)
BSSC 2023 - Baltic Sea Science Congress, Helsinki, Finland, 21.-25.08.2023 - Schernewski G, Friedland R, Paysen S, Bucas M, Dahlke S, von Weber M, Piehl S, von Thenen M: Nutrient loads, water quality and macrophytes in a large Baltic lagoon: relevance, development and restoration perspectives. (talk)
EUROLAG10 - EUROLAG10 - 10th European Coastal Lagoons Symposium (Gdynia, 19.06.23-23.06.23), Gdynia, Poland, 19.-23.06.2023
- Friedland et al. "Assessing the effects of nutrient load reductions with a pan-European model ensemble" (talk)
- 2022
- Friedland R, Piehl S, Neumann T, Schernewski G: Modelling scenarios demonstrating the achievability of BSAP nutrient reduction targets in the western Baltic Sea (talk)
HELCOM IC PLC WS 1-2022 - HELCOM PLC informal consultation workshop on the effectiveness of measures and the analysis of implementation obstacles, Berlin, Germany, 22./23.11.2022 - Friedland R, Piehl S, Neumann T, Schernewski G: Modellsimulationen zur zukünftigen Wasserqualität in der westlichen Ostsee (poster)
MUS - 31. Meeresumwelt-Symposium 2022, Hamburg, Germany, 18./19.05.2022 - Friedland, Piehl, Schernewski: Oder/Szczecin Lagoon - Potential Research Topics (talk)
Szczecin lagoon and IJsselmeer area exchange, online, 24.02.2022 - Piehl S, Friedland R, Heyden B, Leujak W, Neumann T, Schernewski G: Seasonal Oxygen Deficiency: An Indicator for Coastal Water Quality (talk)
Littoral 2022 - Littoral 2022, Costa da Caparica, Portugal, 12.-16.09.2022 - Piehl S, Friedland R, Heyden B, Leujak W, Neumann T, Schernewski G: Seasonal oxygen depletion as an indicator for coastal water quality in the western Baltic Sea (talk)
GO2NE - 53rd International Colloquium on Ocean Dynamics, Liège, Belgium, 16.-20.05.2022 - Piehl S, Friedland R, Leujak W, Heyden B, Neumann T, Schernewski G: Developing indicators for responses to multiple stressors: seasonal oxygen deficiency (poster)
Küste im Wandel 2022 - 3. Küstensymposium 'Küste im Wandel - Coast in Transition 2022', Hamburg, Germany, 09.-11.11.2022 - Piehl S, Friedland R, Neumann T, Schernewski G: Comparison of Danish oxygen indicator results with ERGOM model results (talk)
Trilateral discussion on the oxygen indicator for the HOLASIII assessment - HELCOM , Online per Webex, 28.09.2022 - Piehl S, Friedland R, Neumann T, Schernewski G: Der Ostseeaktionsplan - Unterstützung der Entwicklung eines Sauerstoffindikators (talk)
3. Diskussionsforum: „Modellierung von Eutrophierungsaspekten in der westlichen Ostsee zur Unterstützung der Umsetzung der Ziele des HELCOM-Ostseeaktionsplans“, Online per Webex, 31.08.2022
- Friedland R, Piehl S, Neumann T, Schernewski G: Modelling scenarios demonstrating the achievability of BSAP nutrient reduction targets in the western Baltic Sea (talk)
- 2021
- Friedland et al., Why using many ecosystem models could reduce uncertainty of eutrophication forecasts (talk)
EU Green Week 2021, Online conference, 01.-04.06.2021 - Friedland R, et al. Assessing the effects of nutrient load reductions with a pan-European model ensemble (talk)
ICES ASC - ICES Annual Science Conference , Virtual meeting, 06.-10.09.2021 - Friedland R, Grizzetti B, Daewel U, Kerimoglu O, Lenhart H, Stegert C, Stips A: An integrated model ensemble for the North Sea region (poster)
AMEMR 2021 - Advances in Marine Ecosystem Modelling Research, Online conference, 12.-15.07.2021 - Friedland R, Neumann T, Piehl S, Schernewski G: The new assessment unit “Pomeranian Bay” proposal for the GES thresholds and status assessment (talk)
IN-EUTRO - IN-EUTROPHICATION 21-2021, online, 01./02.09.2021 - Friedland R, Neumann T, Piehl S, Schernewski G: Using river plumes to shape assessment units (talk)
BSSC - 13. Baltic Sea Science Congress, Aarhus, Denmark, 18.-22.10.2021 - Friedland R, Piehl S, Schernewski G: Zur Wasserqualität im Oderhaff – Zustand, Langzeitentwicklung und Zukunftsperspektiven (talk)
7. BFG-Workshop "Gewässergütemodellierung: Aktuelle Anwendungen und integrative Modellansätze", Online, 15./16.11.2021 - Piehl S, Friedland R, Heyden B, Leujak W, Neumann T, Schernewski G: Modelling of Water Quality Indicators: Oxygen (talk)
BSSC - 13. Baltic Sea Science Congress, Aarhus, Denmark, 18.-22.10.2021 - Piehl S, Friedland R, Neumann T, Schernewski G: Der Ostseeaktionsplan - Unterstützung der Entwicklung eines Sauerstoffindikators (talk)
2. Diskussionsforum: „Modellierung von Eutrophierungsaspekten in der westlichen Ostsee zur Unterstützung der Umsetzung der Ziele des HELCOM-Ostseeaktionsplans“, Online per Webex, 14.10.2021 - Schernewski G, Neumann T, Friedland R, Piehl S The project UBA-Eutro: Modelling of Water Quality Indicators - Supporting the HELCOM shallow-water oxygen indicator (WP2) (talk)
IN-EUTRO - IN-EUTROPHICATION 19A-2021, online, 22.04.2021 - Schernewski G, Neumann T, Friedland R, Piehl S: The project UBA-Eutro: Modelling of Water Quality Indicators - Supporting the HELCOM shallow-water oxygen indicator (WP2) (talk)
IN-EUTRO - IN-EUTROPHICATION 21-2021, online, 01./02.09.2021 - Stegert c, Lenhart H, Blauw A, Friedland R, Leujak W, Kerimoglu O: Evaluating uncertainties in reconstructing the pre-eutrophic state of the North Sea (poster)
AMEMR 2021 - Advances in Marine Ecosystem Modelling Research, Online conference, 12.-15.07.2021
- Friedland et al., Why using many ecosystem models could reduce uncertainty of eutrophication forecasts (talk)
- 2019
- Buer A L, Ritzenhofen L, Friedland R, Dahlke S, Schernewski G: Mussel farming in Mecklenburg Vorpommern - Chances and threads in low saline coastal waters. (talk)
OptiMus Stakeholder Meeting - Stakeholder conference on mussel farming and water quality in the Baltic Sea, Rostock, Germany, 19.03.2019 - Schernewski G, Friedland R, Buer A L, Ritzenhofen L: Mussel farming in the Baltic Sea – more than a nutrient-retention measure? (talk)
P-Campus Ringvorlesung SS 2019 - Die Wege des Phosphors in der Umwelt und Möglichkeiten der P-Nutzung, Rostock, Germany, 16.05.2019 - Schernewski G, Friedland R, Buer A-L, Ritzenhofen L: Zebra-mussel cultivation in Baltic coastal waters - an option for Blue Growth and water policy implementation. (talk)
AE19 - Aquaculture Europe 2019, Berlin, Germany, 07.-10.10.2019 - Schernewski G, Friedland R, Buer A-L, Ritzenhofen L: Muschelfarmen – Ein Weg zur Erreichung von Meeresqualitätszielen? (talk)
29. Meeresumwelt‐Symposium 2019, Hamburg, Germany, 04.06.-05.11.2019
- Buer A L, Ritzenhofen L, Friedland R, Dahlke S, Schernewski G: Mussel farming in Mecklenburg Vorpommern - Chances and threads in low saline coastal waters. (talk)
- 2018
- Buer A-L, Friedland R, Ritzenhofen L, Dahlke S, Schernewski G: Potential of Mussel Aquaculture in low saline Waters - Farming Mytilus spp. in the Southern Baltic Sea (talk)
AMK 2018 - 36th Annual Conference 'Geography of Seas and Coasts', Braunschweig, Germany, 18.-20.04.2018 - Buer A-L, Friedland R, Ritzenhofen L, Dahlke S: Muschelfarmen im Greifswalder Bodden - Erste Ergebnisse vom Sommer 2017 (talk)
Möglichkeiten interner Maßnahmen zur Verbesserung der Wasserqualität in Küstengewässern, Stralsund, Germany, 23.01.2018 - Buer A-L, Ritzenhofen L, Friedland R, Dahlke S, Schernewski G: Potential of Mussel Farming in Brackish Baltic Lagoons (talk)
EUROLAG8 - 8th European Coastal Lagoons Symposium, Athen, Greece, 19.-22.03.2018 - Friedland R, Buer A-L, Dahlke S, Lange X, Ritzenhofen L, Schernewski G: Spatial modelling as supportive tool for the site selection of mussel farms (talk)
AMK 2018 - 36th Annual Conference 'Geography of Seas and Coasts', Braunschweig, Germany, 18.-20.04.2018 - Friedland R, Buer A-L, Dahlke S, Ritzenhofen S: Optimierung von Muschelfarmen zur Produktion von Fischfutter in der Ostsee: Fallstudie Greifswalder Bodden (poster)
Möglichkeiten interner Maßnahmen zur Verbesserung der Wasserqualität in Küstengewässern, Stralsund, Germany, 23.01.2018 - Friedland R, Buer A-L, Ritzenhofen L, Stybel N: Miesmuschelfarmen im Greifswalder Bodden? (talk)
Möglichkeiten interner Maßnahmen zur Verbesserung der Wasserqualität in Küstengewässern, Stralsund, Germany, 23.01.2018 - Friedland R, Paysen S, Schernewski G: Using water transparency as water quality indicator in a Baltic coastal water (talk)
EUROLAG8 - 8th European Coastal Lagoons Symposium, Athen, Greece, 19.-22.03.2018 - Inacio M, Schernewski M, Schumacher J, Robbe E, Fiedland R: Assessing and mapping changes in ecosystem services provision: examples from Baltic transitional waters bodies (talk)
ESP EU 2018 - ESP EUROPE REGIONAL CONFERENCE 2018 - ‘Ecosystem services in a changing world: moving from theory to practice’., Donostia - San Sebastián, Spain, 15.-19.10.2018 - Inacio M, Schernewski M., Nazemtseva Y, Paysen P, Hoef S, Pliatsika A, Baltranaite E, Friedland R: Temporal dynamics of ecosystem services provision in coastal waters: experiences from the Baltic Sea (talk)
ECOSERV - 5th Scientific Symposium on Ecosystem Services in Transdisciplinary Approach, Poznan , Poland, 17.-19.09.2018 - Inácio M, Schernewski G, Nazemtseva Y, Paysen P, Baltranaite E, Pliatsika A, Friedland R: Assessing and comparing the provision of ecosystem services in different Southern Baltic coastal lagoons (talk)
EUROLAG8 - 8th European Coastal Lagoons Symposium, Athen, Greece, 19.-22.03.2018 - Ritzenhofen L, Friedland R, Buer A-L, Dahlke S, Lange X, Maar M, Schernewski G: Mussel aquaculture in low saline coastal waters: a potential for Blue Growth in the Baltic Sea (talk)
Littoral 2018, Leeuwarden, Netherlands, 22.-26.10.2018 - Ritzenhofen L, Friedland R, Buer A-L, Dahlke S, Lange X, Maar M, Schernewski G: Mussel cultivation in the Baltic Sea (talk)
Coastal biomass - Combining nutrient reduction in coastal waters with blue-growth opportunities, Wieck, Germany, 14.11.2018 - Ritzenhofen L, Friedland R, Buer A-L, Lange X, Schernewski G: Mytilus spp. larvae distribution in areas with limited hard substrate – a site selection criterion for potential mussel farms (talk)
AMK 2018 - 36th Annual Conference 'Geography of Seas and Coasts', Braunschweig, Germany, 18.-20.04.2018 - Schernewski G, Friedland R, Buer A-L, Dahlke S, Drews B, Höft S, Inacio M, Klumpe T, Schadach M, Schumacher J, Zaiko A: Ecological-social-economic assessment of zebra-mussel cultivation scenarios for the Oder (Szczecin) Lagoon (talk)
BaltCoast - final project meeting, Athen, Greece, 19./20.03.2018 - Schernewski G, Friedland R, Buer A-L, Dahlke S, Höft S, Klumpe T, Schumacher J: Zebra-mussel cultivation in the Szczecin Lagoon: an ecological-social-economic assessment (talk)
EUROLAG8 - 8th European Coastal Lagoons Symposium, Athen, Greece, 19.-22.03.2018 - Schernewski G, Friedland R: Managing Eutrophication in the Szczecin Lagoon - development, present state and future perspectives (talk)
EUTRO 2018 - 4th International Symposium on Research and Management of Eutrophication in Coastal Ecosystems, Nyborg, Denmark, 17.-20.06.2018 - Schernewski G, Friedland R: Measures to restore a Good Environmental Status in coastal waters (talk)
Littoral 2018, Leeuwarden, Netherlands, 22.-26.10.2018 - Stybel N, Buer A-L, Friedland R, Ritzenhofen L: BONUS OPTIMUS - Optimization of mussel mitigation cultures for fish feed in the Baltic Sea (poster)
Möglichkeiten interner Maßnahmen zur Verbesserung der Wasserqualität in Küstengewässern, Stralsund, Germany, 23.01.2018 - Stybel N, Karstens S, Friedland R, Buer A-L: Möglichkeiten interner Maßnahmen zur Verbesserung der Wasserqualität in Küstengewässern (talk)
Möglichkeiten interner Maßnahmen zur Verbesserung der Wasserqualität in Küstengewässern, Stralsund, Germany, 23.01.2018
- Buer A-L, Friedland R, Ritzenhofen L, Dahlke S, Schernewski G: Potential of Mussel Aquaculture in low saline Waters - Farming Mytilus spp. in the Southern Baltic Sea (talk)
- 2017
- Friedland R, Buer A-L, Dahlke S, Holtermann P, Klingbeil K, Lemmen C, Meyers L, Schernewski G, Stybel N: Modelling the impact of a mussel farm on the water quality. (poster)
BSSC 2017 - 11th Baltic Sea Science Congress, Rostock, Germany, 12.-16.06.2017 - Friedland R, Buer A-L, Dahlke S, Inacio M, Paysen S, Schernewski G, Schumacher J, Stybel N: Nutrient retention measure in German Baltic Sea waters – potentials and limits of some eco-technologies. (talk)
BSSC 2017 - 11th Baltic Sea Science Congress, Rostock, Germany, 12.-16.06.2017 - Friedland R, Buer A-L, Dahlke S, Maar M, Meyers L, Ritzenhofen L, Schernewski G, Schumacher J, Stybel N: The potential use of mussel farms in German coastal waters as an option to improve water quality. (talk)
BONUS Symposium 2017, Tallinn, Estonia, 17.-19.10.2017 - Friedland R, Buer A-L, Dahlke S, Nielsen P, Schernewski G, Stybel N: Are mussel mitigation cultures a potential nutrient retention measure in the western Baltic Sea? (talk)
AMK 2017 - 35th Annual Conference 'Geography of Seas and Coasts', Kiel, Germany, 19.-22.04.2017 - Friedland R, Buer A-L, Dahlke S, Paysen S, Schernewski G: Can nutrient mitigation measures (mussel farms) help to restore submerged macrophytes? (poster)
YOUMARES 8 - Oceans across boundaries – Learning from each other, Kiel, Germany, 13.-15.09.2017 - Friedland R, Buer A-L, Dahlke S, Ritzenhofen L, Schernewski G: Nutrient retention measures in German Baltic Sea waters. (poster)
Forschungscamp 2017, Rostock, Germany, 23.11.2017 - Friedland R, Buer, A-L, Dahlke S, Schernewski G, Schumacher J, Stybel N: Mögliche Maßnahmen zur Verbesserung der Wasserqualität im Stettiner Haff. (talk)
Aktuelle Nachhaltigkeitsaspekte am Stettiner Haff, Ueckermünde, Germany, 06.09.2017 - Friedland R, Buer, A-L, Dahlke S, Schernewski G, Schumacher J, Stybel N: Potentielle Maßnahmen zur Verbesserung der Wasserqualität: Szenario #1 – Unterwasserpflanzen. (poster)
Aktuelle Nachhaltigkeitsaspekte am Stettiner Haff, Ueckermünde, Germany, 06.09.2017 - Friedland R, Buer, A-L, Dahlke S, Schernewski G, Schumacher J, Stybel N: Unterstützende Maßnahmen zur Verbesserung der Wasserqualität im Stettiner Haff (poster)
Aktuelle Nachhaltigkeitsaspekte am Stettiner Haff, Ueckermünde, Germany, 06.09.2017 - Friedland R, Buer, A-L, Dahlke S, Schernewski G, Schumacher J, Stybel N: Unterstützende Maßnahmen zur Verbesserung der Wasserqualität: Szenario #2 – Nährstoffentnahme durch Muscheln. (poster)
Aktuelle Nachhaltigkeitsaspekte am Stettiner Haff, Ueckermünde, Germany, 06.09.2017 - Friedland R, Buer, A-L, Dahlke S, Schernewski G, Schumacher J, Stybel N: Unterstützende Maßnahmen zur Verbesserung der Wasserqualität: Szenario #3 – Muschelfarmen vor Stränden. (poster)
Aktuelle Nachhaltigkeitsaspekte am Stettiner Haff, Ueckermünde, Germany, 06.09.2017 - Friedland R, Lemmen C, Buer A-L, Kerimoglu O, Klingbeil K, Schernewski G, Slavik K, Wirtz K: Modelling filter feeders: from mussel farms to wind parks. (poster)
KüNO Jahrestagung 2017, Rostock, Germany, 11./12.10.2017 - Friedland R, Schernewski G: Integrated modelling of eutrophication parameters along WFD and MSFD waters in the south-western Baltic Sea. (talk)
MEME - 2. workshop of the Network of Experts for ReDeveloping Models of the European Marine Environment, Brüssel, Belgium, 22./23.03.2017 - Friedland R: Mein Studium der Biomathematik und meine berufliche Entwicklung danach. (talk)
Projekt Inter-Studies für Erstsemesterstudenten der Biomathematik, Greifswald, Germany, 23.01.2017 - Friedland R: Mussel farm modeling in BONUS BaltCoast and MOSSCO. (talk)
MOSSCO-Meeting 2017, Hamburg, Germany, 05.01.2017 - Inacio M, Schernewski G, Nazemtseva Y, Friedland R, Benz J: Assessment of ecosystem services from transitional to coastal waters: examples of Szczecin and Pomeranian Bay. (talk)
AMK 2017 - 35th Annual Conference 'Geography of Seas and Coasts', Kiel, Germany, 19.-22.04.2017 - Inácio M, Schernewski G, Nazemtseva Y, Benz J, Friedland R: Marine ecosystem services assessment: from Szczecin Lagoon to Pomeranian Bay. (talk)
BSSC 2017 - 11th Baltic Sea Science Congress, Rostock, Germany, 12.-16.06.2017 - Inácio M, Schernewski G, Nazemtseva Y, Paysen P, Benz J, Friedland R: Assessing ecosystem services of German Baltic coastal lagoons. (talk)
MEDCOAST 2017 - The Thirteenth MEDCOAST Congress on Coastal and Marine Sciences, Engineering, Management & Conservation, Malta, Malta, 30.10.-04.11.2017 - Kösters F, MOSSCO - Team: Makrozoobenthos als Schaltstelle zwischen Geologie, Physik und Biogeochemie der Nord- und Ostsee, Anwendungen des MOSSCO - Modellsystems. (talk)
KüNO Jahrestagung 2017, Rostock, Germany, 11./12.10.2017 - Paysen P, Hiller A, Schernewski G, Friedland R, Gogina M: Baltic Sea Atlas - Verknüpfung und Präsentation interdisziplinärer Forschungsergebnisse. (poster)
KüNO Jahrestagung 2017, Rostock, Germany, 11./12.10.2017 - Schernewski G, Buer A-L, Friedland, R, Inacio M, Karnauskaite D, Paysen S, Schumacher J: Der fortschreitende Wandel in der Ostsee und an deren Küsten. (talk)
Jahrestreffen des Landesamtes für Umwelt, Naturschutz und Geologie Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Warnemünde, Germany, 07.12.2017 - Schernewski G, Friedland R, Buer A-L, Dahlke S, Höft S, Klumpe T, Stybel N: Scenarios for Zebra‐mussel (Dreissena) cultivation: an ecological‐social‐economic assessment for the Oder (Szczecin) Lagoon. (talk)
Aquaculture Europe 2017, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 17.-20.10.2017 - Schernewski G, Friedland R, Buer A-L, Dahlke S, Höft S, Klumpe T: Kultivierung der Zebramuscheln im Oderhaff - Ökonomische Betrachtungen. (talk)
Aktuelle Nachhaltigkeitsaspekte am Stettiner Haff, Ueckermünde, Germany, 06.09.2017 - Stybel N, Friedland R, Schernewski G, Schumacher J: Nachhaltige Küstenentwicklung in der Ostsee - Ansätze für ein integriertes Küstenzonenmanagement. (poster)
Aktuelle Nachhaltigkeitsaspekte am Stettiner Haff, Ueckermünde, Germany, 06.09.2017 - van Denderen PD, Friedland R, Hiddink JG, Norén K, Rijnsdorp AD, Sköld M, Törnroos A, Valanko S: Assessing impact of bottom trawling and hypoxia on seafloor status of the Baltic Sea. (talk)
BONUS Symposium 2017, Tallinn, Estonia, 17.-19.10.2017
- Friedland R, Buer A-L, Dahlke S, Holtermann P, Klingbeil K, Lemmen C, Meyers L, Schernewski G, Stybel N: Modelling the impact of a mussel farm on the water quality. (poster)
- 2016
- Friedland R, Bachor A, Carstens M, Gadegast M, Hirt U, Knefelkamp B, Leujak W, Mahnkopf J, Nausch G, Neumann T, Petenati T, Schernewski G, Trepel M, Venohr M, Wasmund N, v. Weber M: Integrated modelling of water quality targets for the south-western Baltic Sea. (poster)
ECSA 56 - Coastal systems in transition: From a 'natural' to an 'anthropogenically-modified' state, Bremen, Germany, 04.-07.09.2016 - Friedland R, Buer A, Dahlke S, Grov M, Meyers L, Schernewski G, Schulze-Böttcher K, Stybel N: On the potential of mussel farms as nutrient retention measure in a eutrophied lagoon. (poster)
IPW8 - 8th International Phosphorus Workshop, Rostock, Germany, 12.-16.09.2016 - Friedland R, Buer A, Dahlke S, Meyers L, Paysen S, Schernewski G, Schumacher J, Stybel N: A systems approach framework for coastal research & management: Eco-technologies in Szczecin Lagoon. (talk)
ECSA 56 - Coastal systems in transition: From a 'natural' to an 'anthropogenically-modified' state, Bremen, Germany, 04.-07.09.2016 - Friedland R, Buer A, Dahlke S, Meyers L, Paysen S, Schernewski G, Schumacher J, Stybel N: A systems approach framework for coastal research and management: Mussel cultivation in the Szczecin Lagoon. (talk)
YOUMARES 7 - People and the 7 Seas – Interaction and Inspiration, Hamburg, Germany, 11.-13.09.2016 - Friedland R, Buer A-L, Dahlke S, Inacio M, Meyers L, Navemtseva Y, Schernewski G, Stybel N: Is mussel farming in German coastal waters an option to improve water quality and enhance ecosystem services? (talk)
Meeting on ESS: Aarhus University & IOW, Roskilde, Denmark, 12.12.2016 - Friedland R, Buer A-L, Dahlke S, Paysen S, Schernewski G, Stybel N: Water quality in Szczecin Lagoon (past, present, future) - Integrating modelling and observations. (talk)
Coastal zone modelling meeting , Gothenburg, Sweden, 09.12.2016 - Friedland R, Inácio M, Meyers L, Schernewski G, Stybel N: Water quality in Szczecin Lagoon (past, present, future) – an approach to integrate modelling and observations. (talk)
Eurolag 7 - 7th European Coastal Lagoons Symposium, Murcia, Spain, 01.-04.03.2016 - Friedland R, Klingbeil K, Burchard H, Hofmeister R, Kerimoglu O, Koesters F, Lemmen C, Nasermoaddeli MH, Wirtz K: Comparing ecosystem models of the South-Western Baltic Sea using a modular system. (poster)
KüNO - Jahrestagung 2016, Warnemünde, Germany, 22./23.06.2016 - Friedland R, Neumann T, Nausch G, Schernewski G, Wasmund N: Water quality targets in the context of the WFD and MSFD. (talk)
IOW16 - 2016 IOW's Advisory board, Warnemünde, Germany, 16.03.2016 - Friedland R, Neumann T, Nausch G, Wasmund N, Schernewski G: Calculation of water quality targets in the south-western Baltic Sea on the edge of WFD and MSFD. (talk)
Kick-‐off workshop of the Network of Experts for ReDeveloping Models of the European Marine Environment, Brüssel, Belgium, 20./21.01.2016 - Friedland R, Neumann T, Schernewski G: Using integrated modelling to derive the historical water quality in the south-western Baltic Sea. (talk)
1st Baltic Earth Conference, Nida, Lithuania, 13.-17.06.2016 - Friedland R, Radtke H, Inácio M, Neumann T, Schernewski G: Secchi depth & bottom oxygen - Modelling and use as water quality indicators. (talk)
SECOS - Status-Seminar, Warnemünde, Germany, 19.02.2016 - Friedland R: Ecosystem modeling in Szczecin Lagoon. (talk)
IOW Sektionsseminar Physik, IOW, Germany, 22.11.2016 - Hiller A, Leipe T, Friedland R, Gogina M, Schernewski G, Bathmann U: Das WebGIS zur Verknüpfung und Präsentation interdisziplinärer Forschungsergebnisse - Baltic Sea Atlas. (talk)
GeoForum MV 2016 - Geoinformation im Alltag - Nutzen und neue Anforderungen, Rostock, Germany, 04./05.04.2016 - Inacio M, Schernewski G, Navemtseva Y, Benz J, Friedland R: Ecosystem Services Assessment Tool: first applications in coastal waters. (poster)
DEVOTES-EUROMARINE Summer School "Marine ecosystem services, management and governance: linking social and ecological research", Donostia - San Sebastián, Spain, 06.-09.06.2016 - Inacio M, Schernewski G, Nazemtseva Y, Gustite I, Benz J, Friedland R: Assessing ecosystem services of transitional and coastal waters: Oder lagoon case study. (talk)
AMK 2016 - 34th Annual Conference 'Geography of Seas and Coasts', Warnemünde, Germany, 20.-23.04.2016 - Inácio M, Nazemtseva Y, Schernewski G, Benz J, Friedland R & Gustytė I: Ecosystem Services Assessment Tool (ESAT): Concept and first application in Szczecin Lagoon. (talk)
BONUS-BaltCoast - 5th Partner meeting, Biarritz, France, 24.10.2016 - Inácio M, Schernewski G, Navemtseva Y, Benz J, Friedland R: Ecosystem Services of Baltic coastal waters:The role of water transparency. (poster)
KüNO - Jahrestagung 2016, Warnemünde, Germany, 22./23.06.2016 - Inácio M, Schernewski G, Nazemtseva Y, Benz J, Friedland R: Marine ecosystem services assessment: Szczecin Lagoon and Pomeranian Bay case studies. (talk)
Littoral 2016 "The changing littoral. Anticipation and adaptation to climate change", Biarritz, France, 25.-29.10.2016 - Inácio M, Schernewski G, Nazemtseva Y, Friedland R: An ecosystem service assessment tool for coastal lagoons and first application. (talk)
Eurolag 7 - 7th European Coastal Lagoons Symposium, Murcia, Spain, 01.-04.03.2016 - Krämer I, Böttcher ME, Friedland R, Nausch G, Nausch M: Integrating the catchment area for a better understanding of processes in the Baltic Sea. (poster)
IOW16 - 2016 IOW's Advisory board, Warnemünde, Germany, 16.03.2016 - Kunz F, Bathmann U: The service of sediments in German coastal seas – a spatial, functional and monetary approach by the SECOS project. (talk)
ECSA 56 - Coastal systems in transition: From a 'natural' to an 'anthropogenically-modified' state, Bremen, Germany, 04.-07.09.2016 - Kunz F, Bathmann U: The Service of Sediments in German Coastal Seas – a spatial, functional and monetary approach. (talk)
AMK 2016 - 34th Annual Conference 'Geography of Seas and Coasts', Warnemünde, Germany, 20.-23.04.2016 - Kunz F, Friedland R, Hiller A, Leipe T, Naumann M, Lipka M, Böttcher ME, Schernewski G, Bathmann U: Phosphorus-related services of sediments in German Coastal Seas – aspects of the SECOS project (poster)
IPW8 - 8th International Phosphorus Workshop, Rostock, Germany, 12.-16.09.2016 - Meyers L, Schernewski G, Friedland R, Dalkhe S, Klumpe T, Stybel N: Mussel farming a new opportunity in Baltic coastal waters Case study Szczecin lagoon. (talk)
AMK 2016 - 34th Annual Conference 'Geography of Seas and Coasts', Warnemünde, Germany, 20.-23.04.2016 - Meyers L, Schernewski G, Friedland R, Stybel N, Dahlke S: Zebra mussel cultivation at Szczecin (Oder-) Lagoon - an ecologically and economically feasible eutrophication measure? (poster)
Eurolag 7 - 7th European Coastal Lagoons Symposium, Murcia, Spain, 01.-04.03.2016 - Meyers L, Schernewski G, Friedland R, Stybel N: Zebra mussel cultivation at Szczecin (Oder-) Lagoon - ecological and economical feasible eutrophication measure. (poster)
Eurolag 7 - 7th European Coastal Lagoons Symposium, Murcia, Spain, 01.-04.03.2016 - Schernewski G, Friedland R, Buer A-L, Dahlke S, Schumacher J, Stybel N: A Systems Approach Framework for Coasts: Eco-technologies in the Szczecin (Oder-) Lagoon. (poster)
2nd Baltic Maritime Spatial Planning Forum, Riga, Latvia, 23./24.11.2016 - Schernewski G, Friedland R, Buer A-L, Inacio M, Karnauskaite D, Paysen S, Schumacher J, Stybel N: Improving the ecological and water quality status in the Oder/Odra lagoon. (talk)
BONUS-BaltCoast - 5th Partner meeting, Biarritz, France, 24.10.2016 - Schernewski G, Friedland R, Dahlke S, Meyers L, Schumacher J, Stybel N: A Systems Approach Framework for Coasts: Eco-technologies in the Szczecin (Oder-) Lagoon. (poster)
Littoral 2016 "The changing littoral. Anticipation and adaptation to climate change", Biarritz, France, 25.-29.10.2016 - Schernewski G, Friedland R, Dahlke S, Meyers L, Schumacher J, Stybel N: A Systems Approach Framework for Coasts: Eco-technologies in the Szczecin (Oder-) Lagoon. (poster)
Eurolag 7 - 7th European Coastal Lagoons Symposium, Murcia, Spain, 01.-04.03.2016 - Schernewski G, Friedland R, Dahlke S, Schumacher J, Stybel N: A systems approach framework for coasts: eco-technologies in the Szczecin (Oder-) Lagoon. (poster)
AMK 2016 - 34th Annual Conference 'Geography of Seas and Coasts', Warnemünde, Germany, 20.-23.04.2016
- Friedland R, Bachor A, Carstens M, Gadegast M, Hirt U, Knefelkamp B, Leujak W, Mahnkopf J, Nausch G, Neumann T, Petenati T, Schernewski G, Trepel M, Venohr M, Wasmund N, v. Weber M: Integrated modelling of water quality targets for the south-western Baltic Sea. (poster)
15.09.2015 "Integrated modelling of water quality targets for the south-western Baltic Sea", DIPCON 2015, Berlin
28.08.2015 "Integrated modelling of water quality targets for the south-western Baltic Sea", 18th PPNW, Landau
16.06.2015 "The good ecological state of Baltic lagoons – defined by using historical nutrient loads and achieved with the new BSAP?", 10th BSSC, Riga
23.09.2014 "The good ecological state of the Baltic lagoons – defined by using the historical nutrient loads and achieved with the new BSAP?", Littoral 2014, Klaipeda
03.06.2014 "Ableitung des ökologischen Referenzzustandes mit einem integrierten Ansatz aus Modellen und Messwerten",
24. Symposium "Aktuelle Probleme der Meeresumwelt", Hamburg
12.05.2014 "Simulation of the historical ecosystem state as a reference according to the Water Framework Directive",
2nd International Conference on Climate Change - The environmental and socio-economic response in the Southern Baltic region, Szczecin
02.04.2014 "Climate change and water quality targets for the Baltic Sea", RA:dOst final conference, Rostock
30.08.2013 "New Simulations of eutrophication scenarios using an improved version of ERGOM", 9th BSSC, Klaipeda
14.06.2013 "Simulations of eutrophication scenarios with and an improved version of ERGOM", 7th Study Conference on BALTEX, Borgholm
11.12.2012 "The Baltic Sea ecosystem model ERGOM - applications and recent extensions", DTU AQUA, Kopenhagen
27.11.2012 "Simulating climate- and nutrient changes in the Baltic Sea", VECTORS-Workshop, DTU AQUA, Kopenhagen
14.09.2012 "A 3D-Model of the Beibu Gulf", YouMaRes 3, Lübeck
14.09.2012 "Simulating climate- and nutrient changes in the Baltic Sea", YouMaRes 3, Lübeck
22.05.2012 "A 3D-Model of the Beibu Gulf", 3rd Sino-German BEIBU Meeting, Guangzhou
10.01.2012 "Modeling the Beibu Gulf", SECEB-Workshop, Stettin
07.09.2011 "Modeling the Beibu Gulf", 2nd Sino-German BEIBU Meeting, Warnemünde
25.08.2011 "Simulating climate and nutrient changes in the Baltic Sea", 8. Baltic Sea Science Conference, St. Petersburg
18.05.2011 "Simulation des Klima- und Nährstoffwandels in der Ostsee" (annual meeting of RA:dOst, Lübeck-Travemünde)
03.03.2011 "Simulation des Klima- und Nährstoffwandels in der Ostsee" ("Wiesen und Wälder in der Ostsee", LLUR Schleswig-Holstein, Kiel)
28.08.2010 Dissertation-Talk in Greifswald
01.10.2009 "Numerical solution of some constrained optimal harvesting problems" (Swinemünde)
17.02.2009 "Modellierung und numerische Berechnung einer sozial-nachhaltigen Fischerei" (Leuphana Universität Lüneburg)
2015 10th BSSC, Riga: Using Secchi Depth as water quality indicator of coastal waters
2015 International Workshop on Coastal Ecosystem Services at the Land-Sea Interface, Kiel: Linking Ecosystem Services: Secchi Depth as water quality indicator in Oder Lagoon
2015 P-Campus-Symposium, IOW: Which water quality is reachable with the load reductions of the new BSAP?
2013 9th BSSC, Klaipeda: Historical conditions as basis for WFD values - a combined method of integrated modeling and measurements
2012 Evaluation, IOW: Modeling the Baltic Sea ecosystem – past, present and future projections
2012 Evaulation, IOW: Future Regional Change Scenarios
2012 Tag der Offenen Tür, IOW: Simulation des Klima- und Nährstoffwandels
2012 Tag der Offenen Tür, IOW: Modellierung des Ökosystems der Ostsee von den Strömungen bis zu Fischen
2009 MathMod Wien: "Using constrained optimal control to model a socially-sustainable fishery"
Fact Sheet:
2013 VECTORS (together with Marie Maar, Martin Larsen, Hans Hinrichsen, Jozef Wiktor and Margit Eero): "The Baltic Sea environment under stress"
2013 Coastal & Marine 22(1) (together with Anne Hiller and Holger Janßen): "Melting Sea Ice in the Baltic Sea – Changes and Possible Effects"
2014 Coastal & Marine 23(1) "Can climate change be neglected in the definition of water management objectives?"
2014 Coastal & Marine 23(3) "Blue algae on the rise? - Modelling results for the Baltic Sea"
JRC Reports:
2021 Friedland, R., Boschetti, S. and Stips, A., Marine Strategy Framework Directive – Review and analysis of EU Member States’ 2018 reports – Descriptor 7 – permanent alteration of hydrographical conditions does not adversely affect marine ecosystems, EUR 30670 EN, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 2021, ISBN 978-92-76-35957-9, doi:10.2760/74271, JRC124879.
2020 Friedland, R., Stips, A., Grizzetti, B., De Roo, A. and Lessin, G., Report on the biogeochemical model of the North-Western European Shelf, EUR 30168 EN, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 2020, ISBN 978-92-76-17866-8, doi:10.2760/78173, JRC120213.
2020 Parn, O., Friedland, R., Garcia Gorriz, E. and Stips, A., Report on the biogeochemical model setup for the Baltic Sea and its applications, EUR 30252 EN, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 2020, ISBN 978-92-76-19448-4, doi:10.2760/672255, JRC120378.
2020 Macias Moy, D., Friedland, R., Stips, A., Miladinova-Marinova, S., Parn, O., Garcia Gorriz, E. and Melin, F., Applying the Marine Modelling Framework to estimate primary production in EU marine waters, EUR 30546 EN, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 2020, ISBN 978-92-76-27860-3, doi:10.2760/19851, JRC122600.