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Dr. Antje Wegwerth - CV


since 2022

PostDoc within framework of the DFG-project SESPOD

"Subantarctic Eastern South Pacific surface Ocean Dynamics since the Late Miocene (IODP Expedition 383)"


since 2016

PostDoc within framework of the DFG-project BlackPearl

"The Black Sea Palaeoclimate and Environment during the penultimate glacial - reconstructions from lacustrine sediments"


2011 - 2015

PhD student within the framework of the project DynNAP

“Dynamics of Mid-latitude/Mediterranean climate during the last 150 ka: Black Sea/Northern Anatolian Paleoenvironmental Reconstructions” as part of the DFG Priority Programme 1266 "Integrated Analysis of Interglacial Climate Dynamics (INTERDYNAMIC)"



Diploma-Mapping Thesis „Fluxes of dissolved manganese and sulphate across the sediment-water interface of the Baltic Sea“ (IOW / FU Berlin)



Diploma Thesis “Petrography, Biogeochemistry, and Stable Isotope Signatures of Early Cambrian Phosphorites, Meishucun Section, South China“ (FU Berlin/IOW) within DFG Forschergruppe 736 “The Precambrian-Cambrian Ecosphere (R)evolution: Insights from Chinese microcontinents”


2003 - 2011

Study of Geology-Palaeontology at Freie Universität Berlin


Research cruises

RV “Elisabeth Mann Borgese” 2023: EMB 324 BALTRACE, Baltic Sea

RV “Sonne“ 2023: SO296/2 MAPUCHE, Chile, SE Pacific

RV “Sonne“ 2022: SO290 PaläoTaNZ, Tasman Sea

RV “Elisabeth Mann Borgese” 2018: EMB 201 BALTRAP, Central Baltic Sea

RV "Meteor" 2017: M142, Black Sea

RV "Maria S. Merian" 2013: MSM33, Black Sea

RV “Elisabeth Mann Borgese” 2012: 06EZ1215-REDOX, Central Baltic Sea

RV “Südfall” 2009: North Sea

RV “Prof. A. Penck” 2008: 07/08/24 Central Baltic Sea

RV “Prof. A. Penck” 2008: 07/08/14 Central Baltic Sea


Other research trips

Biomarker studies at CEREGE (Centre Européen de Recherche et d’Enseignement des Géosciences de l’Environnement, Géochimie et géochronologie, Aix-Marseille University, France) in June - July 2012 and September - October 2013