- 2021-2025 In Review. “Environmental Regulations of Functional Biodiversity in Aquatic Food Webs” DFG-Heisenberg proposal. Position: Applicant
- 2021-2023 In Review. “Metabolism of Nitrogen in the Amazon River Plume and Western Tropical North Atlantic (MeNARP)” DFG proposal. Position: PI
- 2020-2022 In Review. "Blue_Estuaries" BMBF Fona. Position: PI
- 2017-2020 NSF “Collaborative Research: Impact of the Amazon River Plume on nitrogen availability and planktonic food web dynamics in the Western Tropical North Atlantic” Position: Co-PI
- 2014-2016 DFG “Zooplankton assoziierte Methanproduktion”, Position: Co-PI
- 2014-2017 DFG “Zooplankton Energy Turnover in a Changing Environment-ZET Change” Position: PI
- Sept. 2013-Feb. 2014 DFG-Return scholar
- 2012-Feb. Travel scholarship from the Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography for the Ocean Science Meeting in Utah, USA.
- 2011 - 2013 DFG-Research scholarship for the Project „Impact of Diazotroph Nitrogen on Zooplankton Nutrition in the Ocean“. Position: PI
- 2010-Okt. Travel scholarship from the German Academic Exchange Service for the guest talk „Nitrogen assimilation from cyanobacteria generates amino acid surplus in marine zooplankton“ at the Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, USA.
- 2009 -Mӓrz DFG-Cooperation fund for mesocosm experiments at DTU-Aqua, Charlottenlund, Dӓnemark for the subproject „Fate of Nitrogen in Zoopalnkton (FONIP)“ within my PostDoc project at IOW. Position: PI