Ralf Prien - Talks and Posters
Estelmann A, Prien R (2024): Cryptophane A-based methane sensing in the aqueous and gas phase, Oceans 2024 Halifax.
Prien R D, Floth-Peterson M (2024): Oxygen Optode Profiles - a Closer Look at Facts and Artefacts, Oceans 2024 Halifax.
Holtermann, P., Pinner, O., Schwefel, R., Prien, R., Naumann, M., Umlauf, L. (2023): The role of physical transport processes for the evolution of anoxia in a semi-enclosed marine system, XXVIII General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG) (Berlin 2023). https://doi.org/10.57757/IUGG23-0803
Frazao, H., Seidov, D., Prien, R.D., Schulz-Bull, D.E., Waniek, J.J. (2022) North Atlantic basin-wide weakening of the Northern Limb of the Subtropical Gyre. AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2022, OS35B-05, Chikago, USA.
Prien, R., Floth-Peterson, M. (2021) The Great (PIP) Escape. Oceans 2021 IEEE/MTS, 21.-23.09.2021 San Diego, USA and Porto, Portugal. Link to video, 10.23919/OCEANS44145.2021.9705875
Bannasch, R., Latacz, M., Schröder, J.F., Prien, R.D., Virtasalo, J., Hac, B., Hinsby, K. (2019) Designing and testing Autonomous Underwater Vehicles for locating and monitoring Submarine Groundwater Discharge, 12th BSSC, Stockholm, Sweden, 19.-23.08.2019
Meyer D., Prien R.D., Naumann M., Krüger S., Waniek J.J., Schulz-Bull D.E. (2019) Sulfide oxidation experiments in the world's largest hypoxic zone (Baltic Sea) - In situ observations with an automatic fluid injection sampler. ASLO 2019 Aquatic Sciences Meeting, San Juan, USA, 23.02.-02.03.2019.
Prien R. (2018) In situ determination of nitrate and hydrogen sulfide in the Baltic Sea using an ultraviolet spectrophotometer. BONUS SEAMOUNT open science meeting, Gdansk, Poland, 27.11.2018.
Prien, R.D., Floth-Peterson, M., Pallentin, M., Holtermann, P. and Schulz-Bull, D.E. (2017) Eulerian Observation of the 2014/2015 Major Baltic Inflow in the Eastern Gotland Basin, 11th BSSC, Rostock, Germany, 12.-16.06.2017
Holtermann, P., R.D. Prien, L. Umlauf (2017) Evolution of turbulence in a rotating gravity current descending on a topographic slope, 49th International Liège Colloquium/8th Warnemünde Turbulence Days, Liège, Belgium, 22.-26.05.2017
Torino, S., L. Conte, M. Iodice, R.D. Prien (2017) PDMS membranes as sensing element in optical sensors for gas detection in water, 5th International Conference on Bio-Sensing Technology, Riva del Garda, Italy, 07.-10.05.2017 DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.28290.07369
Meyer, D., R.D. Prien, U. Lips, M. Naumann, T. Liblik (2016) Simultaneous application of multiple platforms (Glider, Scanfish, profiling mooring, CTD) to improve detection and quantification of temporal ocean dynamics, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2016
Schulz-Bull,D.E., M Naumann, V Mohrholz, G Nausch, R.D. Prien (2016) The Baltic Inflow Event 2014 and its Biogeochemical Response in the Anoxic Central Baltic Basins, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2016
Holtermann, P., Prien, R., & Umlauf, L. (2016) Variability and mixing during a major inflow event into the central Baltic Sea. 18th PECS Conference, Scheveningen, Netherlands, 9.-14.10.2016.
Holtermann, P., Prien R.D., Umlauf, L. (2015) Ventilation of the Baltic Sea by lateral intrusions of watermasses. Warnemünde Turbulence Days 2015 (WTD). Vilm, Germany, 31.08. - 03.09.2015
Prien, R.D. (2015), Fresh oxygen for the Baltic Sea - the recent Major Baltic inflow, CEFAS lunchtime talk series, 26. August 2015, Lowestoft (invited talk)
Holtermann, P., Prien R.D., Umlauf, L. (2015) Ventilation of the Baltic Sea by lateral intrusions of watermasses. 26. IUGG (IUGG), Prague, Czech Republic, 22.06.-02.07.2015
Prien, R.D., Floth-Peterson, M., Schulz-Bull, D.E. (2015) Profiling mooring GODESS - the first 100 km of profiles from the Gotland Basin. 10th Baltic Sea Science Congress 2015 (BSSC 2015). Riga, Latvia, 15.06.-19.06.2015
Prien, R.D. (2015) Technology-transfer - moderationg conflicting interests of developers, users and manufacturers. 10th Baltic Sea Science Congress 2015 (BSSC 2015). Riga, Latvia, 15.06.-19.06.2015
Prien, R.D. (2014), Challenges in development and application of oceanographic instrumentation - a Baltic perspective, IRTG summer school, 25. August 2015, Warnemünde (invited talk)
Prien, R.D., Peterson, M., Meyer, D., Schulz-Bull, D.E. (2014), High resolution vertical measurements using profiling moorings. 12. Internat. Symposium Environment, Catalysis and Process Engineering, 27.-29. May 2014, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain (invited talk)
Prien, R.D., Peterson, M., Meyer, D., Schulz-Bull, D.E. (2014), The Gotland Deep Environmental Sampling Station - GODESS. Ocean Sciences Meeting, 23. - 28. February 2014, Honolulu, HI, USA (Poster 1531)
Friedrich, J., Janssen, F., He, Y., Holtappels M., Konovalov, S., Prien, R., Rehder, G., Stanev, E. (2013), Monitoring hypoxia: diverse approaches to addressing a complex phenomenon with focus on the Black Sea. MARES2020 Conference 17-20 September 2013, Varna, Bulgaria.
Drinkorn, C., Prien, R.D. (2013), Fluidic Optimization of a moored profiler, YOUMARES4, 11.-13.9.2013, Oldenburg, Germany (Poster).
Prien, R.D. (2013), Common Data Analysis and Visualisation Approaches in Marine Science Today, Baltic Sea Science Congress, 27.-30.8.2013, Klaipeda, Lithuania, invited talk.
Meyer, D., Prien, R.D., Dellwig, O., Schulz-Bull, D.E. (2013), Electrode measurements of the oxidation-reduction potential in the Gotland Deep using medium-term moored profiling instrumentation. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2013, Vienna, Austria, 07.-12.04.2013
Prien, R.D. (2012), Oceanographic in situ sensors: challenges and opportunities for nutrient analysis, 2012 Environmental Sensors conference, 23.-28.9.2012, Anglet, France, invited talk.
Boulart C., Prien R., Chavagnac V., Dutasta J.P. (2012). In-situ dissolved methane measurements via surface plasmon resonance : first in-situ deployments in the Gotland Basin (Baltic Sea). Environmental Sensors 2012 Conference, 21-26 September 2012, Anglet, France. Poster.
Meyer, D., Prien, R.D., Dellwig, O., and Schulz-Bull, D.E. (2012) High resolution data for dissolved manganese(II) in the water column of the central Baltic sea using a new wet chemical analyzer. Ocean Science Meeting 2012, Conference, Salt Palace Convention Center, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, 20.-24.02.2012, poster
Prien, R.D., Schulz-Bull, D.E. (2011), The Gotland Deep Environmental Sampling Station in the Baltic Sea, Baltic Sea Science Congress, 22.-26.8.2011, St. Petersburg, Russia, talk
Meyer, D., Prien, R.D., Dellwig, O., Connelly, D.P. and Schulz-Bull, D.E. (2011) In situ determination of iron(II) in the anoxic zone of the central Baltic Sea using ferene as spectrophotometric reagent. Baltic Sea Science Congress 2011, Conference, P.P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, Russian Acadamy of Science (RAS), St. Petersburg, Russland, 22.-26.08.2011, poster
Kolomijeca, A., Kwon, Y.H., Sowoidnich, R., Prien, R.D., Schulz-Bull, D.E., Kronfeldt, H.D. (2011), High Sensitive Raman Sensor for Continuous In-Situ Detection of PAHs in Sea-Water Adapting on a Mooring, ISOPE-2011, June 19-24, Maui, Hawaii
Prien, R.D., Schulz-Bull, D.E. (2011), The Gotland Deep Environmental Sampling Station - GODESS, Oceans '11 IEEE/OES Santander, 6.-9.6.2011, Santander, Spain. doi: 10.1109/Oceans-Spain.2011.6003606
Prien, R.D. (2011), Gotland Deep Envrionmental Sampling Station - GODESS, Technologies for Coastal Observations Workshop, Venice Water Authority, 21.4.2011, Venice, Italy.
Prien, R.D. (2010), Wet Chemical Sensors - ready for operational application?, Microfluidics and Sensor Technology Workshop, Centre for Marine Microsystems, 10.9.2010, Southampton, UK.
Prien, R.D. (2010), Oceanographic in situ sensors: challenges and opportunities, Petit dejeuner du RTRA STAE, RTRA Toulouse, 11.6.2010, Toulouse , France.
Prien, R.D., D. Schulz-Bull, S. Krüger (2009), A simple profiling system for the redoxcline, 7th Baltic Sea Science Congress, 17.-21.8.2009, Tallinn, Estonia. Poster.
Abi Kaed Bey, S.K., Connely, D.P., Harris, A.J.K., Floquet, C.F.A., Tsaloglu, M.-N., Bennet, S.A., Prien, R.D., Mowlem, M.C. (2010), Development of a high resolution analyser for the measurement of ammonium in seawater, 42nd International Liége Colloquium Conference, GeoHydrodynamics and Environment Research, University of Liége, Belgium, 26.-30.4.2010
Prien, R.D. (2009), Chemische in situ Sensoren in der Meeresforschung, WASSER 2009, Jahrestagung der Wasserchemischen Gesellschaft, 18.-20.5.2009, Stralsund, Germany. Invited talk.
Prien, R.D., D. Meyer, B. Sadkowiak (2009), Optical measurements of nitrate and H2S concentrations in Baltic waters, Oceans '09 IEEE Bremen, 11.-14.5.2009, Bremen, Germany. doi:10.1109/OCEANSE.2009.5278340
Prien, R.D. (2008), Sensor Technology for Oceanography, CAREX workshop: Priorities for environment-specific technological developments and infrastructures, 3.-5.12.2008, Saint Feliu de Guixols, Spain. Invited talk. PDF
Prien, R.D. (2008), OceanSensors08, OOPC-13 Ocean Observation Panel for Climate, Buenos Aires, 9.-12. 6. 2008, invited report. Link
Prien, R.D. (2007), Technologies for new in situ chemical sensors, Oceans '07 IEEE Aberdeen, 18.-22.6.2007, Aberdeen, UK. doi:10.1109/OCEANSE.2007.4302222
Prien, R.D. (2007), OceanSensors08, OOPC-12 Ocean Observation Panel for Climate, Paris, 2.-5. 5.2007, invited presentation. Link
Prien, R.D. (2007), Sensor development update and opportunities for global sustained biogeochemical and ecosystems observations, OOPC-12 Ocean Observation Panel for Climate, Paris, 2.-5. 5.2007, invited talk, Link
Prien, R.D. (2006), Chemical sensors for coastal monitoring, Encora Theme Workshop, 29.11.-1.12.2006, Valencia, Spain.
Prien, R.D. (2006), New technological approaches: Sensors, platforms, methods, 9. IEBS, Warnemünde, Germany. Invited talk.
Prien, R.D., D.P. Connelly, C. German (2006), In Situ Chemical Analyser for the Determination of Dissolved Fe(II) and Mn(II), Eos Trans. AGU, 87(36), Ocean Sci. Meet. Suppl., Abstract OS44B-06.
German, C.R., D.R. Yoerger, M. Jakuba, A.M. Bradley, T.M. Shank, D.P. Conelly, R.D. Prien, L.M. Parson, C.H. Langmuir, K. Nakamura (2005), Hydrothermal exploration by robot: novel use of the ABE autonomous underwater vehicle and in situ sensors to locate new hydrothermal vents in the Pacific and Atlantic, Ridge 2000 Community Meeting, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Edmonds H.N., J.A. Breier Jr., C.R. German, D.P. Connelly, A. Townsend-Small, C. Aumack, R.D. Prien, C.I. Goddard, C.H. Langmuir (2005), Hydrothermal plume chemistry in the Lau Basin, Ridge 2000 Community Meeting, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
German, C.R., D.P.Connelly, R.D.Prien, E.T.Baker, C.F.Aumack, J.A.Breier Jr., A.Townsend-Small, H.N.Edmonds, C.I.Goddard, C.H.Langmuir (2005), Hydrothermal Activity on the Fonualei Rift, NE Lau Basin, Ridge 2000 Community Meeting, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
German, C.R., L.M. Parson, B.J. Murton, S.A. Bennett, D.P. Connelly, A.J. Evans, R.D. Prien, E.Z. Ramirez-Llodra, T.M. Shank, D.R. Yoerger, M. Jakuba, A.M. Bradley, E.T. Baker, K. Nakamura (2005), Hydrothermal Activity on the Southern Mid-Atlantic Ridge: Tectonically- and Volcanically-Hosted High Temperature Venting at 2-7 Degrees S, Eos Trans. AGU, 86(52), Fall Meet Suppl., Abstract OS21C-04.
German CR, Connelly DP, Prien RD (2005), New techniques for hydrothermal plume investigation by AUV, Geophys Res Abs, EGU General Assembly, Abstract EGU05-A-04361
Prien, R.D., D.P. Connelly, C. German (2005), In situ Fe/Mn analysers - sniffing out hydrothermal vents, MarTech 2005, Bremerhaven.
Connelly, D.P, R.D. Prien, C.R. German, P.J. Statham (2005), Development of a multi-platform in situ analyser for dissolved iron and manganese, EGU General Assembly 2005, Vienna, Austria, April 2005, EGU05-A-01655. PDF
Prien, R.D., R.W. Pascal, M. Mowlem, G. Denuault, M. Sosna (2005), Development and first results of a new fast response microelectrode DO-sensor, In: Proceedings Oceans 2005 Europe Vol. 2, 744-747, Brest, France, June 2005. doi:10.1109/OCEANSE.2005.1513148
German, C R, D.P. Connelly, R.D. Prien, D. Yoerger, M. Jakuba, A. Bradley, T.J. Shank, H.N. Edmonds, C.H. Langmuir (2004), New Techniques for Hydrothermal Exploration: In Situ Chemical Sensors on AUVs - Preliminary Results From the Lau Basin, Eos Trans. AGU, 85(47), Fall Meet Suppl., Abstract B13A-0190.
Prien, R.D., D.J. Hydes (2003), A full Ocean Depth UV-Spectrophotometer for Nitrate Measurements, In: Proceedings Oceans 2003 MTS/IEEE Vol. 1:18 - 21, San Diego, CA, USA, September 2003. doi:10.1109/OCEANS.2003.178514
Prien, R.D. (2003), Platforms and sensors: In situ ocean exploration, MarTech 2003, Bremerhaven, 17/18.3.2003, invited talk.
Prien, R. D. and M. Mowlem (2003), In Situ Chemistry: Sensor development in OED, 'The next generation of in situ Biological and Chemical Sensors' workshop, Woods Hole, USA, 13-16.7.2003, poster.
Waniek J., D. Schulz-Bull and R. Prien (2002), Implications of temporal and spatial variability in catchment areas of sediment traps for the particle flux, Challenger Centenary Conference: Marine Science 2002, Plymouth, UK, 9th - 13th September, poster.
Prien, R.D. (2002), Sensor development at SOC, EA/NERC workshop on environmental sensors, CEH Wallingford, 26.6.2002, invited talk
Prien, R.D. (2002), The UAV as a platform for oceanographic research, First European Conference on the Applied Scientific use of UAV Systems, Kiruna, Sweden, 10-12. June 2002.
Prien, R.D., R.W. Pascal, G.S. Attard, P.R. Birkin, G. Denuault, D. Cook, D. Offin (2001), Development and first Results of a new mesoporous Microelectrode DO-Sensor, Proceedings Oceans 2001 MTS/IEEE Vol. 3:1910-1914, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, November 2001, Session 47. doi:10.1109/OCEANS.2001.968138
Prien, R.D. (2000), In situ calibration for beam attenuation coefficient determination at short pathlengths, Proceedings Oceans 2000 MTS/IEEE Vol. 2:1413-1419, Providence, Rhode Island, USA, September 2000, Session 77. doi:10.1109/OCEANS.2000.881802
Prien, R.D. (2000), A Short Pathlength Transmissometer Lab-Model with an In-Situ Calibration Facility, Proceedings of the ASLO aquatic sciences meeting, Copenhagen, Denmark, 5-9 June 2000, CS17-p02